Reviews for Lovesick
Mako-clb chapter 1 . 6/21
Poor Sanji. And it's even worse than Luffy or Usopp know, at this point.
BreakingPenguin chapter 1 . 6/12/2018
Despite this fic being 11 years old, it still fits prefectly now that we know more about Sanji's backstory. Shook :0
aroberuka chapter 1 . 9/7/2017
Such a nice fic tbh. I'm always a sucker for Luffy being his occasionally surprisingly insightful self. Also! I love how physical Luffy and Usopp are with each other? I know that kind of things can be really hard to convey through writing, but here it's really well done.
Celelorien chapter 1 . 4/15/2015
Huh... this almost made me actually LIKE Sanji. (Usually, I just wanna shake him by the lapels.) Maybe I'll feel a bit more charitable towards him, with this viewpoint in mind.

(LOVE love LOVE the Lusopp edges, whether intended to be shippy or just friendshippy. Perfectly done.)
Rueroux chapter 1 . 3/11/2015
Fucking THANK YOU. FINALLY. I'm so pleased someone wrote this so I don't have to suck it up and do it myself. I am so very much of the opinion that deep down Sanji was just so fucking lonely for so long that not only does he not know how to interact with people on a healthy level, but that once he actually has their attention he doesn't know how to react to it.
LoveGlutton chapter 1 . 9/29/2014
See this is why i like the luffy... Its just like that time with cp9 he just shows moments of pure guiniuss and brilliance and you my friend captured that perfectly
loofahlover chapter 1 . 8/4/2014
That was the most awesome introspection I've read in a while, and it makes me love everyone in One Piece all the more. I've never really cared for Usopp, but this makes me appreciate the side that's not always boasting or being scared.
Ano Crazy Adventurer chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
.. I'm totally speechless.. I see that you understand Sanji. This fic is really really great... I really honored and love this fic.. ;D! See ya around!
Scurryfunger chapter 1 . 7/15/2011
Wow. This is just so perfect! I've read a lot of Sanji theories, most harking back to mother, abandonment, or best friend issues, but yours presents a facet I've not seen before, and it feels right. Luffy's bizarre, zen/idiot captain explanation fits really well too. Just a great one shot :)
Pretzal chapter 1 . 7/14/2011
This is the cutest thing ever! I never thought of it this way before. Good job!
XXCaptainUsoppXX chapter 1 . 6/30/2011
Wow, that's one of the deepest analyses of Sanji's personality I've ever read. And I really makes a lot of sense. Wow.

I also really liked how it was Luffy and Usopp (mostly Luffy) figuring this out... because no matter how stupid he seems, Luffy has moments of great brilliance.
sylver rain chapter 1 . 4/28/2011
That was wonderful.. Usopp was great. That thesis on Sanji really should be written.
Diglossia chapter 1 . 4/22/2011
So sad but so cute at the same time.
Mortimerscross chapter 1 . 2/18/2011
Luffy wisdom...LOVING IT

The boy who shoved a knife under his eye trying to prove he was man enough to board a pirate ship.. because pain doesn't hurt as much as being alone.

If the crew knew just what luffy understands.. and why he does... I think they'd all cry in thanks and in sorrow. A man who can smile like that.. and yet... have so much pain...

You "get" the characters. You can write the moments that fill the heart without going out of character.

Bravo, you.
threeeyedcrow chapter 1 . 5/29/2010
That was awesome! Omg, it was hilarious and poingnent. It was super interesting to see how Luffy's direct POV can see something so insightful. Ha.
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