Reviews for MST3k: Operation: Return to Earth
TFSyndicate chapter 11 . 11/30/2018
This deserves a sequel starring Jonah!
FruitBarrel chapter 11 . 2/25/2015
This is the best story on here by far!
WayWardWonderer chapter 11 . 11/28/2014
I liked this story from start to finish! I just wish there was some reason as to why the bots didn't move in with Joel or invite him to 'movie night'. Then again, you didn't write the show! ;)
WayWardWonderer chapter 5 . 11/28/2014
Who knew it was possible to write a fanfic for MST3k have it be so... Awesome? . I'm seriously enjoying this story, great work!
pikaace chapter 11 . 5/10/2014
Awwwwwww! That was the CUTEST ENDING EVER! I now want to go back in time to before the shows' cancellation and tell the creators of the show to wrap it up like this story! I loved it!
AndroMelos83 chapter 10 . 3/24/2014
Aw, this is such a sweet chapter. :)
Farrell14 chapter 3 . 4/5/2013
dude I always wondered if there was any MST3K fanfics. This is sweet thank you friend.
marcen12 chapter 2 . 3/28/2013
"Cambot was unable to be contained because he could just float away, but he felt a loyalty to the others, so he stayed in the room with them."
Am I th only one who thouht that was really sweet of Cambot? Awwww.
Jeff Mackey chapter 1 . 10/19/2012
That was terrific, you studied it well enough to where I could've sworn it was a plot outline for an actual extended episode/second movie follow-up.

Great job on keeping the pace clean and sturdy & a neat cast you added there.
muybueno16 chapter 1 . 10/19/2012
Sorry to post a second time, just trying to make sure my review got posted.

You truly captured the SOL crew's modus operandi and had neat clean humor that any fan of the show or comedy would adore.
Lewis Moore chapter 11 . 9/12/2012
I loved this story, it kept the spirit of the show. I read all of this in one sitting and I have no regrets. I wish there was actually a category for MST3k on Overall, fantastic story.
LuluCalliope chapter 2 . 3/25/2012
Oh, my gosh. Clever, witty, and containing the sarcasm and wise-cracks of the original series. This is all I can say about this chapter...

Well, there are two things...

Poor Gypsy...

And I love Crow! He's my favorite robot!
LuluCalliope chapter 1 . 3/25/2012
"Uh, sir, it's just rice."

Not only is this funny, but it is faithful to the series finale. (Why did it have to end?) I'll keep on reading!
Pliffy chapter 11 . 2/24/2012
Oh my gosh I loved this! Everyone was in character and a lot of times it had me on edge. And I like how how the bots now can be

with both Mike and Joel(It seemed like that. Joel gave a job at hot fish which could mean the bots can still see Joel.) Also

who said Gypsy can't visit the Joel Mike Crow Servo and Cambot. Though I wish Larry didn't had to go to jail(And I disagree with

him stealing a guy's name.) pass being a mad scientist he seemed like a funny short of nice guy though it's only two years

maybe when he gets out he can change.(Still could be a mad scientist but no longer in a "I really hurt a guy or kill him" type of way like he was in a season one.) Anyway sorry but

I didn't think you needed to gave us a list of scenes in the last chapter you could have just said. The president and

everyone watched the scene inside of doing that again sorry. And wow not something you did but something you didn't do it would have been cute to see Joel worrying over the bots. Or

the bots worrying over Joel. Sorry but I really love the kind of father-kid thing I get from Joel granted he is well known

for being really laid back-but he had his moments.

Again really loved this story and this would have been an awesome MSK3K movie.
Bouken Dutch 2.0 chapter 11 . 1/7/2012
This is a realy good story. You perfectly wrapped up all the loose ends and provided a satisfying ending to a great series.
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