Reviews for No Lies, No Restraints, No Hope
Lily chapter 1 . 7/16/2018
This is interesting:) ;)
MyLiloITAChIassasin chapter 4 . 11/12/2013
LittleSister505 chapter 4 . 3/31/2013
Well, what was Iruka-sensei doing in Kakashi's house so early in the morning before Naruto and Sasuke were awake? -wiggle eyebrows- if you know what i mean. Jajajajajajaja just saying. IrukaxKakashi
Byakko Loki chapter 4 . 7/3/2012
lol this story is so freaking hilarious! :DD
KOHANAISYOURMASTER chapter 3 . 6/28/2011
YokuMiya chapter 4 . 5/28/2011
OMFG! I was laughing through this whole story. It was awesome. Pls add a sequel with a lemon.
Delete this Account JFC chapter 4 . 5/21/2011
great storyending was awesome8D
SkoRn3d chapter 1 . 3/31/2011
hehehe, that was crack up, Narutp gets knocked out then start STRAIGHT into it :D I like.

Oh, and the word you're looking for to describe Kakashi is Sadist. A masochist is someone who enjoys pain, sadist is the one who dishes it out.

Funny first chapter, I'm on to the next :)
Dobe-14 chapter 4 . 3/4/2011
haha i love the end 'And that's how the morning went. Sasuke chasing Kakashi, Iruka watching in evil amusement, and a certain blond waking up to all of this chaos, remembering everything that had happened over the past four days, and going back to bed. The end.' cracked me up...truly Naruto hey...and who knew Kakashi would submit to Iruka like that, even if Iruka is Uke...and simple perverted Sasuke chasing around another perverted Kakasho...!lol...

cb chapter 4 . 2/26/2011
kyoko8lin chapter 4 . 10/9/2010
this is good. but i wish it could have lemon scene... huhuhuhu..

but nevertheless it's an inspirational story
Crowfether chapter 4 . 9/6/2010

loved it!
musicandloverock chapter 4 . 8/10/2010
I love chapter 3 after he tries to eat sakura's hair I just giggled through the rest of the chapter.
RaspberrySakura chapter 2 . 4/11/2010
" really depends on when I'm home alone. Like I said on my page my mother and I share a computer and if she sees this stuff…I'll be dead."

That is the cutest, most beautiful thing I have ever heard...

well, apart from Naruto's confession *sighs dreamily*
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