Reviews for Rain
Animefox46 chapter 1 . 7/6/2015
Hella-Chan chapter 1 . 6/3/2015
Is it too late for those warm muffins..? Yeah...? Okay...*sobs into hands* Thanks for the adorable, sweetest, angsty ball of fluff I call Laven! Its my OTP, but when you write about it...Shew! Makes me wanna hug someone and curl up in the sun! That's how sweet this made me feel!
Thanks so much for the entertainment! Seriously! Keep on with the LAVEN! XD

jobufett chapter 1 . 6/25/2014
it was all good*smiles with wide eyes*
Austori chapter 1 . 11/17/2013
sneakgull chapter 1 . 11/11/2011
I usually don't ship Laven, but I think now I rather like it. :D

That fanfic... was beautiful. I don't know how else to describe it. The whole building up to the end. And your way of describing things was tremendous; it was like I was write in the situation, seeing and feeling everything. I think I need to learn from you.

I like how you dealt with everyone 'breaking down', in a way. It wasn't elaborated so much what the cause of everyone put under pressure was, but it was mentioned somewhere there, so I think it's okay. Kanda seemed a little extra, though. That's just my humble opinion, however, you don't have to take it.

Not very sure what you meant by Komui being a "trapped princess", and I got the idea that he was being a little stubborn and immature about everything, and yet he was said to be working very hard... It kind of contradicted itself, unless he was being stubborn BECAUSE he was already working so hard. Although that doesn't click, but well.

You might want to put somewhere in the story or in the author's note when this fanfiction was set in, because I'm not sure if it's just when Allen entered the Order or somewhere after the Ark arc (pun much?).

In this paragraph/line, 'During this time, the dreams kept coming and Allen was losing even more sleep than before. But at this point, if you didn't have rings beneath your eyes, you were glared at with jealously and sometimes hostility.', jealously should be spelt jealousy.

Also I don't really know who said "I think you're the only one in this place who would say that.", so you might want to explain a bit on that - it's up to you.

Please don't think I'm criticizing or anything - because I happen to think this is an excellent fanfiction. :D And no, the LaviXAllen IS quite evident in here, and I agree with you that this should stay like that. I don't know why there are people who want sequels for one-shots, because sequels ruin the plot and the perfectly nice endings.

The reason why I took my time to point out all the mistakes, minor or not, was because I spend my time on fanfictions worth spending time on. Because it deserves my time.

I'd definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to read a good Laven. :)

Don't feel inclined to change anything if you think it's fine like that, by the way.
Rachel Summerz chapter 1 . 9/25/2011
I love you.
Fathommyeyes chapter 1 . 9/21/2011
I'd read this a long time ago, and found it again. I still love it, and I usually can't read angst. Great job!
Athena Keating-Thomas chapter 1 . 8/18/2011

I can easily picture a hectic period for the Order like this. Good concept and well executed.

Got any chocolate muffins? ;)
The 14th Neah chapter 1 . 1/23/2011
(yay muffins for me!) I loved your story! It's so cute and kinda depressing till the end cuss it's realistic enough! Great idea!
stxrseekers chapter 1 . 10/1/2010
That was beautiful and astounding, and I applaud your writing. I have no criticism, just praise - although, words can't describe the emotional level of this piece. Excellently done!
pamellka chapter 1 . 8/19/2009
Nice one :D
mooncat011 chapter 1 . 7/4/2009
aw that was so sweet :'D I liked this story very much :D I think I will go read more. I really love your writing style, which in my opinion at least, is one the most important part of a story. SO yeah, thanks for being awesome! yay Ohioans :p
Jirano chapter 1 . 3/23/2009
Aw! Poor, poor Allen! He needs a hug! Wait...he basically got a hug from Lavi.

xD In the middle of the chapter, when Allen was helping the science division, I was just like, "Didn't Mana say to keep walking forward...? Why doesn't he remember that?" Then at the end, I was like, "...oh. Good lord, I fail."

We all need a little Allen angst. 'Cause for once, I think he needs to be KIND OF weak. He saves the day too much. But then he needs to go back to saving the day or else he isn't Allen anymore.
IOTR chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
Ahh the humor was a bit misplaced in some parts.. But the part where Allen cried in the hallway seriously made ME want to cry.. and that means a lot..

I love this story
Pup-Ashbless chapter 1 . 3/1/2009
I really liked the overall quiet mood of the story with the balance of feelings of pressure but life goes on, almost type of touch to everyone. Along with the ending of some much needed rest in the more slow periods.

For reasons I can't quite place I really love the friendship between Lavi and Allen and it's always nice to find a good piece that focuses on the tender humanity of it.

(Okay, I'm done rambling now). XP
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