Reviews for Dark Fascination
DrunkOnBeskar chapter 11 . 9/1/2019
Omg, this update makes me so happy! I'm glad you're taking the time to revisit the chapters and even thinking of continuing it.
I await patiently for any new content. Thank you for letting us know!
Noiralei chapter 10 . 7/14/2019
This story is so good! It's a pity it hasn't been updated in so long...
DrunkOnBeskar chapter 10 . 6/21/2019
Oh God this hasn't been updated in so long and it's the best barty/OC fic I read in a while.
That cliffhanger is such a doozy, I really wished this was completed!
MovieLover2019 chapter 10 . 7/16/2015
I hope you continue this!
Tom's riddles chapter 10 . 7/15/2012
NOOOOOO! Why are there no more chapters and why has this not been updated in so long please please please get back to it! You've left it on a bloody cliff hanger! Who is Joel? I want to know!

There is a serious lack of Barty jr fanfics and I was enjoying yours so please please! (This is me begging) update! Come just a couple of chapters?

Robyn xx
Punk Beauty chapter 10 . 8/31/2011
I hope you plan to write more.

There aren't many good Barty fics out there, and this one is very promising!
Cwarnic93 chapter 10 . 9/19/2010
There aren't many Barty/OC stories out there

(although I wish there were more)

Anyway, Kudos for writing an amazing story.

: )
CriminalsAndSnipers chapter 10 . 12/2/2009
:O AWESOME ! Please Update Soon -bribes with cookies-
Se-chan chapter 10 . 11/15/2008

One of my best friends is called Joel... it's weird reading the name reacted to in that fashion. -giggle-

Poor Barty. Scarlet might just possibly have a BOYFRIEND! I wonder how this conversation is going to end?

I've come to the conclusion that Redric is decidedly awesome. The whole over-protective little brother thing is really familiar, and you've written it perfectly.

I'll be looking forward to the next installment!

~ Se-chan
Se-chan chapter 9 . 11/3/2008

So Barty managed to steal a kiss. Yeah, you just play it cool mate... we all know the truth.

Short and sweet. I'll be looking forward to the next installment!

~ Se-chan
brilliantblonde9 chapter 9 . 8/14/2008
Update soon! :]
Se-chan chapter 8 . 6/18/2008
Phew! Thank goodness they got out of THAT one alright. Well... mostly... -hums-

I thought it was quite clever how you had Dolohov curse Barty with the same spell that he hit Hermione with in OOTP. I love little consistencies like that (hee). So Barty's probably in quite a bit of trouble, considering Pomfrey's reaction to that incident... ah well, I'm sure he'll make it through.

I'll be looking forward to the update (I'm actually quite eager to learn more about Redric. He seems like a decent sort of bloke),

~ Se-chan
Se-chan chapter 7 . 5/31/2008
Hm... definitely far more plausible than many of the other 'Barty-lives!' scenarios I've read (well, lives... with a soul). I'm liking it so far!

I quite like Scarlett - she's kind, intelligent, resourceful, and believably human. She cared about Barty a great deal before he was exposed, and she can't just make those feelings disappear, despite what he is. At the same time, she's not just about to accept him back with open arms without any sort of explanation; earning back her trust is going to take 's something I can relate to, and you've done a great job on portraying it.

I'm still giggling over your choice of names. Scarlett, Redric... well, Scarlett may think that 'Maroonius' would be a likely follow up, but personally, I'd be betting on Crimsonetta.

Anyway, nice work. I'll be looking forward to the next installment!

~ Se-chan

P.S. I've got got admit, David Tennant completely ruined Barty Crouch Junior for me, forever. I honestly didn't really give him a second thought before the movie came out, but NOW... now all that comes to mind when I think of him is, ''Ello Father.' And the tongue-flick... oh, the tongue-flick.
Fraulein Chacha chapter 7 . 3/7/2008
This is really, really good.

I like how you keep Barty IN CHARACTER instead of turning him into emo mcwhinybitch like a lot of writers have been doing...

Cookies for you!
Jade Snape-Holloway chapter 7 . 1/28/2008
That was great! God, if I could write like you, I'd never stop! Can't wait to read the next chapter! :)


I think Redric is a cool character.
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