Reviews for The Ocean and Truth
tofulegs chapter 1 . 8/12/2019
Dear author, if you're still reading reviews then know that I've fallen in love with this story in the year of 2019 and I can't get it out of my head. Thank you for putting this out into the world 3 3 3
Konni1 chapter 6 . 7/21/2016
Continue please!
Guest chapter 6 . 9/13/2013
I know it has been six years, but I am just now reading this. All the same, it was an interesting read, to say the least. Ryoga has long been my favorite character of the series, though it is only suiting that such terrible things happen. They just fit who he is.
Cattycheeno chapter 6 . 6/14/2013
I enjoyed this.
GlassyTheRosePen chapter 6 . 5/28/2013
Such a pity you didn't continue this story. When I first started reading it I was like 'Finally! A Ryoga/Ukyo story that is more complex than Ranma and Akane get married/start dating and Ukyo with Ryoga realize they don't really have a chance with them so they start living together and from buddies become lovers. Or something in these lines. Or more intense than Ryoga being gloomy and Ukyo taking pity on him. I am a big fan of stories like these-that contain fantasy and mystic things. Now I can only wonder what was Ryoga's condition...or what it would happen. Also I loved the poetic references. They were beautiful.
LishaVilla chapter 6 . 9/28/2011
Yay! I see that you still are writing fanfics. So that means there is a glimmer of hope that you will continue this one, right? Please consider it, because its really well written and I want to know what happens and it is so hard to find a good Ryoga fic out there, and you have a really good writing sense! Hopefully you will find your muse to finish this!
ryoga and ukyochan cutie chapter 1 . 9/10/2010
iLoveRyoxUk chapter 5 . 1/16/2010
This fic is wonderful. Serious but still true to the characters (I especially like the fact that Ukyo curses like a sailor), a good amount of drama and humor inserted in the story - I wonder when we'll get to the romance though, lol :D The thoughts of Ryoga are especially deep, and it really makes the reader (me, of course, in this case) think. Please continue this.

Another thought. It may sound weird, but I find the fact that you use 'Ryoga' and 'Ukyo' instead of 'Ryouga' and 'Ukyo' rather refreshing. More points for you :)
wttffffff3 chapter 6 . 12/16/2009
btw, i hope that you can update, forget what i said that you cant finish this, it was a mistake of mine to write that... and i really believe that this story was well written and the plot, the conclusion, everything that i wrote positive about. i hope you will have time to update someday... thank you,
wtffffff3 chapter 1 . 12/16/2009
im also a shame if ive written something like that, after ive read my first comment, the negative ones... i didnt mean too, guess lack of sleep, and when the answer was revealed, everything comes of a conclusion and answer. it was like a mystery.. so im sorry for stating those negative comment on the first place, i shouldnt have written that, without finishing the story. it a was really great story!.. plot is great.. i believe in your story., i really do, the fact that they havent discovered yet their attraction , love, etc to one another, or etc. and that they still had the same personality. .. and im really really sincere in every words that i wrote about it, that i really do believe this story is great, and for apologizing, im really sory about what i wrote after rereading my earlier long comment( ..

great story!
wtfffff3 chapter 6 . 12/16/2009
i wanted to apologize too for my earlier negative comment, if i wrote something so negative, i have understand the story now.. from where it was getting.., ( im really sorry... cause i just like it now... i guess ive wrote those comment when i was so sleepy and it was almost morning.. lol...

hey, like i said, i like your story now... and i understand why u ryoga was like that. your a great writer... 9/10... not 1/10.. sorry again.,.. im guilty!
wtffff3 chapter 6 . 12/16/2009
it was great , at the part when i cologne explained it, it got my interest. so im sorry if i stated 1/10/ now its more like higher than that to passing. and after reading your a/n at the end, i understand now, its alright, i just thought it wasnt getting anyway, but seeing chapter 6 almost at the end, it was great,... but still, the part where theres many stars, and ocean, dessert repeating and repeating buggs me, i am into mystical stuff, that i adore, but now, not too much... just for art sake, and i like meditating and dreaming sometimes, but like i said, i just hope not always repeating, i still admire your words, but its better being use in poetry. but hey, it was still great. at some point on chapter 6... part of cologne explaining the answer that i just want to know... i hope the coming chapter is much better and more into ukyo and ryoga, but i still like the part where they are not involve yet to one another, but little by little. so, i apologize for my earlier comment, hehehe... it was great now
wtffff2 chapter 6 . 12/16/2009
okay, i guess the answer was there, for explaining it on chapter 6, i dont think that wasnt so hard, its been 6 chapter already before the explanation comes, too long, im trying my best to finish this with force. anyway , but still my previous comment about what i think of this story are still the same for now, it might change my mind about what i think of your story, maybe ill just see it in your next chapter... TOO much mystical, still not a drama nor a romance...


ok, now ive finish, it was great, i apologize for my comment, i thought it was getting no where. i was snappy at the part where all the stars and shit, anyway.. the only part i like is this.. and will be waiting for the next chapter... now its getting interesting, but most chapter bores me, and this what it all took to get my attention and curious of this story. so again, i apologize, i just hope not to much star,dessert and so on and on...

"You can't regain what doesn't exist. And as he encounters situations and people associated with those extinguished memories, his mind will struggle to compensate. More and more pieces will be wiped away. First the little things—the Tendo Dojo. Mr. Tendo. Genma. Kasumi. Nabiki. Eventually, in the end, even you son-in-law, and you, Miss Ukyo, will be expunged.
wtffff chapter 6 . 12/16/2009
you sure are a weird writer, you seem to like supernatural, with lots of star, you might actually see star when i whack your head up, lol kidding.. anyway i seem to be kept reading your story with a lot of stars, and vastness of your ocean, is this some kind of hallucination of real life fantasy of yours. i dont know really where your getting at here. is this really between ukyo and ryoga, u better be.. cause i tried my best to read this until chapter 6, and seems like you didnt updated it cause you lost interest since your story cant even finish itself. ey.. hehehehe/ i hope i wasnt that rude, but its kind of driving me insane. i dont know what your getting at. and weird names like for meditation,samudya? lol, you write like a poet, but we just want you to get to your point, like just get to the point of the story, you write it long, and it seems like it was all the same with the stars and stuff that you write in circle over and over again and again. just like what im writing now.. dont get me wrong, but you are a deep person as i have notice it with your astro and stuff, but common, just get to it. no wonder youve lost interest in your own story, theres just no end with your star and above the planets, space, lol/ really getting bored. sorry, but im just a critic. and im just being honest, the only thing i like in this was it was that ukyo didnt fall inlove fast, nor does he. and your words of poetry are catching up on me... and i refuse it, but im using it now... damn... anyway, im still on chapter 6m, in the middle of the page, i just want to finish reading this, and then find another story that isnt weird, with a right description.

this is your writing

He stumbled into nothingness, he saw the shapes of trees, he heard a chaos of noise from some great distance, a clashing of cymbals, a crying of horns. Voices shouting unintelligibly and the autumn sun shone on the trunks of trees and he was falling down, through the grass, into depth, into darkness, into the deep earth and in the distance he heard the voices of birds, and a girl was crying.

white light


Dust-dry, the desert. A waste of sand and burning sunlight. The blue cracking sky snapping wide like the wings of a bird lifted on the wind, moving up, back and away. Away the sky and all shadows, away the coolness of the deep earth, and all stillness of mind. Away the dreams of cool darkness, galleries of trees, deep wildernesses. Vast the sky and the enormous blue emptiness, the falling without falling that subsumes all self: enormous, huge, hollow, wide.

goodbye Tokyo

goodbye, goodbye...

(alright i get it, and so now what? in every freakin chapter, theirs a star and galaxy, meditation, supernatural.. now what? JUST GET TO THE POINT, ! IT WAS ALWAYS REPEATED, SHESH, or are u lost as well, in your deepness of words, what is really up with this story? its not even drama, it more like i dont want to be rude, so ill keep it to myself. and im not even sure if the romance is really between ukyo and ryoga here... SIGHED! ill say this is 1/10 rating
wtffdfddf chapter 5 . 12/15/2009
what the, you should have written supernatural in this one, not drama... my eyes was getting drop reading this... damn.. i dont know what your trying to do with your story. its weird, and not getting anywhere.
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