Reviews for Sacrifice
ANYL -deleted chapter 9 . 8/20/2012
Hi Katarasan41,

I think Godschild4ever has said most of what I wanted to say to you... No, maybe all of it. A nice story nonetheless, and... Wait, you reviewed yourself?! O_O

Any updates coming up? I'll be looking forward to them! :)

godschild4ever chapter 9 . 12/21/2010
Oh. My. God. You can NOT just leave your readers hanging like this! Naru is my absolute favorite character, and I am sad that there isn't more fics about him. As a fellow writer, I know writer's block is hard to get past, but something I have learned is that if you really apply yourself to something, it WILL get done. So good luck!

P.S.-(I am using my sister's account right now because I can't log into my own for some reason. My real username is polka_dots_are_underestimated) Look me up sometime, 'kay? Íž-)
Katarasan41 chapter 9 . 7/19/2009
Hahaha I'm reviewing myself!

I accidentally said Mikan was the daughter of her grandfather.


I shouldn't be reading this. I'm burdened with schoolwork! D:

...But I'm still alive. ))
DistractionPie chapter 8 . 5/22/2008
Ack - I feel really stupid to be saying this but did Narumi open Misaki present - I read that chapter a few time and I couldn't seem to see it - is it delibrately missed out or am I just being stupid?
DistractionPie chapter 9 . 5/20/2008
Aw! Awesome - I can't wait to read more. I loved the bit with the cake fight and the flower that tells the truth - I can just see Misaki growing something that goes on to annoy him constantly.
dominiqueanne chapter 9 . 4/11/2008
loved it, update soon
Tohda too lazy to log in chapter 9 . 4/10/2008
about time you updated! )

do update sooner! hope to see more of this story!
Tohda chapter 6 . 1/23/2008
this is really good. i do hope you'd continue this soon.
Alanna-twins chapter 8 . 1/9/2008
Tezzino from Alanna-twins: oh, i love this story! but you haven't updated for so long *shows with arms*. Won't all Narumi-fans get an update? Pweaze? *tryes puppy-eyes, but fails miserably*
IamYours chapter 8 . 12/16/2007
This is what I'm finding in the story. You captivate me. please update soon.
anime-luvr25 chapter 4 . 6/23/2007
really liked your story

am adding u to fav. authors

plz continue writing
xXTomokoXx chapter 8 . 6/23/2007
Yeah, it's good, and I'm sorry if this offends you, but: finally! I'm sorry to tell you this, but earlier I was really dreading reading the story because it was dragging to much! Cause, I mean, you managed to fit 8 chapters into 1 and half days! So next time, try to speed it up a little, okay? Anyway, it's good so far and I'm to lazy to point out errors today, okay? I'm also very sad, cause I watched a sad video on youtube... poor kuro-pu *sniffle sniffle*

Well, I'm done rambling now. Please continue.

sherea chapter 7 . 6/11/2007
thnx for updating!
jinx-panda chapter 6 . 6/6/2007
XD (fanfiction's finally letting me submit a review, i've been trying since last week D )

So what's gonna happen after that? O_o Is mikan gonna go Z?
xXTomokoXx chapter 6 . 6/2/2007
Hello Again!

I'm sorry I didn't read this earlier... Actually I had to force myself to read this, not because it's bad or anything, just casue I'm so tired, I went to bed at like 2 am last night and I woke up at 8 and now it's about 11... Anyway, I just wanted to point out a few errors (I sound so mean T.T)

1. What do really want? - I think you left out a word there

2. Mikan looked at his teacher - So Mikan's a guy now?

3. He shaked her - incorrect tense. it should be 'he shook her'

4. which meant yet another classmate who fell asleep - You may think that that sentence is fine but to me, and possibly only me, it seems a bit strange. A sentence like, "which meant yet another classmate had FALLEN asleep" might have made more sense because the original sentence was kind of confusing...


What I've been telling you previously isn't actually constructive criticism, but corrections. CC is pointing out errors/imperfections and suggesting a way to improve.

asked and yawned - this is fine, but I just wanted to say that it sounds a little funny, something like "Yuu yawned" as long as there is a question mark to denote a question, the verb 'asked' is not neccesary.

Yes, other then that there isn't much I can complain about. It is a good story so far and I rather enjoy it. Though it is a little slow moving, you might say it 'drags on', but sometimes stories which go a little too fast can be very confusing. Anyway, I hope you continue it because I am quite anxious as to know what happens next. I hope you haven't fallen asleep while reading this and I hope you aren't offended.

- xXTomokoXx (The girl who read the dictionary and uses way too many bi words)
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