Reviews for Practice was hard
AquaRias chapter 10 . 3/18/2012
It's really fucking annoying having the translations at the bottom you always confuses me when authors put half the dialogue in Japaense and the rest in English - why not just write it all in English? Hell of a lot easier if you ask me...
Alca Fiori chapter 34 . 4/21/2011
I liked the way you described your scenes because not many writers could do it well. However, I cannot see the relevance of each chapter you posted to your title. At least you could have made it every after practice naruto takes sasuke's lights to the hilt and kyuubi was annoyingly messing up his hormones. The display of complete sex awareness is challenging and thrilling, but I noticed that it's almost "perverted" already. There are character name mispellings that i found annoying and you should watch for it.

See you around.
hmm chapter 54 . 4/18/2011
You're writing was better in the first half..(chapters)

it turned into pointless stupid bullshit afterwords.

Now it's at the point where you need a stupid ending to hurry up and finish it.

I don't like that..

I miss you're old writing. The awesome writing..

but that's gone now. :/
Guest chapter 54 . 4/18/2011
The bottom half didn't make sense
roboguy45 chapter 54 . 4/12/2011
so is that the end cause if it is what a way to end this story LOL with hot sex.
ColorfulNympho chapter 53 . 9/4/2010
Haha omgsh I liked this..even though it was short as lee's penis.

There needs... hmm somthing.. More smexing. But it's good Sasuke finaly showed up. Omg konohamaru AND Sasuke finding Naruto nakey in the ropes! THEY'LL RAPE HIM!


lol interesting...
sick puppy chapter 53 . 9/4/2010
that'd be kinda cute if taku and konohamaru got together...
sick puppy chapter 53 . 9/4/2010
omg... very short chapter girl. tsk tsk
Lol chapter 52 . 8/28/2010
Konohamaru is a little horney perv-boy
Sad chapter 52 . 8/28/2010
I waited forevvverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr just for this.. sorry, but yeah.
O chapter 52 . 8/28/2010
omg omg omg. you just had to end it there? :O grrhh! it was getting good. D:
Hijokugei chapter 52 . 8/27/2010
Hmm... some mis-spellings, but overall a decent chapter. The absence of smex was kinda disappointing, but still pretty good. I only just realized that Konohamaru was still nude, fail on my part. And the vague playing was interesting.
aureus yarara chapter 52 . 8/27/2010
thanks again for ignoring RL long enough to grace us with another chap.

Thanks so much for this.

Even if i still don't get to see Naru-on-Sasu action, this fic is amazingly enjoyable, so THANK U SO MUCH
o chapter 51 . 6/17/2010
oohhh...wa wa wi wa.

naruto got mingey! bet that made him feel good/happy :]

next one!
mi5tan chapter 51 . 6/7/2010
Love the plot and the awesome hot and streamy scenes found through out the story.
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