Reviews for Tiger and Tornado
amamiya chapter 1 . 9/15/2013
Nagase Tomoya meets... himself? Haha I love it!
Listelia chapter 1 . 11/2/2012
That was a wonderful piece of work ! I really enjoyed it ! I wish there's be more fanfics about Tiger & Dragon, it's just a really interesting story and I think crossing over with My Boss My hero is just perfect, for they have about the same meanning, search for your own path, finding what fires you up in life, making choices altough it includes sacrifices, growing up to be you or your parent's alike, having maybe to pain those who taught you everything/ or saved you because it's time you take your future n your own hands. I think you portrayed perfectly both characters and their surrendings. Thanks again... and, well... write more, please ! I already read all the other fanfics in that category, so... I don't know if you've written anything in TV shows misc or something like that, since Tiger & Dragon doesn't have its category yet.
Again, thanks, and keep going ! Gambare !
shourin chapter 1 . 9/29/2010

toraji and makio. heh.

viva Nagase!
ranchan-akari chapter 1 . 11/21/2009
I just scrolled down all the fics in this category...and figured out that you OWN this fandom. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING. I SUPER ENJOY IT.