Reviews for Blue Moon
Snek chapter 16 . 4/24/2019
Still one of my favorite fics, always good for a reread
justbeenmurdered chapter 16 . 4/13/2019
Omfg I started reading this and then aggressively binge read till the end because this owns my heart and I’m dead? I’ve been struck murdered by this chapter. Which better not be the last chapter because this deserves some fluff to end on. I’ll go to my grave awaiting the last chapter and epilogue, thank you for ruining my life this is all I’ll be thinking about for the next several months and probably years to come
eefara chapter 11 . 3/12/2019
Hello! I don't know if you're still around to read this (I hope you are), but I'll leave my comment here just in case. I'm revisiting this story after who knows how long- years, easily. Blue Moon has always been one of my favorite KH fanfics, and I was delighted to see that on a reread my memory hadn't failed me- it's just as good as I remember. This review might only register for chapter 11, but I thought I'd leave my thoughts here and now, partway through the reread, before I get too busy later this week.

Anyhow, I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading Blue Moon: it's got such a fun idea, and the characters are really well-written. I'm a bit picky when it comes to character voices, KH especially, but not once have I felt that anything was "off". Sure, some people aren't like their canon counterpart, but I think it definitely worked in your favor here. I've really enjoyed all the of the dialogue you've written in particular; it's all felt like natural, fun banter, and I'm almost a bit sad whenever I get to serious parts, haha. There's times I feel that your visual descriptions of characters, as it were, are a bit off, but I haven't found anything so serious as to break my immersion.

I'm going to continue reading through, and as my memory gets hazier with each further chapter, it'll be fun to catch up once again to the latest chapter. You probably don't have any intention of finishing up the story with how much time has passed, but if you ever do, I'll be there day one to read it! Are you on a03 or any other fanfic sites? Anyway, thanks once again for writing such a lovely story that's stayed with me for all these years!
Guest chapter 16 . 2/20/2019
Selina chapter 16 . 2/17/2019
I know this is kind of a late review and I wish I'd reviewed sooner but I'm always too shy and freak out anyways, I really love this like a lot! I've read the whole thing multiple times and anytime I get back in to the KH fandom I search out this fic in particular (tbh i remember the lunar rainbow part very vividly no matter how long it's been) this is the only fic that I memorized the title of and don't forget because I love it so much. I recommend it to all my friends and every thing. I understand if you don't like it and all but I just wanted to let you know that I adore this fic and I'll never stop reading it over and over again...i wanted to let you know that this impacted me a lot. If you ever wanted to contact me my Tumblr blog is thelovelymoongoddess, tbh I just want to gush to you in person about just how much I love this and just how much it's impacted me and even at this point how important it is to me.
SuperSaraMoon chapter 9 . 4/7/2018
Yay! I liked the Nagas and the shmexy reunion of Axel and Roxaslol! I think it’s funny that you say you cop out of sex scenes, cuz I can kind of see it ;p lol! You do what you can damn it! Yay! Riku got some of Sora’s blood! :D
SuperSaraMoon chapter 8 . 4/7/2018
Awww poor Axel
SuperSaraMoon chapter 2 . 4/3/2018
Aww family reunions :P !
SuperSaraMoon chapter 1 . 4/3/2018
Yay! Ch 1 so good! I love a good vamp fic! *off to ch 2*
Guest chapter 16 . 10/27/2017
Another another forgotten story. I know life keeps us busy but it wont hurt just to taks 5 little mins to let us know if this will continue or be another forgotton story
Kim chapter 16 . 9/5/2017
I read of this in one sitting and am dying to know how it ends! Any sort of ending, even a quick bullet point summary, would be amazing.
Guest chapter 16 . 11/6/2016
Omg I have been following this story for years. YEARS it's been in my bookmarks since forever. I am so pumped to see it was updated but it seems you've stopped ; ; I am happy that you stopped at the main battle but I do hope you update again for at least one more chapter. I need to see how Riku heals and if Sora ends up being turned. PLEASE I hope you update. I dont care if it takes years, your chapters are definitely worth the wait.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/19/2016
TheUnitedKingdom chapter 2 . 4/11/2016
Great job! I think it's cute that Cloud's is being a parental figure for our cute little hero. Keep up the good work!
Canderjack chapter 16 . 3/21/2016
Oh boy, you're soooo close to finishing this! You can do it! I know it's really hard to get back into a fandom you've left behind for a while, but you've got a big chunk written already. Give it the old college try!
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