Reviews for Embracing Katrina
Guest chapter 12 . 8/28
sometimes i fell like Barbossa is Ryuk from Death Note. With how much they both love apples.
DaniDragonFire56 chapter 42 . 5/4/2013
I am really enjoying reading theses after the first one out of the series I got addicted it is really great
lori chapter 60 . 1/3/2011
yes, yes, the sparrows had a baby boy, and they get to live in

port royal, with fsmily and friends. i loved this story, keep up the good work.
lori chapter 50 . 1/3/2011
wow i'm glad jack got mean old beckett, that was cruel of beckett to hit katrina in the face, he got what he deserved.

i like that part were jack says belay belay no no shut it,

thats so funny the way he says it, can't wait to read more.
lori chapter 37 . 1/2/2011
i love this story the more i read the better it gets, i love the part were they all point guns at eachother (the wet gunpowder) thats a funny scene in the movie. can't wait to read more.
Saoirse Driscoll chapter 60 . 8/12/2009
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE! This is FANTASTIC! I didn't think there would be anything after chapter fifty four, but I stand very much corrected, and most happy for that! Wonderfully written, this was joyful to read! Please right more.

milify-star chapter 60 . 6/17/2009
Aw! Its a boy!
milify-star chapter 6 . 6/16/2009
I like it so such short chapters...
Wolfinson chapter 54 . 6/23/2008
Possible fourth? That would be awesome!
Caramel Crazy chapter 54 . 5/14/2008
Aww! This was so sweet... A fitting end to the three movies. I absolutely loved it! -grins evilly- Haha, Jack killed Beckett! I really like how you let Bootstrap be the one to stab the heart, instead of Will or Jack... I found it rather hard to believe in the movie, that Elizabeth would willingly wait for her husband, and lover, only to be able to see him once in every ten years, for one measly day. I'm glad that changed in this story.
Saoirse Driscoll chapter 54 . 4/5/2008
Took me a while to get through this one, but it was VERY good. I was close to tears on several occasions.

There has been one minor thing that has been bothering me through this though - when someone is going to lie on a bed, the correct tense is laying, and lay, etc. Otherwise you're saying that they're spouting mistruths.

And your Spanish is amazing, is it your second language?

Please keep up the excellent work!

nightangelx18 chapter 54 . 11/27/2007
Once again another great story. I loved the way you included Katrina and her being pregnant in this story as well. And now I'm off to read the Katrina Drabbles. :P
Zada and Hadassah chapter 54 . 10/28/2007
hmm i was really hoping for the baby to be boring in the malestorm you know follow in fathers footsteps sort of way as of Jack was borning in a typhoon ah well good story mate
00 BodySnatcher chapter 54 . 10/11/2007
ok, so everyone is writing these baby stories and then ohh the babe is born, (cus everyone just HAS to say babe! come one!) and they all run together and sound the same, but OMG! you are like...not doin gthat! you ended it at the PERFECTO part! the anticipation! that's so great. i loved this. 54, be proud. i hope that you continue writing. ify ou do a 4th one, sure ill read it, but personally ive never been a fan of the baby stories because i said, they all tend to run the same, but who knows what you'll do? soo...continue your awesomeness.
rudepanda chapter 54 . 10/11/2007

Coolreb is not amused...(well at least not until she read the authors note anway lol)

I seriouly thought for a wild second when you said is this the end that you were leaving the readers to imagine what happens after this story. I read the fic grateful for more and stopped horrified at the words THE END. I thought this was where it stopped and I forgot all about Katrina drabbles which I am now hurring over to read and get up to date.

I love this series! YAYNESS!

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