Reviews for changing all the rules
djlambeth808 chapter 25 . 10/5/2010
This story was amazing! When I read the summary I was not expecting the story to go through so much. Through the love, heartbreak, betrayal, and terror that Samantha experienced it felt like I was experiencing it as well. Excellent story as are some of the other stories I have read from you.
Henny1991 chapter 25 . 7/10/2009
I loved this story. I believe you are the first one to actually give Chase feelings. it's so sweet. the story was amazing.
The Mortal Slytherpuff chapter 25 . 6/24/2009
Great story; chapter. Love it.
Raging Raven chapter 4 . 3/2/2008
This is a great story.

God knows I have been Samantha for most of my life, so if you ever do update this story, please let Samantha get a pair of balls and stand up for herself.
TakaShira chapter 1 . 8/9/2007
It's a good start but I suggest fixing your summary before anything else. Capitalization, with all of your summaries in fact. Go to the forums, general and find "Writers Anonymous" then pick the "the 'why don't I have reviews..." bit, it will tell you all sorts of good hints as to what you can do to improve yourself and your self advertisement that is your summary.
kdawn7 chapter 4 . 6/5/2007
oh I like this! A bit different from all the other stories without the whole mary sue thing going on! Please update soon!
dltacct chapter 4 . 6/5/2007
oh yeach. Another great chapter. It had some great moments.

'Or she did until she knocked Sims into his locker. Fortunately the janitor was there to see it and was able to get Sims out before the first period began.' - too funny. Poor girl. Bad luck seems to follow her around. She just can't catch a break.

I like how you described Chase's inner turmoil over the girl. He's torn. He has mixed feelings. On one hand he wants to use her to get to The Sons, but on the other he just wants to keep her away from it all and hide her from the cruel world. Protective Chasemajor love. It's my waekness. What can I say **sigh**

Loved the scene inthe cafeteria. Glad to see that the girl is smarter than the average female. She picked up on the fact that Chase was a bit uncomfortable and didn't embarrass him but rather seemed to be accepting. That's rare. Normally any other girl would be offended, but she seemed to understand and she didn't mind. Poor girl indeed. But with a big heart. It almost breaks mine to see her being used...

Loved the whole library scene too. From the begining to the very end. The Ty/Reid moment was funny, very in-character, then the teasing and Tyler swooping down like a knight in shining armor to save the day, sort of. Liked it ery much.

" "Why do you keep messing with her?" said Sims to Garwin as they left the room. They were out the door before she heard Garwin's answer. ' - o0o! What did he say? I wonder.

Kudos on another great chapter.

It pains me that you have so few reviews. This is really one of the better stories I've read around her and I just hate when some people take it for granted and not showing their appreciation for the writer. I know it takes A LOT to write and come up with original ideas and even more to post it. Feedback is very important and it inspires to write more and faster. I just wish more people would understand that.

I hope that you are above this and continue posting your chapters even if I am the only one to review. I will be very thorough with my feedbacks to make up for the lack of it, hope that will even things out somewhat ;P

All the best,

Meg a.k.a Mighty Kajtek
dltacct chapter 3 . 6/5/2007

I am so glad you have updated. This is a very good story. surprisingly well written and quite unique.

I really like your OC, Samantha. Poor girl. I feel for her. But it's her clumsiness that attracts me the most to this story. The little things that are barely mentioned (the look in her eyes, the little mishaps she keeps having, etc) are the most fascinating. They make her a very well thought-out character and therefore an interesting read.

I also like how Chase seems to find her attractive despete her not being it. I am guessing it's the innocence that attracts him to her the most. It's like he's trying to balance himself out by deciding to see her. I quite like that. He needs someone to keep him grounded and Samantha seems like a person who would be perfect for that.

Also, interested in the little thing you mentioned about her and the two Sons being friends once. Hmm. Wondering why they are so mean to her now. What happened?

Ok, moving on to the next chapter.
dltacct chapter 2 . 5/30/2007
hmm. interesting. I love Chase. I love Garwin. So that's good.

Also, great idea for an original female character. A klutz is def. unique. Haven't read anything similar, so kudos on that.

Just out of curiosity: Will you be planning on shipping her with Chase or Garwin?

Either way I am down, but if I had to pick... nevermind. I will not swing you my way. You do what you want. I will be waiting for your next chapter impatiently.

saved to alerts for now, we'll see about favorites later ;P