Reviews for The Touch of Green Fire
justaguy25 chapter 25 . 5/3
Really great job on this one, super captivating and the OC's were just as believable as the actual characters which is tough to do.
Sebine chapter 25 . 10/4/2019
Yay kisses
well... kiss, anyway
NikLovesLove chapter 25 . 4/16/2019
Such a brilliant story. Nothing was rushed which I love, and your writing style is great! Definitely enjoyed this story of yours. The only time I took a break from reading it, is when I passed out from being overtired at early hours of the morning. But I woke up an hour ago and just finished it off! I'm going to miss this one, didn't want it to end.

Now, in relation to your author's note, I would just like to say that I am truly happy for you and your family that your mum was able to get her life back. What a horrible thing you all had to go through. It's a blessing that it worked out in the end. I hope everything is still going well. Take care.
Guest chapter 19 . 12/23/2018
At least GJ should be willing to help since this power is dangerous in any hands
Guest chapter 14 . 12/23/2018
Lols it's going to be a kiss, duh. So her ex has gone crazy and decided to eliminate Shego, eh?
Guest chapter 5 . 12/22/2018
Is she losing her powers?
Toilet Bowl chapter 25 . 6/15/2018
That was good.
A Damn Happy Gal chapter 25 . 12/27/2017
Wow this was truly an incredible journey to experience. I saw this just a few days ago and got completely hooked and finished it just today. I love your writing and found myself unable to put my phone down and binging chapters until I found myself at the end. Thank you so much for this and I know it's now 10 years later it came out but still, I couldn't leave without sharing my thoughts and feelings. Good luck with whatever you're doing now!
RexCaldoran chapter 1 . 9/18/2017
Well.. it's one of my personal top10. usually when I re-read a story and can recall the plot after the first chapter i stop reading. But this one is one of the few cases i doesn't stopped. it have everything. the right measure of action, emotion, the right place, just enough situation-description to allow to see the scenes in your head. believable characters and character-development. and the promise of a "realhappy end. i love it.
ok Let's read the Rest of the Arc
0mniessence chapter 25 . 2/7/2017
Hi, there!

It's so crazy to think that I was just 12 years old when you published this story :0! Time sure passes by quick! LOL, obviously, I just now found and finished up reading this story; I've been trying to delve into other femslash fandom with good fanfiction in them, and yours was highly recommended. It's so crazy how I used to watch shows like buffy the vampire slayer and Kim Possible and I never noticed the slash potential between Buffy/Faith and Kim/Shego ha ha. Innocent mind, indeed; now I can't watch anything without my lesbian goggles xD! I see subtext EVERYWHERE! Though, I suppose, nowadays, gay subtext is not as subtle as it used to be, WHICH IS A GOOD THING! I'm glad I'm going through my 20's in a slightly more open social landscape, although I am not out to anyone still (trying to get through college at the moment).

Anyway, enough of my musings, YOU WROTE AN AMAZING STORY! Seriously, the characters were SO IN-CHARACTER! Like, you made a BELIEVABLE Kigo story. I've read so much from other authors that don't remain true to the characters, that their stories are not as enjoyable because I can't envision it happening, but you, my friend, did AN INCREDIBLE JOB! I hope you are still writing for Kigo, even though it's been years, because you are very talented.

It was fun reading your author notes at the end too! it was like reading a diary, almost, with how long ago those events happened! You traveled a lot! I bet that helped your creativity :)

CARRY ON THE GREAT WORK! I want you to know there are people out there that appreciate your stories and it really brings lots of happiness into my life (all good fanfiction does)!

moviescene chapter 25 . 2/24/2016
I'm nearly always late to the party, but this story deserves all the praise it can get and I want to add my voice to the choir. Excellent plot, pacing, and pathos made me peruse without pause ;) You have a real talent for capturing emotions and creating depth with our beloved characters. I hope there is a sequel here somewhere that tells the tale of their next meeting and a blossoming romance.

Brisalad chapter 1 . 12/12/2015
A great into to this story, interested to see where it leads
Guest chapter 25 . 9/13/2015
Wow. This was one moving, powerful, intense story. I enjoyed reading every chapter; I couldn't stop reading it once I started. I hope there's a sequel.
SixPerfections chapter 25 . 4/1/2015
This is old as dirt but still amazingly good. Thank you. It was sweet. :D
Guest chapter 25 . 9/26/2014
Will there be a sequel ? :DD
I loooove this story! You're great at writing n3n
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