Reviews for When His Mind is Made Up
rachel625 chapter 2 . 11/17/2017
Loved this!
junienmomo chapter 2 . 1/2/2016
Didn't mind. Romantic near-smut is wonderful.
Tonya was a good vehicle for lorelai won walk through her change process. A nice person, Lorelai had a stake in her, yet she recognized quickly that she couldn't tolerate Tonya bringing Luke into her business relationship with Lorelai.
junienmomo chapter 1 . 1/2/2016
You've left me biting my lips in angst. What games did Luke think he had to play? After her little last relationship-kamikaze speech, would he give up?
maramouse chapter 2 . 4/24/2011
This is probably one of my favorite stories of yours. I think you really got down well Lorelai's confusion of Luke trying to bring their friendship to a different level, and I found myself wishing that the show had gone into many of the details you did (maybe if they'd talked about their fears of ruining their friendship ahead of time, some of the conflict would have never happened!). I love how it took Tonya for Lorelai to realize that she did, in fact, have feelings for Luke, though it was so heartbreaking when Lorelai told Luke to go out with Tonya (and I admit, I feel bad that Tonya was fired, though albeit, she was probably talking about Luke more than doing her job). You've made Luke so sweet here, and it was nice. One of the things I also liked is that you didn't make them get together with a "big bang;" though I don't mind reading that at times too, here, it was normal and natural, and that was just so nice. Really great job.
GGRox07 chapter 2 . 4/12/2008
uh yay x 10! this story was definately very amazing, i especially liked the end with the forever thing. ]
secretlyreading chapter 2 . 10/8/2007
Ew, glad THAT didn't last. LOL. Cute story, love your writing!
Sutton chapter 2 . 9/4/2007
Lorelai taking the chance to see if Luke feels the say way about her as she feels about him it was how you had her make the first move and finally telling him that she wants him for writing the\is really great chapter. Need to write another chapter to let us read how things are working out between them...
Sutton chapter 1 . 9/4/2007
Lorelai feeling a little the way you wrote this chapter having Lorelai trying to hide her feelings for Luke but not being able to do 't wait to read the next chapter..
BurningxRedxCaskett chapter 2 . 7/23/2007
loved this story! would have loved one more chapter...but its all good!
Tzipporah chapter 2 . 6/21/2007
This was just beautiful. I really love the show exept that they skipt a lot of the good stuff when Luke and Lorelai got to gether.. all three times.

So I love reading up on alternet storys about it.

Your's is wonderful. You really do get the characters well. The way they talk and act. Some other writers here don't get it as well as you do... mind you I would probably not get it half as good as you can so I am not judging them too harshly for it... but you are brilliant.

Thanx a lot.

Crittab chapter 2 . 6/13/2007
Although I don't mind the 'Ooh yeah, give it to me' one bit, this was really great. You're just an excellent writer. Another great story to add to your collection.
Cinny72 chapter 2 . 6/12/2007
I know I read this when you first wrote it, but I guess I forgot to review! So here it is :)

I really, really liked this. Really. The angst in the first chapter was well done without being too much - you had to feel so horrible for poor, sweet Luke when he told Lorelai, "If you want it to stop, it stops". So utterly heartbreaking, that he really loves her that much that he'll even settle for a friendship with her if that's all she'll ever want. And of course, I love how Lorelai tried to set him up with someone and it just totally backfired. Duh, Lorelai! LOL. The scene with them in bed together, just asking and comforting each other about their respective days was just wonderful, fluffy domestic bliss. I loved it. And their sweet, sensual "get-together" was perfect.

Wonderful story!
ibreak4CSI chapter 2 . 6/10/2007
Wow, I'm glad I finally got to read this! Jealous Lorelai is always fun. ;)

But in all seriousness, this was another fantastic, brilliant, amazing fic from really are a great author. I loved it! :)
MAVDP chapter 2 . 6/6/2007
Very nice !

Knowing how it feels to go from friends to lovers, I love that you made Lorelai hesitate so much... it's so much more realistic this way! Believe me, even I encouraged a friend of mine to see other women, so I can totally relate ;)
LLfreak chapter 2 . 6/4/2007
yippy another story to add to the, Awesome stories written by Oh-no-she-di'ent, list. I'm telling you it is going to be a sad day in java junkie fanfiction when you stop writing. i sound like a broken record every time i review your stories you are an amazing writer and i love reading your stories. they come alive in my head.

i love how Lorelai tells Luke to just get in bed. then they just lay there talking about their day. how nice. i am sad the show is over, though i liked how they ended it, i would have liked to see more Luke and Lorelai. However i agree that the show wasn't about them it was about the Gilmore girls. there was so much more that i feel we missed out on. would i want to see the tv movie they are talking about making, i don't know. i keep thinking of the growing pains tv movie and how corny it was even though i watched it. lol i can honestly say i don't know why i am talking about this hahaha. i can't wait to read your next story that you said is almost done and i hope your java junkie mind doesn't run dry anytime soon:)
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