Reviews for Age
Angel Fantasy chapter 1 . 7/11/2018
Excellent fanfic about this growth between Hitsugaya and Matsumoto; you nailed their relationship dead-on. I too think these two are best for each other rather than Momo and Gin for lovers... the chemistry between them, though subtle, is definitely there, and definitely more healthier than the one between Toshiro and Momo and the one between Rangiku and Gin. Hitsugaya and matsumoto also teach others a very important lesson through their relationship; never judge someone by their appearance.

(I wish Toshiro could have given a straight answer about his age though ouh... xD)
Fuyumi Momo chapter 1 . 2/19/2016

I think that I will be reading this history many times over the years and I'll never be tired of it.

So perfect, so delicious... THANK YOU
Pixychick84 chapter 1 . 3/13/2014
Intresting, You know seeing as they live so long its hard to call this pair, I think at the moment they share a close bond as ALL capitans and luteniants do seeing as thy face so much togeather on a daily baises. As they live so long age is relitive once they become of age im sure larger age gaps will be more exeptible there.. They mention millenia so dose that mean 100 yeas is liek the eqiviland of ten for us? or less?.. Hmm all I know is that you have a point when they get OLDER there could very well be potential for there realationship to change but as of now.. No. I like how you noticed this and used the one question to keep that plot moving along ans show so much more then there changing relationhsip and fellings. The seens in proticular with her tryign to aleaviate his greeif and him her sadness in ruturn for Gin, sope volumes. well done.
Cloud Ex-SOLDIER chapter 1 . 11/12/2012
2007 seems so long ago, not just in Bleach but reality too...

Good oneshot.

You know, i actually expected you to put some kind of number on this but the generality works even better.
NoxEtLucem chapter 1 . 8/4/2012
Beautifully done! A lovely piece of the progression of their relationship. HitsuItsu is not my OTP, but I do like the idea of their personalities together and this does a great job of showing it!

Ooh, and the last little portion, where he says "Old enough," definitely got me. Awesome ending!
diggydawg chapter 1 . 7/29/2012
Awww! I loved this! It was beautiful :D
SP777 chapter 1 . 11/11/2011
...and you have the RIGHT idea with this story. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a pairing between Toushiro & Rangiku, it's how the story is written AND it is better when

Toushiro has aged a little over the years. Otherwise, it just doesn't seem right at all.

Anyway, good job.
Suki90 chapter 1 . 10/21/2011
Loved this fic!

Please do more!

Hey, can I translate this to Spanish? Please! I love this pairing, and I want more of then in the Spanish section!

I'll give you the credits! I always give them o!
Honeyee chapter 1 . 9/10/2011
OMG! I love this!

And yes I agree with you. Their pairing is really all about growing and potential.

I hope you can write more HitsuMatsu in the future
saadadfafde chapter 1 . 7/21/2011
Really cute! I love hitsumatsu and my friend seriously thinks hitsuhina just shouldn't exsist cuz it seems like hitsugaya and momo r cusions not lovers. Lol love this and keep it up!
afydith chapter 1 . 5/29/2011
i liked this story, it would have also been funny if you wrote they got married and she asked that question during either of their vows.

p.s. the name i used is my actual user name... just too lazy to log in.
WinterWolf69 chapter 1 . 3/10/2011
This is such a cute story! I love it :)
venuslegacy9 chapter 1 . 9/5/2010
This is a very insightful look in to the relationship of rangiku and hitsugaya I like the way you showed the development and growth between the two, the way you structured the story had such a poetic quality, showing how one question can take on a new meaning each time. Brilliant!
kitty chapter 1 . 9/2/2010
so, how old is he?
DelightingYouAlways chapter 1 . 8/28/2010
Beautifully written (:

Totally made my day.
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