Reviews for Just One Night Torchwood Fic
SuperCali chapter 1 . 9/6/2010
What memories they could've had! Sigh.
Jessie Blackwood chapter 1 . 9/11/2009
Have only just found this. Beautiful, just beautiful. Thanks
Mrs Captain Jack Harkness chapter 1 . 12/1/2007
That was a lovely piece. Your premise was very believable within Torchwood bounds. You kept the Captain (Jack "James Harper" Harkness) in character beautifully. It was good to see him have some time that the programme cheated him out of. Thank you for writing.

If you don't mind concrit, I caught a couple of typos:

I think that "before lowing his mouth"

should be "lowering"


"gently kneed"

should be


Although, neither of those really detract from you story. You really wrote an excellent short piece.
Thedoctorshope900 chapter 1 . 10/28/2007
*sobs* That was really sweet! But so sad! Dang they make a cute couple! Um...any Grammar is fine, I didn't notice any typos. You did a wonderufl job writing this story!
CrazedEnigma chapter 1 . 7/5/2007
That was a really touching and sweet story!

Really brilliant writing too! ]

The ending nearly made me cry too.

2 thumbs up, no doubt!
sneekie chapter 1 . 7/2/2007
wow, very very passionate, I'm looking forward to reading more i hope
FueledByCocaine chapter 1 . 6/12/2007
this story is so romantic!

i really like the way uve written it, because their would be evil ppl who dnt think dancing and kissing men are cute, and uv done it in such a way tht the sex dsnt seem dirty or weird, its right.

i really love this story, your a great writer!