Reviews for Waking Up
Leo's Katanas chapter 12 . 11/2/2010
Cool story so far!

I can't wait to see what happens next!

Please update soon!
NoobNinja chapter 1 . 9/28/2008

Good story.
HawkofNavarre chapter 11 . 4/15/2008
Honestly, I'm a little disappointed in this chapter. Interesting and entertaining, yes, but I also thought that this chapter was sloppier than usual. Perhaps you didn't proofread? Well, I've no idea what it was, but your grammar and punctuation was a bit off.

The plot was quite unaffected by the, well, more-messy-than-usual writing. I really enjoyed it. Soi Fong's theory made me laugh a little bit. Strange, because she said a human/shinigami hybrid even though Ichigo's also a shinigami/hollow hybrid. Funny.

I shall be waiting so that I may eat your next chapter the moment it comes out. )
wendelin-gisela chapter 11 . 4/14/2008
oh, yainess! and update!

as i read this superly fantastic chapter, i was reminded why was it that you became my first fanfic author...and later my inspiration.

the thought process, the flow of the scenes, the perfectly laid out and written. every time, mocha, you utterly blow me away. *faints from awesomeness overload*

ahem. the story is getting so good! yes, yes, why kurosaki? how does the boy fit into the legend? or is aizen even using the legend anymore? perhaps the legend itself was a red herring, a distraction, from a more carefully elaborated plan that involved ichigo from the beginning...? you had said you didn't like mysteries much, which can be true, but you're one hell of a mystery writter.

i don't really want you to answer my questions, but they are proof of what an awesome storyline you have so far and boy am i superly anxious to read more!

i have to agree with sweetyuya, the story really does seem to have been written by kubo himself, it's so darn well written.

fabulous my dear!
iceypeach chapter 11 . 4/12/2008
this is gettin confusing!

but its really good!

so update soon!
insertappropropriatenamehere chapter 11 . 4/12/2008
...why? I think your readers are just glad you updated.
SweetYuya chapter 11 . 4/11/2008
An excellent story! I was riveted to the screen as I read chaptars 1-11 today. It fits seamlessly into the Bleach story line, almost like it was written by Tite Kubo himself! Love it! Hopefully we won't have to wait long for your next update, keep it up!
Langus chapter 9 . 2/3/2008
Another chapter well-written. I was interested to read your take on Rangiku. I think you captured her pretty well and she was in character throughout which is nice to see and sometimes quite tricky to do. I kind of wish you had delved more into the Rangiku/Gin relationship, maybe tried to explain it a bit. I realize that's not the focus of your story but as the writer of a Ran/Gin fic it's just something I like to see every now and then in other fics too. Those two are entirely under represented.

Your interpretation of Hitsugaya and Rangiku's relationship was interesting too. To be honest, it wasn't quite how I pictured it. I think he tolerates her out of a personal debt. Rangiku outranks him in signiority yet she didn't complain when he was appointed captain over her which probably made the transition a lot easier for him. Because of that I think he feels like he owes her and so he puts up with her laziness etc. Also they sort of have a mutual understanding of what it feels like to be left behind. I just don't see much actual friendship there but the way you've written it works so I'm gonna go with it.

Congrats on an other great chapter and I look forward to the last one. Hopefully you'll have another update for me soon!

- Langus
Langus chapter 8 . 2/2/2008
I liked the legend. It was interesting and well thought out. I do have a minor complaint though. The lack of " or italics made it a bit hard to follow who was saying what and who was thinking what. I know it seems minor but it really helps us readers keep everything straight. That's it though. Apart from that I thought the legend chapters were as well written and insightful as your others. I look forward to the rest!


Langus chapter 6 . 1/29/2008
You've got really good pacing in this fic. Each chapter is a full and complete scene but still leaves me wanting to read more. I'm really enjoying your interactions between Hitsugaya and Hinamori - it's definitely one of the strong points in this fic. Heck the whole fic is one big strong point. Kudos to you for a job well done. And can I just say? POOR HITSUGAYA! You make me feel so bad for him :(

- Langus
Langus chapter 4 . 1/28/2008
After reading chapters 3 and 4 I've decided that you have a definite talent for narrative. I like how you've written this story from Hitsugaya's perspective but I find myself wondering about Hinamori's thoughts too. Perhaps you'll throw those in later? The mystery is intriguing as well - good job setting it up.

Please ignore my previous comments about name usage in chapter 1. I went back and re-read it and realized I'd confused your fic with another one I'd read directly before it. Your chapter 1 is fine :)

Thanks for another good read and I look forward to the rest. Cheers!

Langus chapter 2 . 1/28/2008
I'm only two chapters in but I really like where this is going and what I've read so far. The first chapter was very heartfelt. I liked the introspective tone a lot, especially with regards to Hitsugaya. The only thing that irked me a bit was I found you used their names a lot going back and forth. Chapter two was very well written. The description of Hitsugaya's emotional release with the ice was beautiful to read and I the depth you've created for his character is great as well. I have a feeling this is going to be one of the better Hitsu/Hina fics I've read - it certainly seems that way anyway. I look forward to reading the rest.


insertappropropriatenamehere chapter 10 . 1/27/2008
Iie. You're not late. Not really...
wendelin-gisela chapter 10 . 1/25/2008
holy cow, was that the greatest action chappy or what!

totally had me at the edge of my seat...when ishida got to ichigo's side, i'm like "YEAH! KICK A** ICHIGO!" but then ishida was knocked away by the other hollow...almost fell out of my chair there. :)

but whoa, the plot thickens even more...why are they taking ichigo? i can only guess that perhaps aizen intends to expirement with ichigo...ichigo is, after all, son of a shinigam and a human...wouldn't he make the perfect genea (probably spelled that wrong...;) pig for aizens wacky experiments?

and not only that they left humans alive...hmm?

i have to say, i really like the way this story is going. you give readers snippets of different scenarios, that don't make sense at first, but begin to fall in place as we reach the climax of the story, in effect keeping readers in the dark and at the edge of their seat, making the climax all the more powerful.

really, REALLY loving this story...D

another fabulous chappy dearie!
project ecto chapter 10 . 1/25/2008
a good twist
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