Reviews for Aftermath
Triolet chapter 10 . 10/31/2019
What joy this is
Guest chapter 1 . 9/28/2015
This makes me so happy
A pairing that never stood a chance artfully realised in fandom - great post series
Telyra chapter 10 . 8/8/2011
A very nice story. Too sad, that it's dead.

Can't you at least post a short "what was supposed to happen"? Just a little summary of the unwritten rest of the fic? I want to know, how it all was supposed to end.
Celebwen Telcontar chapter 10 . 1/14/2010
This is a very good story!

JB chapter 10 . 1/5/2010
I read this story some time ago, I don't remeber how long, but it wasn't finished, I was very disappointed that I couldn't see the end. Then jus last month re-watched B5, and once again looked in the fanfiction pages, and re-read your story to find more chapters, maybe one or two new ones. I was hoping you had finished it this time, but no. I really really like this story, it's very nice and realistic (concidering where it comes from hahaha) and I love it. I was wondering if you ever thought about finishing it? Could you please let me know? Please continue, it's a very good story and you're a very talented writer, please don't give up.

Khal chapter 10 . 4/23/2009
I hope you finish this story at some point. Lennier was one of my favorite characters, and I love seeing what others are coming up with regarding to what happens to him after he leaves. You've done a great job with it so far, and I'd love to see where you take it.
Saavik13 chapter 10 . 3/27/2009
lovely story. I hope you finish it.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/19/2008
I should have my fingers snicked off for not reviewing this earlier!

Anyway, its very good. It is hard to say who I like the most as all your character portrayals are very true.

Also I hope you will write some more with David, I am interested in him and how he will fit in between Lennier and Delenn.

Update soon!
kirt chapter 10 . 2/23/2008
loved it, I'm so glad you updated please add more soon lots more
Faerylark chapter 10 . 2/12/2008
Yay for Susan! Little Anann is so cute, I hope her Delenn gets back home soon... Lennier can stay that's fine too, lol.
Ranger Aurora chapter 10 . 2/12/2008
Great chapter! Keep up the good work!
redhatboxes chapter 1 . 2/7/2008
I've really enjoyed your story so far. Lennier was one of my favorite characters and I was devestated when he left in the way he did.

What I love about this fic is that you have remained true to that ending. You haven't made his path back to Delenn easy, nor has he remained unchanged by his experiances.

I look forward to new chapters.
Faerylark chapter 9 . 2/2/2008
wow a new chapter, excellent! I hope Delenn feels better soon... she is so terrible at taking care of herself... poor little Anann.
Anon chapter 8 . 11/18/2007
Great post! The conversation between Marcus and Susan is very in much in character for the two of them. Looking forward to more soon.
bookwormqueen chapter 8 . 11/16/2007
Nice! I like Lennier's little daydream. When does it come true?

Oh, I noticed a few typo-like errors. Nothing major, but editor wanted me to point them out to you. If you don't use a beta-reader, try reading it out loud (after you type it). You can catch a lot of typos that way.

Anyway, I also liked Marcus' reaction when Susan brought him his stuff. How very typical of him. :P
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