Reviews for Fallen Sakura
Idyllicdream chapter 24 . 7/20/2018
Whelp, so Kagome ends up saved by a stroke of luck. Marvellous. It makes for a happy ending in a love story, but I can't say personally that this is a very good life lesson ()
Idyllicdream chapter 22 . 7/20/2018
Yep, one chapter after I wrote that review saying 'what if Inuyasha leaves Kagome', it happens. *Sigh* I'm feeling like 'I-told-you-so' but not exactly happy about it. I just hope next chapter Kouga proves himself to be a better man and not throw Kagome to the dogs.
Idyllicdream chapter 21 . 7/20/2018
I'm sorry. I really enjoyed this story. I really did. It's really good and is of much, much better quality than most fics I've come across.

But I just can't approve of Kagome's actions.

Not only does it comepletely lack consideration of the consequences, it's just so selfish!

First off, the most blatant problem. The complete decimation of her career. Let's consider the consequences. She is now saddled with a child (something she should've, by God, foreseen before having all that unprotected sex) and soon to be thrown out on the street. How is she going to feed herself until she gives birth? And what about caring for her child after it was born? Kagome may be able to accept the bleak aftermath of a scandal, but to condemn an innocent baby to a life of poverty and starving on the streets. I don't know what I should think.

Second off, she has never considered the possibility of Inuyasha abandoning her. Okay, so in canon I this would never happen, and it's quite a stretch even in the ficverse. But realistically, it happens, alright? Then she would've thrown away everything for what? For nothing.

Third off, all this talk about happiness and controlling one's own life is all quite sympathetic, if I can manage to make myself forget that a scandal wouldn't just badly affect Kagome's own career, but her best friend Sango, Kikyou, Rin, Tsubaki and every servant and maid in that okiya as well. These are some of the people she had known and grown to care about over many years. And now she's giving up their wellbeing too for her own sake? For someone she knew only a season?

I respect her desire to take charge of her own life for once, and if she decides she hates being geisha and that one love affair is more important than her career, FINE. It's her decision. But it feels less like a decision and more like giving in to temptations. Getting carried away with feelings is all very good if you can ACTUALLY deal with its consequences. It doesn't matter how much you THINK you can do it.

Finally, Inuyasha. I'm surprised that besides that one time he dressed Kagome in a western dress, he didn't show more prudence and forethought about making love with her. Even if Kagome doesn't think she can't handle the scandal, Inuyasha should've at least warned her what would happen and be the voice of reason. Considering she is risking/invested far more in this relationship than him (which in itself is bad sign). It just shows BOTH their irresponsibility and disregard for consequences.

On the other hand, I do get where Kagome is coming from and her whole 'Three days of surefire happiness rather than thirty years of uncertainty' principle. I concede that sometimes people have different values and this shows that Kagome's character here is someone obviously different from me. I respect that and despite my problems with the lead characters I still believe this is a good story. And the author is a very hard-working and talent writer.
Idyllicdream chapter 15 . 7/20/2018
Your writing is super entrancing, especially in the first chapters. The words just draws you in like few other stories could.

I get Kagome's ambitiousness, her aspiration to become famous in the first few chapters. You portrayed the struggles in geisha life quite well. And I love Kagome and Sango's relationship, and Miroku as well.

But...I don't know. The emotional struggles of geisha life seems a bit overdone. Perhaps I've read this narrative too many times. I get that life in a geisha district and okiya is extremely constrictive. But I wish we could see a little more positivity in Kagome's narrative. I mean, it's bad, but it's not ALL bad. Sometimes there can be a sense of rewarding. I just don't enjoy the notion that a simple but honest life doing heavy labor jobs is somehow superior/brings in more happiness than life as a geisha. Both jobs are bitterly hard. And I feel like those who think the former is better thinks that because they've never been through true back-breaking labour (though everyone is entitled to their own opinion).

A second thing I don't enjoy (and this is not just with your work but with the old geisha profession as a whole) is the fact that Kagome continues to feel shameful/wrong of her to pursue this path somehow. And yet like you said it's not supposed to be viewed as shameful/unusual for geisha to cater to the whims of their clients or patrons. What double standard! I just wish Kagome had a bit more dignity for her profession, since it's not shameful at all. True that it's hard, it forces you to do things you don't want, and is mostly downright unpleasant. But it's not something to be ashamed of. It's a livelihood like any other. And a woman's dignity isn't somehow less because she has to these things to feed and clothe herself.

Anyway, that's my view on this. This is still an incredibly fun read and I'm eager to reach the ending.
unknown.noname chapter 25 . 3/6/2018
I realt love this story. its realy great. thanks for wtiting it
zye1 chapter 25 . 4/11/2017
WOW! This story is awesome! Thank you for writing it.
Dark Havoc Priestess chapter 25 . 1/9/2017
Best fucking story I've ever read! Holy shit! You did an amazing job!
Elentari chapter 25 . 4/4/2015
Ohmygoodness, wow! I can't believe I read this whole thing. Your writing is sooooo amazing. I you are not already, you should seriously consider becoming a professional author. I was completely mesmerized by this entire fanfiction,: I have never read anything like it. Fanfictions in my opinion are usually never as good a the original story, but you have blown me away. thanks so much for finishing this lovely tale in such a fantastic way. So much emotion, ancient history, love, and life in this story! thank you for sharing it with the world. :)
LilliyRose1022 chapter 25 . 9/6/2014
Oh. This story is so sweet and strong and fragile all at once! It's perfectly wonderful. It makes me think about the guys I've loved and how happy I am right now. Thank you.
OchreEyes chapter 25 . 4/20/2013
Oh. Oh my heart.
My skin is full of goosebumps
but my heart.
Oh these wonderful feelings.
Thank you.
FYI chapter 1 . 6/16/2012
Just a warning to all, a group called Critics United is currently going around and mass reporting on ANY story they deem to be breaking FF rules. This includes, but is not limited to: stories with MA or above rated content, though now they're claiming any kind of lemon is breaking the rules, Songfic's, any story that seems “Semi-hostile” to them, and any stories with polls, authors notes, or otherwise in place of an actual chapter update, you could even end up accidentally putting your story into what they view as being the “incorrect category” and they’ll report you for it. The stories are being deleted with little to no warning given, often within hours of one of their members locating it. If you want try to help stop the "cleansing" of this site and protest their bullying go to: www . change petitions/ fanfiction-net-stop-the-destruction-of-fanfiction-net and sign the petition in hopes of helping to stop the destruction of FF . net! Also, in case your interested, theirs places like: eternal destiny . net, media miner, inuyasha-fanfiction . com, archive of our own . org, and adult fanfiction . net where you could post your stories as a back up, but hopefully you won't have to worry about it to begin with!
Araedia chapter 25 . 8/13/2011
This was one of the best Inuyasha AU stories I've read in a long time. I happened upon this while searching for geisha stories, and I am SO happy that I decided to read this. Though this reminded me of Memoirs of a Geisha, this has a distinctly original flavour to it.

Your words flow beautifully, the characters are, I believe, perfect for the situations you put them in and there is enough of historical and cultural background to give this an authentic feel, while at the same time not dragging down the pace of the story. There were only minor grammatical errors that I picked up on. Most importantly, your words made me actually /feel/ every emotion in this story, and this is one of the most important things that I look for in a story.

There is only one criticism I would like to make - the Naraku sub-plot ended with a bit of an anti-climax. I personally feel that his appearance in the story was a bit unnecessary, because in the end he didn't really cause any change in the background of the story as you would expect from such a major villian, so to speak. The end of his story was a bit abrupt, as well.

But, overall, this was a truly amazing read. Going on my favourites list for sure!
cj chapter 25 . 7/25/2011
beautiful story. just beautiful.
soyeoni chapter 25 . 3/19/2011
You wrote this story really well! I applaud you; this has been an enjoyable read :D
angel2798 chapter 9 . 12/30/2010
omg im so happy i started reading this! when i read the summary i immediately clicked the favorites list so that i could remember to read it later on and then i got so distract with finishing the story before and school that i havent gotten the chance to read it until now! GREAT JOB!
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