Reviews for There's no 'I' in Team
Guest chapter 48 . 7/20
yes! what's it called?
Guest chapter 34 . 7/20
ALLHAILDRAMIONE chapter 1 . 5/9
FlourishandBlotts50 chapter 44 . 2/11
Well, Oliver gets his dream after all. I kept hoping that Dumbledore would come back too.
FlourishandBlotts50 chapter 43 . 2/11
Oh, Bell, I love you! That was just a funny tactic to distract Wood. As you can see, it worked. Oliver is totally confused.
FlourishandBlotts50 chapter 37 . 2/10
Yeah, I thought it might be Oliver. Him I wasn't, because the term nerd doesn't apply to him.
I'd like a Scotchman, too! So any Scottish person reading this, get in touch with me! Kidding, but a Scottish accent is kind of sexy.
FlourishandBlotts50 chapter 36 . 2/10
No Katie! You have to go to Wood! Help him, let him kiss you! Irgh, why doesn't she take the chance instead of going to the library
FlourishandBlotts50 chapter 35 . 2/10
At last! The last sentence, Merlin. Oliver's back. I am happy and he immediately discovered his little weakness for Katie again!
Mhm, I'm dying for the end.
FlourishandBlotts50 chapter 32 . 2/10
I knew it! Cally's horrible! Oh, she turned Katie into a five-year-old? OMG! I hadn't thought of that. My hatred for Cally is growing. Just the name Cally says it all, irgh.
FlourishandBlotts50 chapter 31 . 2/10
I don't like this Cally. If Katie doesn't like her, I don't like her. Something is wrong! I'm sure of it! I think she's faking it to Oliver, using his ignorance. Maybe she realized what a talent he is and wants to take him down.
Katie, I'm counting on you! You'll save Oliver, even if I hate him a little right now! Merlin, how can I hate Oliver?
FlourishandBlotts50 chapter 24 . 2/9
I've been reading the story carefully all along. My favourite couple from Harry Potter is Katie and Oliver, and I don't like the idea of Cally coming along! Oliver belongs with Katie, and he doesn't belong with anyone else like Cally! Please don't do this to me and set him up with Cally!
MoonEyes8706 chapter 48 . 3/15/2017
Loved it. It could definitely use a sequel!
Silverfyre16 chapter 30 . 11/27/2016
Ok, NOW I'm starting to hate Oliver and Cally. Like, SERIOUSLY! He's portrayed as this Quidditch obsessed maniac then a cute girl makes him change his views? But the team is being a bit unfair to him. But he's acting like a total jerk. And Katie is being pretty immature.
Paige Hunt chapter 1 . 9/14/2016
I am such a great fan of Harry Potter and your fanfic ! It's really heartwarming and sweet not many kissing scenes (Thank God !) and the sweet _bitter friendship between Oliver and Katie is really interesting . Thank You , because I actually don't like romantic literature or movies very much but after reading this I really felt I belonged to Hogarts and Quidditch. Keep up the good work and please do reply...
Bailey chapter 1 . 7/6/2016
Haven't started reading this yet. Or at least re- reading. I haven't read fan fiction in years. Probably since I was 14ish. I'm 22 now. I just ran across some old stuff I had written and had a wild hare. I remember this from when I was young, and how I waited and waited for updates and how I WISHED YOU WOULD JUST FINISH IT ALREADY! Lol. And then I just stopped reading. Well I came across this and saw that it was finished last year. So, for nostalgia factor, I'm gonna read fan fiction again. Here goes! Can't wait to finally finish the story.
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