Reviews for Somniator
nekochan1994 chapter 5 . 7/6/2017
And now I feel sick
nekochan1994 chapter 4 . 7/6/2017
... I cannot believe Integra said that
nekochan1994 chapter 3 . 7/6/2017
Aaaaaaand now I feel ill.
nekochan1994 chapter 2 . 7/6/2017
nekochan1994 chapter 1 . 7/6/2017
Too flipping creepy
Cannot fathom a PenName chapter 5 . 3/3/2008
Wow...That was beyond amazing.
IVIaedhros chapter 5 . 8/31/2007
This story is's rare to find something so impressively written in any fandom. For me, it was less about the content of the story per se than the way you used words to describe what you were thinking. Originally, I wanted to say it sounded "epic", but that doesn't seem quite right.
Hagau chapter 5 . 8/26/2007
Lovely. I quite think the Alucard-Integra relationship is too often romanticized and crafted to be all nice and fluffy for the fangirls.

You've written a beautiful, dark piece that doesn't compromise the twisted wickedness of these two characters - their lust and perhaps in their twisted, wicked way, their love.
Tonnerre chapter 5 . 8/15/2007
Your use of imagery is amazing. The way words flow for you is insane! True talent. I love the art reference! And I think it was both. I always did.
Lucifer-the-great-undead chapter 4 . 8/15/2007
wow your dreams must be quite freaky. oh i gotta say your fic is very unique. different from all the other fics where she has to make a choice. i think this is a perfect place to end it. i mean i'll read the pilogue if you post one, but i think this is a good end.
Madm05 chapter 5 . 8/13/2007
The mind has its filter eh? Hm, I think I've heard that somewhere before. *Winks* The story was great, My Dear. I loved the description, and the intro was a nice touch. Well done, over all. I liked it, especially Integra's "Expired mortality". Write more soon please!


LichMistress chapter 4 . 8/7/2007
Incredible! I adore everything about this story, it's written so wonderfully. How twisted and erotic it is happens to be perfection! An epilogue would be very nice, though it has such an impact where it ends.
meekachu chapter 4 . 7/26/2007
I had to read it twice because it held my attention so. I would say yes to the epilouge but then that would take away the want for speculation of the readers. I hope that makes scence.
Kal Kally chapter 4 . 7/24/2007
The most wonderful Hellsing fic I've ever read. It's dark, and still so very in-character.

I love it!
Lady Blackhat chapter 3 . 7/23/2007
This is very lovely - please continue asap!
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