Reviews for Two Sides of the Same Coin
Chris chapter 14 . 7/9
Wonderful story! Very unique. Thanks for sharing!
stevem1 chapter 14 . 7/8
This is a really decent Slytherin Harry childhood story. I like how it humanizes Petunia and Vernon.

slowest chapter 14 . 7/2
This was beyond brilliant. I'm sorry there isn't more but so happy with what does exist. Grand story.
mumphie chapter 13 . 6/30
Doing a reread. Still love the story...still wishing you would consider stepping back and working on it again. I know you said you were having difficulty with the story. It's been quite a while since you wrote last. Don't know if life got too busy, or your muse ran away. i enjoyed your fun humor and wonderful storytelling. I hope someday there will be more. And answers for so many questions. Who's the secret group. Unspeakables? Another private group related somehow to the Potters? Who is the 'Lord' that Bran and Gerald report to? Who's Laurent and why does he reside in a room that Lucius wouldn't know? Did Sophie and Bran ever find common ground? What was her talk with Gerald like? Did Harry and Petunia get closer? Did his teachers ever get him to skip a grade?
I really love this and am quite disappointed to not be able to read more. ;)
MissiYoung chapter 14 . 6/26
This is a seriously awesome fic, thanks for sharing it!
SlytherinsFerret chapter 1 . 6/14
Wow, Petunia would make a great Slytherin, with manipulating Vernon into thinking Dudley's clothes were that big and not noticing that they were actually his...I LOVE SLYTHERIN!
Fyrebird85 chapter 13 . 6/14
Had to put my comment here because I already had one on the last chapter. Just finished rereading this once again, and wishing there was more. Just when we were about to find out at least some of what's going on. Is there any hope that you will pick this story up again?
Crazy Girl Writer chapter 14 . 5/13
Please update or post something this is a really good story
Amber9572 chapter 14 . 5/13
Why do all the good ones stop at such bad places and we’re made so long ago?
KariAnn chapter 12 . 4/25
Rereading for umpth time. Still enjoyable for its originality.
Traveler301 chapter 10 . 4/4
Of course, you had to have a cliff hanger here. I'm hoping that this is not Draco Malfoy that Harry just met. There are only two wizards that I dislike more than Draco. The one I dislike the most is Dumbledore. Even in canon, Dumbledore is a manipulative ass. The second most disliked for me is Ron Weasley. He is nothing but a lazy bum, even in canon. Snape is next on my list, because he can't get over his hatred of James Potter. Mcgonagall is too wishy washy for my taste. She does what ever Dumbledore wants, even when she knows that he's wrong. When JKR paired Harry and Ginny together at the end of her books, that was a deal breaker for me. And when the movies came out with movies seven and eight, I had totally lost interest in JKR's books and the movies. To this day I've never seen either of the last two movies even though I own them. Like I said in my last review if I don't like something something, be that something be movies or books, I don't complain. I just don't watch the movies or read the books.
Ron Pate
Traveler301 chapter 9 . 4/4
Reviewing is very difficult for me. For me to write that I like your story and that I like the way you write applies to all of the chapters I've read so far but, I don't want to write the same thing for every chapter.
Most authors ask for reviews to help them write better but, since I have no talent for writing, as should be apparent by my attempt to write this review, I don't know how to help you get better at writing. I read solely for pleasure, not to criticize any ones efforts. If I like an authors work, ideas, and talent, then I read their stories. If I don't like their stories then I read another story. I do not criticize their work work work, ever. I really wish you would write more on this story, as it has been a few years since you have updated this story and I would love to see how you're going to tie it all together. Whether you finish it or not is strictly up to you, as it is your story.
Thanks for writing,
Ron Pate
Traveler301 chapter 7 . 4/3
What do I thinkable? I think this is a great story. That's what I think!
Ron Pate
sanders1800 chapter 13 . 3/24
Love this story story, just wish it wasn't abandoned.
tfdpc chapter 1 . 3/20
I really enjoyed this story. I hope to see it updated in the near future.
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