Reviews for Iris
XMizukiX chapter 1 . 7/17/2008
That was such a beautiful story~!

I loved the connection throughout the years with all of the host club members!

That was a wonderful story! Keep it up! :D

Jikage chapter 1 . 4/20/2008
That's really sad. It's kinda true though, because Tamaki said that everyone got hurt. :[
Ayjah chapter 1 . 8/4/2007
Wow! Heartfelt and the coincidences did not feel contrived :) a new favorite for me :)
ShinigamiFangirl chapter 1 . 8/3/2007
You are awsome! I completely love this oneshot. I just read you're most recent oneshot for TamakixHaruhi and now I read this so I think it's official that you are really good at TamakixHaruhi oneshots! You are going on my favorite authors list!
kiuna'yukina chapter 1 . 7/23/2007
So beautiful..

Haha, you made me cry..

And it just so happens that irises are my favorite flowers..


Is there a sequel?
izzylee chapter 1 . 6/30/2007
Ah, this was so sweet! I loved it. I actually teared up a bit. :) Amazing job, I love your stories! :D
Serena Goodkey chapter 1 . 6/27/2007

Amazing story.

Bit depressing though haha.

But i liked it!
TheAuthorRin chapter 1 . 6/26/2007
That was beautiful. I loved it, absolutely loved it! It's so sweet how they all met her before, but no one remembers it. My favorite was when she met Tamaki-the whole bit just really made me smile. It kinda made me teary, though, shen she said, "Just say it, she's listening, I'm sure." Aw...

*depressed and really happy at the same time*

Such angst on Hikaru's part! *weepy* I'm sad for him. Sad for Kyouya, too.

*applauds* Yay! Good story.
xKuroHinotex chapter 1 . 6/26/2007
Omigosh. What a beautiful and peaceful story. How DO you do it?

I loved the constant mentioning of irises as the story progressed and certain things're so creative! _

This was really touching. I haven't read much of your fanfics, but I agree, it's a great one! ]

PeekingSunshine chapter 1 . 6/26/2007
What a sweet story! I'm about ready to cry! That was just so... romantic! I loved it! And I know this may sound weird, but please don't write an epilogue! The story is perfect EXACTLY where you left it! Great job!
elizemail chapter 1 . 6/26/2007's so sad. I loved how each color was represented again in each of their lives though they don't know why they mean something to them. Like the blue ones for the Hitachiin twins. I really liked all the flash backs and stuff _ It is the perfect oneshot.
Nollypoo chapter 1 . 6/25/2007
Aw.. Poor Kyouya.. T_T I feel so sad for him! But it was really good. Please keep writing~

calico.snails chapter 1 . 6/25/2007
Aww, that was insanely cute. I love the whole "7 steps" concept and how each color pertains to a certain host club member. Good job.

-Kristine x3-
BloodFat chapter 1 . 6/25/2007
I didn't get it...