Reviews for The Decoding
inconspicuous-person2 chapter 39 . 6/21
Love your work, I've been speeding through all of them and my satisfaction hasn't dropped at all. I think I'll take a break to reduce my excitement levels
myladygrey chapter 1 . 4/24
FYI, the feeling of nausea is nauseous or nauseated, not nauseas. I saw this in the Code Breaker too, I think.
Azet chapter 8 . 4/14
The french is indeed far from correct, which is not a probleme since the rest of the story is really good. That you for writing, its a good surprise in these containement times :) That being said, it kinda burned my french eyes so i'm going to try to give you a closer traduction

" Je suis un adulte, pas ton enfant " the term "vous" if only employed on one person is very formal in french, and holds a different meaning from the english you.

"j'ai un appartement, tu te rappelles?" you simply need to conjugate that :)

" Ceci était une simple expérience, une expérience folle... et elle n'a fonctionné/abouti" work holds a different meaning in this sentence, travailler always relates to work environment.

"Il y a trop de bruit ici, trop de gens" there is too much here is just not something we say in french
"Je ne peux pas faire face à tout ça, à vous tous."

"Je suis désolé mais c'est comme ça que ça marche. C'est comme cela que je fonctionne. (ça or cela works but cela is really .. i dont know, stuck up works well if you put fonctionne twice, but marche is more of a speaking term so ça works better with it.

Sorry for bothering you with that, my main advice would be to avoid litteral translation, when it comes to any other language, espacially a latin one, which has different roots from english :)

Love the story so far, and it was just a bit out of caracter for draco to.. not master something you know?
Suburato Nanami chapter 39 . 3/3
Huh. Weirdly, this Drinny was actually ok. I usually despise Drinny -I’m fine with Harry x Ginny, Ginny x Blaise, Ginny x Dean, Drarry, and Dramione but I just can NOT deal with Drinny but they were both a little bit OOC on each side (which is fine, it’s fanfic) so they actually somehow compliment each other...

Please don’t mind the fact that I literally skipped not just a few chapters.
The Jingo chapter 39 . 2/26
thanks for the read
Kathythomas chapter 24 . 2/11
I feel so sorry fo Draco. His father was the only parent to show a shred of caring to him. Now he will have no parent at al, not even one who disowned him.
Kathythomas chapter 15 . 2/10
You were excellent with this chapter . Now I dislike Lucius even more than I did before, and for the first time I'm beginning to like Ginny.
ImUpToNoGood chapter 17 . 1/28
I love these stories! I am completely caught up in them.

Since you are rewriting these, I thought I’d offer a few notes. It seems like you’ve used a thesaurus to find more interesting words, but the words have connotations that are dissonant with your intended meaning. For example, ”dank” bears the connotation not only of dark, but also damp and musty smelling like a basement. I rather think even an unhappy mood would not cause Draco to smell mildewy and damp.

Also, “annunciate”, which you’ve used a lot, has the connotation of proclaiming from on high. It is typically only used in a religious context, such as in Christianity, the angels proclaiming the coming of the Messiah. Enunciate means to pronounce. You can’t annunciate your emotions, but you can express them. Sometimes simpler words are better because they don’t distract from the story.

One more (a spelling thing): the word is utmost, not upmost.

I hope those help.

I look forward to reading the rest and eventually indulging in the rewrite. Delightful story!
Antares No Sekai chapter 39 . 1/12
Done with part 3 ! Still enjoying this story a lot ! Let's go for part 4 now even if it isn't finished yet hopefully it will be one day :)

Thanks for those amazing stories !

Btw, I think the relationship between Draco and Lord Draco is one of my favs i've read here. For a long time i've desired to come across a fanfic in wich draco's Boggart was just himself being like voldemort, so i have to say that, despite not being able to write it myself, i'm very very pleased to finally come across your idea of Lord Draco, it fits perfectly what i've wanted for a long time now, so thanks for putting it in such an amazing story :)
MrsWM chapter 39 . 12/28/2019
It is official. I'm addicted hahaha i just can't seem to be able to stop reading. i mean, i know you are re-writing the first one. and that it could (and probably will) take you ages to catch up with the story. but this is just too good to be true. i am amazed by your imagination and how everything is coming to a climax. on the other hand, i am also a bit wary of starting the next know, cause i know it is not finished. but, well, i am just too curious to ignore it. i do hope one day you finish it

Specifically, about this one: i loved how you developed ginny and draco's relationship and even more so the scene in the fancy restaurant, Tiad, i think. so many things happening, so many plots and so many things revealed. it's like i could feel what they were feeling. and it was a myriad of them.

the whole plot with the veil caught me a bit off guard. but i am enjoying it all.

claire is just a pain in the ass and i just loved her death. it ways very lucius-ish. and i could totally imagine him doing it. also, his death shocked me. the scene of draco, bill and lucius in Azkaban is heartbreaking. the fact that lucius left it all for draco was heartwarming. but i gotta say, when i read about his body missing, that i totally suspected the fact that he, somehow, escaped death. and i am very curious to understand how.

this is way too long, but i also i loved your portray of Percy Weasley. i've never quite grasped the fact that percy had to distance himself from his family just because of politics differences. and because he put his faith in institutions instead of rebels organizations. i relate, a lot, to him when his say that, even tough not always perfect, institutions must be held, respected and followed. otherwise there is no reason for them to exist.

finally, needless to say that i totally adore the fact that you made it clear that ginny has been touched by darkness. being possessed has to leave marks - dark ones - in a person's soul.

anyway, sorry for the lengthy review. it is just to much and i love it all (i think i used the word 'love' way too much in here, but in my defense, besides loving it, i am really sleepy) (also sorry for not reviewing every single chapter, it is just i'm way too eager to read the next one chapter that i simply forget. in fact, i think i also forgot about reviewing the second fic, but i was just in a hurry to start this one hehhe)

Abby Nesoya chapter 39 . 12/7/2019
What an awesome story! Thank you for taking the time to write this - especially with everything that had been going on in your real life while you wrote this.

You're an outstanding author! I love that you don't write down to your readers. I enjoy looking up unfamiliar words and learning about unfamiliar concepts (eg: Occam's Razor).

Now... onto The End Code!

PS - I wish you a very (4 years) belated congratulations on your Adult Card! :)
Abby Nesoya chapter 18 . 11/28/2019
As I was reading this chapter, the Vince Guaraldi Trio's "A Charlie Brown Christmas" CD was playing in the background. "A Christmas Song" was just ending as I closed out this chapter on Thanksgiving morning (0200). A que la vie est belle! (Oh, life is beautiful!)
Thank you for all of the time you put in to writing these wonderful Code stories during your college and immediate-post-college years!
Lish2357 chapter 15 . 9/8/2019
depressedravenclaw chapter 17 . 6/3/2019
It seems like, near the end of this chapter, there’s a repetition. Could you clear that up? You’ll see what I mean if you reread it.
lembas7 chapter 37 . 3/18/2019
OMG Percy Weasley is Mycroft Holmes!
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