Reviews for Child's Play
Naruisawesome chapter 1 . 4/28/2017
XD That was awesome! I loved it!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3/2015
All the little touches in this were brilliant. I loved the syrup especially.
amyh52 chapter 1 . 2/28/2014
Would love to read more about emily and sheldon. Love this one too
Riddle's Parseltongue Princess chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
i like pancakes and i like syrup but not derek or caseys kind of pancake syup!
EdeatheDemonFox chapter 1 . 4/18/2012
Wow...I have not watched this show in like...forever. I totally forgot about it, but then when I clicked on this, I remembered. XP And I also remembered how much I liked Casey and Derek together. Nikki is Derek's daughter, Emily is totally right. This was so cute and quirky, and God are kids really that hyper? XD Wow...I got tired just reading about it.
DramioneLurver chapter 1 . 10/22/2011
Oh my goodness! And you write Dasey!

Yep, it's official now.

I love you.

This story was so cute! I love Nikki! And I actually really liked the Emily/Sheldon bit of this. It was sweet and made me smile. Derek and Casey's interaction was very classically them, so it of course made me smile. Returning to Nikki though, she really is the cutest little Venturi ever, and definitely sounds like the spawn of Dasey. Since I have a seven year old sister whose quite the handful (understatement, that...), I also sympathized with Emily, but it sounds like she enjoyed herself. :)

Okay, NOW I'm off to bed, but I will definitely have to read more of you later. You're a brilliant author.
Sunshine-Midnight123 chapter 1 . 8/9/2011
Nikki is so adorable! This was really my much needed comic relief for the day!
morallygreydesi chapter 1 . 4/10/2011
I so want to read a sequel for this! It was hilarious. I love Nikki!

Venturi Hex...Haha!

Poor Sheldon..

Pancake Syrup!

I love this!
Dark-Supernatural-Angel chapter 1 . 12/11/2010
Nikki is an awesome little girl.

The name of her stuffed giraffe...hilarious. I too would have done a spit-take before laughing like crazy if I were Emily.

Derek seems to be corrupting his daughter by the way he treats his wife. The 'sexy' commenting, licking syrup off Casey...Nikki's innocence just makes the remarks all that much more entertaining.

For a six year old, Nikki can talk a lot!

Nikki and Connor are secret friends...awww!

Nikki's antics were very entertaining and I love the shouted question she directed towards Daddy Dearest.

Very entertaining and amusing to read!

If there is a sequel, I look forward to reading it!

Well done!
Grace chapter 1 . 2/22/2010
I love pancake syrup! And Nikki is so cute!
mwhale chapter 1 . 8/16/2009
Utterly hilarious. Great read!
Loki's-Choice chapter 1 . 7/7/2009
Wow. I couldn't stop laughing. This is excellent!
CailinNollaig chapter 1 . 7/1/2009
I love pancake syrup, and felt an obligation to review ;) Was a brilliant one-shot, by the way. Usually, fics with no paragraphs I avoid and don't really like, but this one was brilliant!


Present!” She laughed, eyes lighting up in delight. “A pony?”

“Uh, a stuffed one maybe,” Derek offered. - I had chuckled before this, but this line made me laugh out loud! Nikki is hilarious and I just love her character. She's just a chatty, sociable and oblivious six year old. Your portrayal of her was just amazing!


“Starving,” Nikki declared. “And so is Sexy.”

Well, they wanted me to change it, but I said no. I mean, it was Daddy’s idea. Besides, I couldn’t change his name after that, he’d get confused!” - Those two lines had me ROFL. The story behind the giraffe was funny, too, and through Nikki's little ramblings we kind of see how close Casey and Derek are and what they get up to. Even if Nikki doesn't really realise it.. xD


The syrup thing was too good, especially the long story about why she wanted to eat it alone. I think it's great how you add in bits and pieces on other people in the family, too, like Edward daring her and Lizzie's handcuffs.

Speaking of- “Hey, what are handcuffs, anyway?” - HAHAHA


I do have some critics though, nothing major though. I definitely think that she would have been able to say invisible, it's not that hard. My brothers 4 and he can say it with no problems.

Secondly, just something small, "but you have too" supposed to be 'two'. :)

Anyway, I love your Nikki and Casey banging Dereks head was hilarious, including the banter that followed afterwards. I love their relationship, it's just brilliant. (I've used that word well too many times.)


Great one-shot! I definitely would read a sequal :)

BJ chapter 1 . 6/30/2009
OMG! That was hilarious! Hahaha!

It's 6:00am and I'm still not sleeping, and it's so hard to stop myself from laughing while reading this.

Nikkie is so Derek! I can imagine everything in my head.

Make a sequel please! It's adorable
Frogster chapter 1 . 5/21/2009
That was so cute! Nikki is definitely Derek's daughter. But she does tend to run at the mouth like I guess they're even. Great job!
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