Reviews for The Sweetest Escape
Evil Illusions chapter 25 . 9/30/2019
2nd read! I love it!
Evil Illusions chapter 26 . 6/1/2018
This was a lovely story! I was a bit skeptical at first because the characters' demeanour are pretty different than canon but you made it work. Thanks for including the happy ending. Real life is too sad some times so it's nice to have something happy to read about.
Jd-dox chapter 26 . 7/24/2016
Reading this story has been such a journey. I really love it.
HarmsstaR chapter 1 . 9/3/2015
Every few years I find my way back to this fic. And I love it every time.
krisailor chapter 1 . 4/25/2013
hey author, that was a reeeaalllly good story! it made me smile, made me cry, it made me feel- for real and i assure you(humbly) that that's not a very easy feat for most :p. i must say i am partial to the 2nd ending. yea,i'm a sucker for happy endings too n strongly feel that 'all's well that ends well';). but also i'd like to think because its titled 'the SWEETEST escape' the 1st ending, albeit that being the original idea, was reeaalllyy harsh( unbearably so, sadly:/) whilst the latter?-now that was real sweet. sesshoumaru in that turned out surprisingly warm and dare i say sweet? yeah he got a little OOC in the end, might have expected him to ya know retain some of his frigidity, since he simply cant have such a massive change-of-heart ya? other than that, truly heart warming .loved it:D
datgirl chapter 26 . 1/25/2013
an awarding winning story()
Wildfly chapter 12 . 4/24/2012
good description of the party...
Wildfly chapter 9 . 4/24/2012
Wildfly chapter 8 . 4/24/2012
cool. like it.
Bakachild chapter 6 . 10/30/2011
your description of the lit class is spot on with my ap language and composition class which is a level before lit. Just felt like sharing. I'm re-reading this story for the billionth time and it feels odd to review this now but hey why not :)
NiceStories chapter 26 . 6/23/2011
Not much to say. I love this story. It's beautifully written, who cares if Inuyasha is OOC, it makes this story what it is. I don't think I've ever felt like 'AAAWWWW'ing so much or cursing for everything else. I loved both endings because they both brought out the best in and of Inuyasha.. I strongly encourage you to keep writing because you got serious talent right there :)

Have a wonderful day,

The Reader chapter 20 . 6/4/2011
Why the Hell did he get kicked out of the art show? The Hell was that about? When they accepted him, i was like "Yeah Inu" an then I was like "damn oichi, I'm gonna kick your face in!" Just likt that, yep. I started crying! Not a lot there were tears for poor inu-kun.
Glon Morski chapter 26 . 4/16/2011
This story was breathtakingly beautiful. I lovd it more than I'm able to express. Really, that a treasure-story you got there :3 Loved it very much. Thanks for sharing.

P.S.: I definitely liked the happy ending more :3
Jingyee1511 chapter 26 . 3/28/2011
I'm not sure if you mind this review being about 3 years overdue, but since I personally would love a review no matter how late...

I loved The Sweetest Escape, really. At the beginning, I wasn't very sure of it because Kagome felt just plain weird, and the concept of InunoTaishou being abusive is a very new one to me... And that I don't really handle violent scenes that well. But by the time Kagome was kicked out of photography club, I was hooked onto this fic way further than I expected. It's excellent, if I haven't mentioned it yet.

Under your hand, Inuyasha and Kagome got so cute! The way you made Inuyasha gradually open up to Kagome and how sweet he is around her is done so perfectly; no wonder this is an award winning fic. I especially loved the work you did on Inuyasha's Kagome withdrawals, Sesshomaru's wedding and the subsequent feelings when Sesshomaru disowned Inuyasha, the birthday Kagome and the others did for Inuyasha, the scenes from Inuyasha's childhood, the art competition... And the portraits, how you described them. Another thing would be how you introduced Miroku and Sango into the story, as well as how Inuyasha realised his emotions for Kagome... (I get the feeling that I'm going to say I loved the entire story at this rate. Whoops. )

However! I think that it may be more realistic that after Kagome's car was vandalised etcetera, you slot in occasional comments of how it is for them in school. The part with Yuki was never concluded, really. And although they have each other, surely Kagome still has some ill after effects of her association with Inuyasha... It'd have been nice perhaps to throw in a few lines about it. But your story still turned out wonderful, so... *shrug*

The first ending was done magnificently as well. A sad ending, I know, but it was nice to see how you originally wanted to end the story. If you did end it thus, I wouldn't have minded too much, I think. It was well done, so who cares if the ending was what the readers wanted? _ But anyway, your second ending was good as well. Although I didn't really like how the first part of chapter 25 turned out (Inuyasha's reactions seemed to fit the first ending rather than the second ending... Like the screams, emotions... Cut and paste from chapter 24 for the most part it didn't turn out so smooth in chapter 25. Or perhaps I'm overly critical), I'm really pleased that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha made up. The attitude problem of Inuyasha's there was interesting to see, since he had all right to it after the wedding...

On the whole, a truly magnificent story. I enjoyed (almost) all 26 chapters to it, and a very good job on it.
MissieMae chapter 26 . 8/23/2010
Wow. Amazing. Don't know why this doesn't have more reviews. I loved every bit of it. You feel everything inuyasha does and love kagome so much for being who she is. All of this was great (except ending 1 cuz that made me soo sad). I wish I could read more from you. You're a wonderful writer and look forward to one day reading more of your work.

Great story.
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