Reviews for Time Or Manner
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 9 . 4/3
Seriously still so brilliant on another read through. Just the most bizarre amazing thing to have - a Gryffindor Voldemort, who obviously grew up a teeny bit better without Ms Cole, and having Hermione and Neville of all people - like WHAT, SO BRILLIANT aghhhhhhh. I love this endlessly. I wish it went on endlessly haha.
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 1 . 12/16/2019
still so bummed about this hope you're well!
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 12 . 3/26/2019
At least you didn't leave us on a huge cliffhanger I suppose haha. Still not a Ginny fan! Probably won't be a fan of your Ginny ever my apologies! I hope you move away from romanticising her eventually lol. I mean, you may not come back! But if you did, no more of this damselly honey brown stuff haha. In fact, just writing her out would be really good haha! (Kinda how you wrote Hermione out, though I did honestly like her, even though you made it such a point to write her as "very ugly" when Tom met her.).

I wonder what you meant about J.K. Rowling's bad dialogue grammar? Surely any of that would have been picked up on by editors?

I love this and I know it's been 10 years but stranger things have happened? I hope you're okay wherever you are! Thank you for such an excellent story!
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 11 . 3/26/2019
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 10 . 3/26/2019
The Chamber was a bit anticlimactic because we were unconscious for it, and kind of wanted more Riddle/Tom chats, and more Dumbledore doing whatever he bloody could to earn forgiveness from Tom haha.
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 8 . 3/26/2019
I do hate this catastrophe that is Dumbles! There was so much potential for him!
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 7 . 3/26/2019
I think your thoughts italics drag a little bit, yo don't need to distinctly write out thoughts hehe. BUT WOW I LOOOVE THIS CHAPTER! Not so much a fan of romanticising Ginny's appearance, "honey brown eyes" "brown that's not brown when dancing with firelight" "sheets of crimson hair" - if you really want to give time a girlfie (as a Tom/Harry shipper this is hard to reconcile but I get it lol), make it a point to highlight wit and intelligence and STRONG characteristics. Not damselly stuff.

Forgot to mention, in year 1 I LOVED THAT LINE HOW TOM WAS WONDERIBG WHETHED HARRY WAS POSESSED AND HE PONDERED "He could be the Dark Lord and have done things and just not remember" hahaha so smart!

Also, so glad Dumbledore and Tom can finally chat! I hooooope they eventually have a good relationship
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 6 . 3/26/2019
Nooooooo I loved the Tom Harry Summer! Tom needs to be reassured over this bloody mess. Damn Harry.
I hope this doesn't become a Tom/Ginny thing but I suppose if he and Harry don't end up forming a relationship of sorts, it leaves Hermione and Ginny haha
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 5 . 3/25/2019
I really think Dumbledore is wasting this chance at a second chance don't you think? Surely he must feel some regret for not stepping in on Tom Riddle and offering him compassion instead of derision... THIS IS HIS CHANCE FOR REDEMPTION BASICALLY! I would love to see some semblance of relationship between these two agggh
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 4 . 3/25/2019
I loved the Hermione/Tom as besties part before the troll took her away. Ahhhggg I just want Tom to realise Harry is not evil, and I want Quirrellmort to do something with Tom haha!
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 3 . 3/25/2019
Your author note here was so sweet! I hope you are alive and okay somewhere?
PinkMusicalCherry chapter 2 . 3/24/2019
This is so fascinating. I am of course so worried to start this unfinished story!
DR5996 chapter 12 . 11/11/2018
I?m sad that you stopped to write the fanfic
Guest chapter 12 . 8/5/2017
Awesome! :) Update please, if U have time? :)
Guest chapter 12 . 8/5/2017
Wow, great work - tnx! :) Awesome story! :)
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