Reviews for Shelter
gilmaxter chapter 1 . 9/12/2014
Very nice. :)
Crystal Lorelei chapter 1 . 9/22/2012
This story was after they escaped Raccoon, right? The way you write is really unique and different from all the others. I love it how you decided that Claire's fear was becoming used to the danger than fear of the danger itself.
JackDarkStone chapter 1 . 5/12/2012
Nice story. Short but very nice.
AI chapter 1 . 4/3/2006
Warm and fuzzies! SO sweet that they are each other's shelter. GOod job!
CaidenWalker -shade1578 chapter 1 . 8/10/2005
I loved it. Absolutely loved it. I'll be honest, I'm in a bit of a rut trying to start the sequel to my own little resident evil fan fiction. But you've inspired me to keep writing. Honestly, this is one incredible piece of work. I applaud, standing ovation.
PJ chapter 1 . 7/25/2005
I like how Claire recognizes her emotional detachment from the horrors. I like how she's protective of Sherry. I like how Leon is protective of Claire.
PJ chapter 1 . 7/25/2005
I like how Claire recognizes her emotional detachment from the horrors. I like how she's protective of Sherry. I like how Leon is protective of Claire.
Phillip Smith chapter 1 . 6/25/2005
Very nice. I have no bad word to say about that. I recomend that you continue to write RE fan-fiction cause you are good at it.
Lindsay chapter 1 . 6/6/2005
Leon IS cute, nothing to be ashamed of!
jmryan chapter 1 . 10/28/2003
I just found out how to search for stories by author after reading your story "Sonata" (which is one of the best I've read), and was surprised to find that you've written several others that I really enjoyed. "Bring on the Rain" and "Pink" were excellent. I've added you to my Favorite Authors List. Keep up the good work!
it's me again chapter 1 . 2/16/2002
eee! So sweet, so poignant. Very well-written, very empathetic, very good. I loved this:

"that beautiful male shrug that meant everything and nothing...he speared her with his eyes..."

So true, and such good word choice! It's late, and I'm tired, or I would be more verbose. Just keep it up-any series you write, it works, it makes us bleed. So keep confidence and keep at it, my friend!

Frosta chapter 1 . 9/15/2001
I really enjoyed "Shelter." For once, a damn story that makes crediable dialogue. Bravo
animequeen07 not signed in chapter 1 . 8/27/2001
I loved this! I hate they won't let me sign in my comp is messed up...hate aol...but when I can sign in this is definatly going on my faves! -Assassin Lady Darkness
AngelTears chapter 1 . 8/25/2001
wow this was a great story one of the best RE out there awesome job
Sophie chapter 1 . 8/10/2001
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