Reviews for Sands of Fortune
nova chapter 10 . 6/16/2011
oh my god! i loved this series!
Amy chapter 10 . 12/7/2010
this series was so much fun to read keep up the good work
Fishy Rainboots chapter 10 . 7/7/2008
Great job! I absolutely love this series. Brilliantly written.
Miss Late Bloomer chapter 10 . 2/9/2006
A very charming story. I must admit, I've never pictured Jonathan in a romantic light, but you made it very easy to imagine, and yes, Amanda is certainly his match. I always enjoyed the interactions of the other couples: Ardeth/Rebecca, Evy/Rick. I disagree with what one reviewer said how Jonathon had an OC feel. Not at all. You kept him in character, just expanded it, for the purposes of the tale. Nothing wrong with that!
Katherine Dark chapter 10 . 12/4/2004

This was a fairly complicated storyline, and I think it might have been more effective if you'd stretched it out. The end of Imhotep and the death of Beni seemed almost offhand. This was an interesting story with ten chapters. I bet it would have been a fabulous story at 20 or 25 chapters, with more suspense built in. This was written three years ago - I wonder what your writing might be like today? Try writing something else, you have great ideas.

cackle chapter 10 . 2/3/2003
great story
per chapter 10 . 4/8/2002
love whole series esp because its finished and I dont have to wait for updates. Oh and the skilled writing helps to.
Artemis chapter 1 . 11/29/2001
Why do I have this feeling that Amanda is going to be some thing like Jonathan with breasts?
Liselle chapter 10 . 11/25/2001
It's not that I don't like Jonathan acting all racy-like, but your characters just seemed to be really OOC, and Amanda is such a Mary-Sue. Some nice sexy bits, though... keep it up.
Sasami chapter 10 . 10/31/2001
PLEASE continue this series! Your stories are awesome! :-)
Britt chapter 10 . 9/15/2001
i luv it! hehehe! u are such a great writer! i think the "Sands" series should continue! Alex should look like Rick! *sigh* lol! and when Ahmed's older...He should look like Ardeth...*bigger sigh* lol! :)
Annabelle Lauren chapter 10 . 9/12/2001
Aww! I am such a sucker for happy endings! Great story (again)! Even if you don't continue sands, I really hope to see more from you, because you are such an awesome writer!-Anna Lauren
brainfear chapter 10 . 9/12/2001
Good story. I like Ardeth and Rebecca as a couple. They are the ones that make this series stand out.
SB Syd chapter 10 . 9/12/2001
Wow! Very cool! You have to continue! It's sooo good! Please!
Jonathan's Baby chapter 1 . 9/11/2001
I have one question. Are you my long lost sister? I LOVE it!
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