Reviews for Begin Again
Nezzie chapter 5 . 11/15/2007
I love your story. I know it's been a while since it's been updated, but I'll be watching if there's going to be more some day. I really hope there will be.
Emmers224 chapter 5 . 11/5/2007
Omg, PLEASE update this soon!
redrose7856 chapter 5 . 10/12/2007
Oh. I like it. I've only watched like, the first three episodes, but i love the show already. what happens next?
AgentD373 chapter 1 . 9/28/2007
OMG! Amazing! I am definitely addicted to this piece now. It's so well written, engaging, and best of all it's true to the show. Keep up the good work and keep updating. I can't bear it if I don't get more Traveler!
Ebon Hush chapter 5 . 9/27/2007

This is so cool. It's like all the best from Supernatural to the Bourne Identity. Good job! I can hardly wait to read the rest of it, so er... where is it? *looks around finding nothing* Damn... hehe. Please update soon.

Ebon Hush
Ebon Hush chapter 1 . 9/27/2007

This seems great so far at least. My very first Traaveler fic. Planning to write some myself soon.

i like the way you seem to have captured Will, even in the little things like his curtness and so forth.

Looking forward to the rest of the fic, will review again after the last chapter.

Ebon Hush
kayla chapter 5 . 9/6/2007
I'm really enjoying this - especially now that I can't get my weekly Traveler fix each Wednesday... I'm anxious to see where this is heading!
Justice of the People chapter 2 . 8/15/2007
"It didn’t exactly purr as he turned the key in the ignition and pulled away, but it ran."

Me: I really liked that line.

Xanatos: *grumbles*

Me: What was that?

Xanatos: I said I liked it better when Chels was in charge.

Me: I'm sorry, but I can't let you just run wild.

Xanatos: Chels did.

Me: No she didn't, she was just so preoccupied with the sudden power she had over Vincent that she didn't notice what you were doing. In case you haven't noticed, she's a tad self-absorbed.

Obi-Wan: And apathetic.

Me: HEY! Only I'm allowed to talk about her like that!

Obi-Wan: But she is!

“They’re following us, too,” Will admitted with a frown. “And they don’t assume anything.”

Me: Will's people sound like badasses.

Xanatos: Can we please get back to what's important here?

Me: And what's that?

Xanatos: Our freedom that you so uncaringly stole.

Me: You're the only one who cares Xanatos. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one, and I won't have an overabundance of rape and promiscuity running around if I can help it.

Xanatos: You have such low views of me.

Qui-Gon: I wonder why.

Xanatos: Oh great.

Me: And where were YOU when all this turmoil was ensuing?

Qui-Gon: You brought them here, you control them. I was at the beach.

Me: *Sigh* You're useless too. By the way Chels, I think that you might have a pre-occupation with the car species the taurus. This is the second story where you've used one.

Xanatos: Hey Juli, do you ever listen to yourself when you talk? I mean really listen?

Me: ...At least I'm not gay.

Xanatos: Oh the pain.
Justice of the People chapter 1 . 8/15/2007
Me: I like this so far, even though I only understand a smidgeon of what's going on.

Xanatos:...What the hell is this?


Xanatos: What? I can't be critical?


Xanatos: What?

Me: Where have you been?

Xanatos: *scoffs* At Chelsea's house. You didn't honestly expect me to stay with all those nasty children? They're not even corruptible, what with their histories.

Me: That's an awful thing to say.

Caydyn: *sobs* Thank Vincent you're back!

Me: What happened to you?

Caydyn: *sniff* Xanatos. He...

Me: Nevermind, I don't need details. And OMG Chels you didn't tell me that Tyler has a bad relationship with his father!

Caydyn: Don't dimiss me! Didn't you find my note?

Me: *stares blankly* Note?

Caydyn: The one about how everyone is really mean to me and Chels won't help she just laughs and Xanatos did bad, naughty things to me?

Me: Oh yeah I saw that one.

Caydyn: And?

Me: And now that I'm back it probably won't happen again.

Caydyn: Probably?

Me: What do you want me to do, cry for you?

Caydyn: A little sympathy would be nice!

Me: Sympathy? Because Xanatos did "naughty" things to you? Do you know how many times I've tried to get him to do those things to me?


Me: Anyway, on to Chapter 2.
shiningstar15 chapter 5 . 8/14/2007
Glad you got another chapter up. I agree with Survivor-Chick, it doesn't really matter how long it takes to get a new chapter (as long as we know there'll be one). This chapter was very interesting, I didn't really mind that there wasn't any FBI or Kim in it - though it would be nice to see what happens with Kim. Didn't really like Delia, didn't think she'd be the type to kill herself. This was a great chapter for being written when you hadn't slept (it's good anyway, but I tend to write pretty crazy at night, lol, and you don't) Love the FN quote. Hope you had a great B-day and good luck at college.
Mean titan chapter 5 . 8/13/2007
Oh my god I loved it.

So don't even try to say that it isn't good.
Suvivor-Chick chapter 5 . 8/13/2007
It doesnt matter how long it takes to put up a chapter so long as theres a chapter in the end right :) Intresting chapter, I wonder what Hometown is up too know- but they seem to know what Will is going to do so Im guessing we are going to run into more of them soon oh well that just means more action then more angst lol. Definetly more action in this chapter but I missed a little of the dynamic between the boys. Not that Im complaining your doing better then I ever could and I love this story. Its keeping Traveler going for me. I hope you dont get to stressed out and that you update soon.

Small-Fri chapter 5 . 8/13/2007
YES! an update. i thought the chapter was great and i can't wait for the next one
Imzadi chapter 5 . 8/13/2007
I didn't care much for Delia the ex-prostitute/opportunist, but that's a heck of a way to die. It's going to be quite a ride until we find out what's actually going on. This is really heavy. Good luck at college.
Carol chapter 5 . 8/12/2007
Excellent story. Great pacing. Your versions of the characters match what I saw during the series. I especially like your Jay-Tyler-Will dynamics. I like how you dealt with the question of kidnapped Kim. As you implied, Jay would want to ride to the rescue. You came up with a clever way to avoid that happening, at least immediately, and have added tension since Jay is not going to be happy when he finds out that Tyler and Will kept the information from him.

Your story has helped my Traveler withdrawal symptoms from becoming acute and I'm very much looking forward to more.
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