Reviews for Wasabi Pancakes style DNAngel
brizingr chapter 16 . 6/6/2015
pls update soon...
Starry.Dreamer.kitten chapter 17 . 8/11/2012
try to think of something just as good of the rest chapters and review a bit before posting, your grammar is a it off you keep on missing the apostrophes in your contractions
RIPLEYWHITEFIRE chapter 17 . 11/4/2011
That was amazing and hot. i love the way you do the love scenes with the couples. your story couldn't get cooler than it already is... unless you update and add the last chapter or so. it would be really great to see dark and krad having times of affection like dai and toshi did also some awesome revenge scenes could help pull off a powerfull end battle. then a smutty lemon wouldnt be frowned upon... just some thoughts its been 3 yrs almost since last chapter your agreat and funny authoress plz finish!
RipleyHedwig chapter 8 . 10/28/2011
so i was confused bout the name thingy but which ever. the storyline is getting better and sexier. love daisuke in leather and wings satoshi would be just as ddramatic in the same.
RipleyHedwig chapter 7 . 10/27/2011
waoh twisty i like it. and takeshi likes his roomy nice. one little plot fail...wasn't the roomates name riku? and isnt keishi (Risa's bf) first name riku? unless sekimoto and keishi incidentaly have the same name. other than that, kudos on such a great story.
RipleyHedwig chapter 6 . 10/27/2011
kawaiiiiiiiiii wow that was fast but good. i really like your plotting its a great start. i hope it stays this awesome. that bully better get his ass kicked for picking on dai like that. nice portrayal on satoshi, and takeshi.
RipleyHedwig chapter 3 . 10/27/2011
wow nice heart to heart. niwa ever get his necklace back? i love this story so far hope it has a good claimax. cant wait to see how it turns. and i like the funny dark its cool.
RipleyHedwig chapter 2 . 10/27/2011
Daisuke is so two sided I like it. tooo bad they had too have gym together and that Hiwatari has such a cold heart. nice touch with the twins they are tweebs! I loved it your a good writter. Thank you.
RipleyHedwig chapter 1 . 10/27/2011
Awww poor Daisuke. hope Hiwatari returns his necklace.. Great chapter I loved the arguements between Dark and for this.
BT LOVER chapter 1 . 10/27/2011
lol thats cool i liked it but wats up with the water thing?
lucero1142 chapter 17 . 8/28/2011
i love this story i wanted to know if you might ever have daisuke have a long lost younger twin brother that looked nothing like him and is more powerful than him too. in my mind his younger twin brother was sent to an orphanage because they only wanted one son and he wasn't the first born. and since they didn't give him a name either the people who adopted him were happy to given the name (which is my character) Jun Rose. at three years old jun's adopted family all died but before the father died he told jun that his real family are the niwas and that if he belives in his self that he can do anything. after they all died he was sent back to a different orphanage that don't treat kids right they decided to take jun to a very evil man who is a scienctist in everything and needed a test subject for his exprimenting. over the years jun survived and surpasses in everything even passes all collages and degrees at the age of ten jun kills his captive and runs away. he decides to start over and went to a school for kids his age goes and there he meets his long lost big brother and became freinds too. they shared everything and there secrets that when they were leaving to go to middle school jun told his big brother the truth that his family has kepted from him and that he is leaving to become rich enough that if somthing happends that they will have all the resorces they need to live happy normal lives. he told his big brother to keep it a secret and that if something happens contact him as soon as posible. years later or should i say when he is around 14 or 15 years old they meet again and learns that his big brother lover is satoshi and about krad and dark and blah blah blah... i would like it to add in the story line if not then make another story about it. and if you need more information just contact me and i'll give you the details. keep up the good work and don't let nothing stop you either. bye bye.
throw.awayy chapter 17 . 5/1/2011
despite my love of this if you cannot think of an idea it is more to the point of just sitting the story out for a little while and rethinking over the past contents. And sort of relate to it, it works for me when i get writers block and no ideas come to me.

keep up the amazing work :)
alexandra101 chapter 17 . 1/30/2011
Stormshadow13 chapter 17 . 7/18/2009
Hi, good to hear from you.

Hm, ideas? If i remember corectly everyone was getting ready for the big fight. If you want to do a short filler thing you could have them do something fun to while away the time a game of some kind and then after it each person talk to his love interest or something.

Me personally a little humor before the big fight is always fun.

Hope this helps.
KFMMSA chapter 16 . 7/18/2009
Wasabi pancakes,

Hello this is KF. I wanted to let you know that I absolutely adore this story. The plot line is great and so are the charecter interactions! I feel like you've done a great job capturing personalities and I can't wait to read more. I also really like your random um thoughts I guess and the notes on what songs you were listening to. It really does help set the mood! I did notice though that you were in search of some ideas for the next chapter. I have a few if you still need some.

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