Reviews for When You Let Me Love You
okami-onna chapter 1 . 10/16/2015
I just loooove this couple. Thank you so much for making a wonderful fic but left me wanting more...
Hiruma makes me weak on the knees but I find Jumonji cute ;-)
Bar-Ohki chapter 1 . 12/7/2008
I really like this.
SirStruts chapter 1 . 3/21/2008
Well this is a very nice little songfic, though I felt you were forcing the lyrics in some places. Overall the song fit it nicely with your story. The characters were portrayed pretty well as it's kind of hard to write a romantic scene with Hiruma being Hiruma so I thought you pulled that off well. The ending was funny, showing the typical Hirumasque persona. Very nice ES21 fic. Look forward to reading your other fics.
Akaba chapter 1 . 12/6/2007
Hey there. I'm just going to say my opinion, because being honest is important. So here it is:

I liked how you matched the song with the story. It was cool. I could see why you would pair Hiru and Mamo together. They are a funny couple. Hiruma acted like Hiruma a bit, but I would never have expected him to do that kind of stuff. I don't think Hiruma would do that kind of stuff, though. Well, his chracter is kind of like that type of person to be rough and scary, but we don't really know his sweet side yet, at least. XD I'd totally die from it! Maybe you should make one when Hiruma goes wacko one day, or has amnesia, and becomes really nice. that'd be the day...

_ so long! Keep up the good work and making great fanfics for Eyeshield lovers and other awesome stuff!

~your reviewer,

Akaba _
hirumasgirl chapter 1 . 11/27/2007
i don't what else to say. This is great! love the details and the song really fits the story..hope to read more this kind scrunchy )
KittyLynne chapter 1 . 7/29/2007
I think you've written an excellent song fic. _

You did a great job of fitting Mamori's thoughts and emotions to the lyrics, and the lyrics themselves set a very romantic mood for the kiss...and yet not so much that it took Hiruma out of character in his actions right after! Great job!

You have a lovely and lyrical quality to your descriptions as well. I look forward to reading more from you in the future.

All the best,

Irish leprechaun chapter 1 . 7/25/2007


I loved it, the last bit fit them perfectly.

: D
lycanine chapter 1 . 7/25/2007
Wow is all I can say in my head. So simple yet so like them.

Like the story u weave with the song, will take yer advice to look up in Youtube. BTW, could you like send me the song via attachment since you've mentioned that the stores don't carry the CD?

Do write more stories abt Eyeshield, ok?