Reviews for The Golden Age
JanuaryLestrange chapter 24 . 7/17
Wow. Really good, but really depressing. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
Jasshan Goel chapter 7 . 6/20
This is talk about all the things which have so much point in them yet i had never thought about those things. This chapter was also amazing like all the others
GNcat chapter 24 . 4/15
In what way is this a complete story?
tresta chapter 8 . 1/19
Ron’s grown up a lot over the last few years. I cannot believe he would do this. It’s cruel, and Ron is not intentionally cruel to Hermione- not at this point in time. She’s been one of his best friends for years, and hes in love with her. He knows how she feels about her things, and about books in particular.
On chapter 7
I get that you don’t see them together long term and that’s your right, but I feel this chapter is a disservice to Ron. It’s very OOC and I think there are other ways for Ron and Hermione to cool off, or question where their relationship might be going. It’s so OOC for Ron to pull a cruel prank like this that is knocked me right out of what has, up to now, been a good story.

For what it’s worth I also don’t think we can assume JKR “loves pranks”. A number of her characters are pranksters but that doesn’t mean anything about her, personally. I admit you seem to follow her various interviews more than I have done, but I’d still be surprised by a prankster Jo. She has been clear that she’s a Hermione sort of person.
tresta chapter 7 . 1/19
Regarding Lucius and the Diary

I agree with you that Lucius was wanting to make trouble for the Weasleys, but had no idea that the item his master asked him to hold was a Horcrux. I imagine the trouble he envisioned was pretty much what you wrote: Ginny has an extra book, they have to explain...etc. After all, Voldemort’s true name was printed right on the cover. The adults would know who that book belonged to. Also, I believe that in COS Arthur had led some raids on Malfoy Manor and confiscated certain objects. Lucius probably wanted to punish him by putting a word in Fudges ear, say, and something belonging to Voldemort would be found in the home of a conspicuously Light family- itd be catastrophic for the Weasleys.

Even Dumbledore didn’t know exactly what the diary was yet, but he was suspicious. There is a deleted scene where he is alone in his office examining the diary, and the giant hole in the middle of it. So he got it back after Harry used it with the dirty sock inside to free Dobby. DD suspected it was very important even at that stage, but he didn’t KNOW yet. That’s what many of his trips away from the school were about after COS. He was researching, and fact finding.

And I absolutely agree that Lucius had no idea about the Basilisk or that the Diary in any way connected to the creature. Whatever his faults, crueltiesx even evil deeds- Lucius loves his son and would never knowingly put Draco in that sort of danger. I believe that completely: his love for his family is clear. Draco being marked and given a mission was a punishment for Lucius and possibly Narcissa. Voldemort never believed Draco could kill Dd and he would have an excuse to kill Draco. It was just gravy to make all 3 Malfoy suffer first.

As for the “life threading danger! And the All I could think about was Jamie Fraser from the book Outlander who once 3xplained that danger “give ye such a cockstand”. Lol

I definitely can see some “dear Merlin, we’re alive!” Lovin between the elder Malfoys. And I can also see them intentionally choosing to get pregnant, to create more Wizarding children after the horrible losses of the War, on both sides. (Though Harry wouldn’t get that last part. And I think he is too young as Lucius says, to understand the “we’re alive” sex.

Harry is emotionally younger than seventeen in many ways, mostly due to the Dursley’s horrendous neglect. He’s been fighting for his life- not just the past year, or even the past seven, but from the moment he was dropped on the Dursley’s doorstep. He’s missed out on a lot. I do think the Weasleys (and a few others) have done a lot to mitigate that damage, but Harry has a way to go and still has a lot to learn. He’s never been safe, and I think that’s the starting place for some of the learning he still has to do. He needs to feel safe.
tresta chapter 6 . 1/18
Ron does eventually become an Aurof, but he starts out working with George as in your story. WWW makes a lot of sense to me at this stage. The trio went through hell during the Horcruxes hunt and I can see Ron needing to immerse himself in something very different in the aftermath of the Battle.

For potterverse Canon visit . It’s fantastic and frequently updated as well as consistent.
tresta chapter 5 . 1/18
Maybe Hermione Jane in fanfic. But the only mention of her middle name in canon is in DH, plus her mother’s name-in canon-is Jean.
tresta chapter 4 . 1/18
This is really good... I am enjoying your vision of how things might go shortly after the Battle of Hogwarts, as the survivors begin to pick up the pieces. One small Brit pick: Severus would actually give Harry a TWO-fingered salute. The British version of the Bird is to hold the index and middle finger together and thrust them upward.
Reader chapter 11 . 12/7/2019
Oh, I'll never agree with the theory that Harry put his parents on a pedestal when his beliefs had been severely put to the test in 5th year. He's exceptionally private, even with his friends when it came to his family. I don't think he would go around asking strangers about them and nor would he expect anyone else to hold great opinions of them. He would be angry if they had low opinions but he wouldn't exert some sort of biased decisions. Also, his affection for the Weasley family wasn't blind devotion, this conundrum (him being disinclined to marriage) right now was a creation of yours and shouldn't automatically translate to a change in Harry's fundamental behaviour.
Reader chapter 7 . 12/7/2019
I hate pranks too. Especially if they carry a smug, condescending air, which they usually do.
Reader chapter 2 . 12/7/2019
Not sure if you'll even see this but I had to add my two cents. I've always been so disturbed by the blind spots people have as far as the damage that can be wrought by wizards on themselves and the oblivious muggles. The concepts, snippets JKR introduced/ included in the story, if actually explored, present such a horrifying picture that I'm dismayed at the blindness some readers employ. I've always found the memory charm and the Imperius curse particularly disturbing. Thank you for bringing this to the fore. I'd love to see Harry and Hermione end up together but wouldn't mind if they don't because as Harry says, they'll always be involved.
Sak chapter 12 . 11/27/2019
Wow everything is so swift and heartless and human
Sak chapter 11 . 11/19/2019
I was literally ROFL at the gist cheese scene
Sak chapter 10 . 11/19/2019
Gag. I'm stressing for their dinner party myself, terribly. It is my stressy stress.
Sak chapter 9 . 11/19/2019
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