Reviews for Desolace
Lady Blue chapter 16 . 10/24/2014
Hay you it's me Lady Blue, and I'm here to review you! May I say this is one of the greatest story I've read. I know it's 2014 and you probably will not see this review. But I won't you to know that your doing a great job and if you think it's going all wrong, it's all good my brother! Or umm Sister or whatever. And one more this I absolutely love Slippy in this story he was alwsome hope he like this in the next chapters. Yeahhhh! Nerd powwwerrrrr! ;D
K.S. Reynard chapter 16 . 3/21/2014
What a desperate place. The agony that Fox feels here is so disturbingly palpable, from his injured leg to the thousands of little barbs in his hands after erroneously touching the limb. Seems like in the terror of the situation, he also forget his most important survival gear. Brilliant.

On the other hand, it would be like Krystal to step up while Fox is wallowing in his own confusion. Picturing her with black blood all over her face is disturbingly attractive for some reason. Not really sure why, but it is.

Writing-wise, I think having the chapters a bit longer would be a slight improvement, although there's not anything wrong with how they are now. I just think that it might be a bit more immersive. Then again, that might just be me. Some of my chapters have exceeded 10k words.

I'm disappointed that not very many people have fav'd or reviewed this story since 2010 or so. Possibly it's because it's been such a while since it was written to begin with; but whatever the reason, it's still disappointing. I don't normally try to promote other writing, but I'll try to put a plug in for this story when I post the next chapter of my most widely read story. Also, it might be a better idea to post the DeviantArt links on your profile page, because then you'll be able to post the whole link that doesn't require significant manipulation of the URL to open.
XxSanitariumxX chapter 2 . 3/15/2014
Seems like Fox just needs to get laid. He's all pent up, frustrated, and on edge all the time. I want too sure about this story, since the first chapter was so short and off setting, bit now I'm coming around.
K.S. Reynard chapter 15 . 3/12/2014
Now we're talking. I had given up hope that this story would ever make it to Desolace itself, seeing as most stories that haven't been updated in years don't ever get to see the light of day again. So, when I refreshed the FF Star Fox page this morning, I had to make sure I wasn't seeing things when this appeared at the top of the list.

The description of the planet itself somehow managed to be even more haunting than I imagined it would. Very, very creepy. Normally, I don't do horror; but I will make a more than welcome exception for this. The only thing that irked me was the complete lack of an explanation for why Fox ended up in a smoldering wreck on Desolace. I assume that it will be explained in future chapters, but it leaves a pretty large hole in the plotline at the moment. Still, I'm ecstatic that this story is being continued.
K.S. Reynard chapter 14 . 9/9/2013
I don't even know if you'll ever read this review, but I've got to give you credit for writing this story, whether you ever finish it or not (Although I sincerely hope that you do). The last few chapters were spectacular. I swear that I could feel Fox's pain when he shattered his leg in Chapter 11. Fine work you did there. There were a few typos and awkward bits throughout the story, but nothing major. I read the premise of this story in your bio, and if you go through with the swampy horror part, it'll more than make my day.

All in all, great job. Apart from the occasionally awkward structure, there is almost nothing that I can legitimately complain about.
eliu390 chapter 14 . 3/9/2011
pretty good.

rereading for sentence fluency in parts would help though, especially if you get somebody else to do it for you, because your own writing usually sounds fine to you
Aphotica chapter 1 . 6/15/2010
Somewhere down the line, you gotta wonder where you went. So I ask, where oh where could SOTR be?
SonicStories101 chapter 14 . 2/20/2010
love it! keep going!
The Broken Wolf chapter 14 . 12/17/2009
Story's a little disjointed, and several terms were misused (like "enclave" and "dilapidated" [which should've been "dissipated"]),

and there was the sneaking feeling of "hang on, this ain't Metal Gear Solid 3".

But other than that, good yarn.
Aphotica chapter 14 . 11/25/2009
One hell of a come back. Look at all the reception. :D

V-Starfox chapter 14 . 11/25/2009
It's awesome to see you back!

Great, short and sweet chapter, update soon!
KeepingtheBlade chapter 14 . 11/25/2009
A very nice, relieving chapter. Not much going on, but hey, it's something and it was well written. Nice to finally see an update after what, eleven months? Please continue and update more frequently!
SilencedFox chapter 14 . 11/25/2009
Dude, this update was quite the surprise! It's freaking fantastic you're back!. I can't wait to see more, this story has so much potential and I'm glad you aren't letting it sit on the shelf forever. Good to have you back bro, this inspires me to maybe bring back my story too...

This chapter, although short, was perfectly balanced and acted as a perfect reintroduction to your epic tale. So I hope to see more soon!

Fan Boy 101 chapter 14 . 11/25/2009
Awesome chapter! Short and sweet! I sure hope you update soon.
canocola chapter 13 . 10/11/2009
why did you stop updating it? its a really good story!
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