Reviews for Signal to Noise
Guest chapter 8 . 10/10/2019
Former? anorexic guy here: I truly appreciate every single word of this story. I'm so happy that other people are able to share their own experiences with others, even anonymously (like myself).
I grew up in a pretty traumatic environment and for years had learned that all mental conditions made people insane and defective, courtesy of my elder, often-attention-seeking, sister. Of course, that led to six separate diagnoses and six separate major downward spirals, one of which is still a major problem in my daily life. I'm constantly struggling with self-image issues and have recently been relapsing into my default "invisible mode," as I call it: no talking, no eating, no social interaction, and no self-pity. It's always a challenge to feel alone, but having found this story I already feel a little better. While I know I still have a long way to go, I also recognize just how important everything is to helping me get back on track.
Thank you for your wonderful writing, and for your willingness to share your experiences with us. I hope you are doing well.
P.S. Go Canada! Love from your southern neighbor :-)
xharrypotter chapter 1 . 8/25/2019
i love this too much
accioeverdeen chapter 22 . 7/23/2019
Natalie Lupin chapter 22 . 7/11/2019
im crying
anonYmous chapter 22 . 11/20/2018
for about a year i use to have this fic open as a tab on my laptop and refresh it everyday, i've given up on an update but if you still read these reviews please know how much love i have for this fic and everything it stands for.
LonePatr0nus chapter 22 . 10/19/2017
Please continue! It's really good and I really want Ron and Hermione to finally realise exactly how sick Harry is and try to help him... It's really well written... Don't leave me hanging ;)
Potter the Plotter chapter 22 . 7/15/2015
I know this story is probably abondoned but if you ever come back to it—I'll be here. This is one of the best stories on Abused!Harry and EatingDisorder!Harry I've ever read.
Potter the Plotter chapter 19 . 7/15/2015
You are such an amazing writer. I've cried like 7 times during this story—you're so good at expressing how Harry is feeling and how he wants one thing but doesn't want it at the same time and he's scared—this chapter is also so perfect.
Potter the Plotter chapter 10 . 7/14/2015
This is so realistic, it's amazing. You show exactly how it feels to have an eating disorder—a lot of writers don't write it correctly as they don't know what it feels like. The rules in the hospital are very realistic too, I remember them being almost the same as those in the place I went.
Potter the Plotter chapter 7 . 7/14/2015
holy shit
Ghost chapter 22 . 3/14/2015
Noooooooo! Update! PLEASE!
xharrypotter chapter 22 . 8/29/2014
in tears again this fanfiction really moves me & i'm eagerly awaiting an update. :') while I wait i'll be watching sherlock so I can read your sherlock fanfiction :-)
fhl1234 chapter 22 . 7/20/2014
Such an environment doesn't always prove therapeutic for all patients. He'll recover far more quickly with Remus, Hermione and Ron (hopefully they'll be able to take the odd trip here and their to see him) to get him through this.

And here I hoped to see his recovery. Please update again whenever you can. Their journey through this whole mess has been an honor to read, as even if you hadn't said in an a/n, it'd be obvious that at least some of this you write from experience.

*adds to faves list*

and adds to story alerts*
fhl1234 chapter 21 . 7/20/2014
Looks like Severus's attempts to let Remus sleep are in vane. Nothing goes as planned for Mr. Potter...

Pity that there's only one more chapter posted, and after I got my hopes up that I'd get to see him recover to the fullest extent. Alas, I'll have to wait like everyone else. Thanks for sharing this with us. While I don't have any disorder like him, you did a good job of portraying it in a way that is realistic, and unlike most authors, I can tell that you didn't put this aspect of trauma from abuse in just to torture him needlessly, it's so much more than just an angst factor here, kudos to you for that, as it irks me when people try to minimize the impact and recovery from abuse like that.
fhl1234 chapter 20 . 7/20/2014
Whilst I respect that it will take you a while to get into their head-space, it's been a longer time since your last update than that would normally take, are things going okay with you?

I'm loving his gradual recovery, very realistic with the two steps forward, one back routine. Kudos to you for being the expert here.

Remus centric chapters are my favorite to read. I'm impressed at how you wrote all of this story to date in first person. I don't think that any story that falls into this category on this website has achieved that feat, it makes you really be able to understand where he's coming from.

Cleaver plan their Hermione, liked her meal preparations.
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