Reviews for So NOT A Fairytale
walkingspring chapter 1 . 7h
nice intro
ae2000x chapter 14 . 8/22/2019
this is absolutelyridiculous and so fun to read. I love it!
Tans O chapter 14 . 8/2/2015
God this was an annoying and unbelievably fun read. I especially took a liking to the food duel scene. It was hilarious! I like how Miroku and Kagome seem to be partners in crime, it kinda suits them. This was definitely a humor fic above all else. It was a weird and awkward ride for me reading this but I had one hell of a laugh fest so cheers to you for that! I'm helping myself to your other humor fics if you don't mind. Ciao~ *sends a flying kiss to general direction of you who are reading this review*
EaglesDream326 chapter 14 . 4/11/2015
You know, generally, I am not a fan of stories written in this manner. I find that first person POV, with all of the additional inner monologues and breaks in story telling, just do not satisfy me as a reader. Frankly, many times, they just come across as juvenile. That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed this story. It was fun and didn't take itself too seriously, without devolving into just random ideas thrown together. And believe me, I have read my fair share of stories that promised the same thing and left me walking away questioning what in HECK I just read. So kudos and I look forward to seeing what other ideas you come up with.
Britonell chapter 14 . 3/21/2015
Them and the lake, yeesh. All's well that ends well! Loved the story!
Britonell chapter 10 . 3/21/2015

Britonell chapter 8 . 3/21/2015
Oh man, if I could have a food fight like that...XD
MadamScorpio chapter 14 . 12/27/2014
Just don't have the wedding by a lake problem solved was really funny to read!
MadamScorpio chapter 12 . 12/27/2014
Tricky bastard lol
MadamScorpio chapter 8 . 12/26/2014
Loved this chapter! It was too funny
BashiYami chapter 14 . 9/18/2014
It just came to me. The next thing you could do after your other various projects. This needs a sequel, one where InuYasha decides to chase down whatever vestiges of power/influence Naraku ever had so he can finally have/marry Kagome. And everything that comes with it.
What I'm really saying is there's probably a reason he's always jumping into a cold lake.

I honestly think I read this before, but the epilogue was new so I'm happy.
Always a pleasure,

- DoP -
BashiYami chapter 13 . 9/18/2014
I just realized Eye for an Eye must have been taken down at some point.
*pointsaccusingly* YOU, YOU- YOU HEARTLESS PERSON! (Couldn't think of a better jest...)

- DoP -
BashiYami chapter 12 . 9/18/2014
Oh. OOOOHHHHH. Cot! Cot as in hut. Cot as in 'not mattress'. Or the fish. I didn't really get why she couldn't just get another mattress.
...maybe I DO need some V8...

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BashiYami chapter 11 . 9/18/2014
I think you might be a genius. Or an idiot. I can't decide.
... an idiotic genius?

- DoP -
BashiYami chapter 10 . 9/18/2014
...if that's Dasher, then who's Daisy...?

- DoP -
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