Reviews for The Eulogy
lilmeier chapter 1 . 4/29/2011
Really good.
Jess-siriusly chapter 1 . 12/22/2010
aww )': you did a great job portraying the heartbreak and love shared between fred and george..
Fulgance chapter 1 . 7/3/2009
I was holding back tears the entire time...and I downright broke down when I read the line 'Now wake up'. I loved Fred and George...George alone is no fun. Well, Fred alone wouldn't have been any fun, either, but...Truth be told, I hate JK Rowling for killing off all my favorite characters - Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Dobby, Fred...Who's left? I'm not particularly attached to any of the characters who survived, except George. And even he's not that attractive without his 'other half'.

This was beautifully written, and your profile tells the truth - you ARE great at description. Especially the first few paragraphs (I love the day Fred would have liked), seeing as the rest is mainly dialogue - well, monologue, actually.
dmort2071 chapter 1 . 7/12/2008
omg tahts just depresing, ok? like, it was good and evverythig,but damn girl, that was sad!
MatoakaWilde chapter 1 . 4/20/2008
man that is so sad...all the deaths were sad...well not Voldemort's or Peter's (at least not for me). Nice job. I like how you made George stumble, very realistic.
Hikari Daeron chapter 1 . 3/21/2008
*wails* THAT'S SO SAD!

Fred was my favourite character in the book, and I was sobbing for a long time when I read that scene. I knew it was going to happen, but... well, it was terrible.

Actually, I think this vocalizes the grief that George must have felt quite well. Especially that Fred was his other half - perfect. Yes, I like it a lot. It's short but really gets it across nicely.

*beams* I think I might write my own interpretation of this mourning, too. Very well done.

Amorina Deanna chapter 1 . 11/11/2007
i am glad you were able to channel your sorrow for his death into something that wasnt destructive or moping(like i did:})


J.C. Bailey chapter 1 . 10/17/2007
That was a really good oneshot. I was crying by the end of it. Good job.
parchmentprincess chapter 1 . 8/30/2007
This is sad...very well written, though. I love it!
Dragonsphyre chapter 1 . 8/17/2007
I really shouldn't review right now. I can't see straight through the tears. Beautifully done! It has been a long time I've cried because of a story.
Beeeezus chapter 1 . 8/8/2007
that was amazing. i've been thinking of doing my own rendition, and i've beenn working on it, but yours was awesome! i loved fred and george and fred will always be in my heart. i especially liked the "jokes over" part, because that, i think, is kind of how George really feels.
Ehlonna chapter 1 . 8/8/2007
That most definatly broke my heart...
CL Silver chapter 1 . 8/7/2007
I loved it... I cant stop crying...:[
Yuffie's Ninja Insanity chapter 1 . 8/7/2007
Ugh Im so upset J.K killed off Fred. Of all the people...geesh it couldntof been Dean or Seamus... had to be Fred -tear-

This was beautiful. I loved it and it's exactly as I would think of him saying if there was a funeral for Fred. It almost made me cry ...then I remembered. -Its just a book...(-cough orisit? cough-) So sad.

Thanks for the good read!
PyroChilde chapter 1 . 8/7/2007
Ok, you've gone and made me cry now. I suppose that means that this was really good. I made me really sad, I still can't believe Fred died! Still, kudos for a job well done. Now, I've got to go find a tissue. Byes!
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