Reviews for A Hero's Awakening
Guest chapter 17 . 9/14
Why is every able to hurt gohan in chapter 7 to i mean i know it a fanfiction but you cannot hurt gohan unless you are at the same power level i would agree that some like guy would if but even vegeta first appeared could destroy a world
NaruAi2018 chapter 1 . 4/15/2019
Only plain bullshit this is. Nothing else. Shithead did you hit ur head some time in the past? There are some things that can't be and one of them is Z fighters level and Naruto characters level.
If I were to be too lenient, I'll match Naruto at full power with Rikudou Chakra and Goku SSJ3 and that's only in Z-verse, not Super-Timeline
YourFather chapter 6 . 2/3/2019
piece of shit, can sasuke blow up earth, no he can't, but gohan can, you are overpowering ninja too much, i am out motherfucker
party-pooper chapter 4 . 2/3/2019
really nigga, you are just overpowering those puny ninja, either you love naruto so much as to cum with it. or you are simply another chinese freak
Time Emperor chapter 11 . 11/4/2018
The Saiyans can turn Super without releasing much destructive energy, especially those who have mastered the form like Gohan and his useless father. Check your facts.
Xxxsal chapter 17 . 7/30/2018
loved this. wish there was more
I'mAAnimeMaster chapter 17 . 7/10/2018
Good read
Lightning Ash chapter 1 . 12/27/2017
Ah, I remember this story. Good writing style. I can say that much about it, but beyond that? It's one of the most disrespectful fics out there. Don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying that just because you're not having the Z-cast solo the Narutoverse that it's disrespectful (in your words of generalization. Yes, I've seen your narrow-minded reviews on Wing's fic) I say this because of how far you've nerf'd them.

There is a fine line between an overpowered character, a balanced character and an underpowered character, and the Gohan and the other Z-members in this story are insanely underpowered, bro. Did you seriously expect your readers to buy the fact weak characters like part one Sasuke can hang with Gohan, the same Gohan who's leagues stronger than imperfect Cell, who, need I remind you, was powerful enough to effortlessly eradicate multiple islands on his search for Android 18? That's Bijuu-level, and yet, we're expected to believe some rookie kid barely kid-Goku level can match him?

"I smh." You were always bound to run into problems. Nerfing a franchise is fine but don't go the other way and underpower them, otherwise you kill any interest a reader may have had in your fic. If you want to equalize things fairly, then only the very best of the best should be able to hang with Gohan. I'm talking about your Akatsukis, your sannins, your Kages, etc, etc. And they shouldn't just be able to flat out overpower Gohan either. Keep in mind, Naruto isn't as one-dimensional as DBZ in its fighting system.

Not every character fights with pure hand-to-hand martial arts and tries to straight up brute force their opponents. That's why Taijutsu specialists like Gai and Lee are considered rare. Characters like Orochimaru would use his myriad of ninjutsu to press Gohan and would use tactics to outsmart Gohan while other characters like Raikage might blitz him. That's how you could create an interesting dynamic instead of just turning the Naruto cast into DBZ-clones, which would not only make no sense, but would ruin the essence of a crossover.

Also, Dragonball Z and Naruto CANNOT be in the same world. I have no idea where you got that asinine idea from. The worlds are just not compatible, at all.
Guest chapter 17 . 9/15/2017
It would be amazing to see him training again and reach super sayin 3 u know... Everyone will be scared no demon in naruto world would ever have seen. Plz lol
KeinNiemand chapter 2 . 9/10/2017
Any dragonball Z figter (exept mr. Satan) is stronger then anyone no one in naruto spuld stand a chanche against gohan
Guest chapter 1 . 12/31/2016
I don't mean to sound rude but I believe that ki or chi is the spiritual energy and stamina or something of that sort is the physical. Little constructive criticism!
ssjash chapter 6 . 6/18/2016
You are killing the story by nerfing dbz characters. Gohan wouldn't even need 1% of his base power to beat Sasuke and here you are making him go ssj.
assasin1029 chapter 10 . 10/2/2015
Woah Hinata is OOC to the extremes.
TheVicMeister chapter 17 . 7/1/2015
Wow this is utterly amazing! Can you please continue this like right now? It's been four years and chapter 18 isn't out? This is great! Don't tell me you gave up on it!
Mr. Guest Man chapter 8 . 1/24/2015
if chakra was capable of having similar effects as ki then wouldnt Madara have done something like that to kill all of the Kage at once.
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