Reviews for Kokiri Ukyo
Maegash1r4 chapter 41 . 5/1/2017
Just started following this amazing and hopefully not abandoned story. I hope you guys don't plan on leaving the adventurers in a corpse pit for another couple of years :-)
Falling Reach chapter 30 . 5/24/2012
God I feel sorry for Link he is almost all knowing when it comes to combat, but he's a complete moron when it comes to the affairs of the heart.
nich chapter 41 . 3/11/2012
i love this story when does the next chapter come out
Hyp3rB14d3 chapter 41 . 12/3/2011
Wow. I'm surprised the fic went on that long without being finished. It got so close to the end of the game, then just stopped. Overall, I was impressed by this fic. It's a bit sad that it just died like that.

Initially, Link seemed to have been demoted to the tag-along kid while the Ranma characters stole the show. Every powerup, tool, and weapon he collected after leaving the village went to someone else or didn't show up at all, and he was just kind of there. Then Link pulled out the Master Sword and suddenly he was the Hero of Time again.

There's a few points throughout the fic where you refer to Link as Ranma (which were confusing, since Ranma is also in the fic). There were a few similar mistakes, but in the later chapters you started catching them and correcting them a few sentences later, which added the impression that the characters were thinking the narrative and occasionally making Spoonerisms and Freudian slips.

The Ranma characters were fairly well integrated into the story, and the presence of Jusenkyo in the Legend of Zelda universe made things interesting, (I was looking forward to Tingle meeting fairy Mousse, although the fic died before that happened). The Link harem subplot never got resolved, being put on the backburner until Gannondorf had been dealt with (which he wasn't, since the fic died). Dark Link, Onox, and Veran were interesting reimaginings (I found the irony of Kuno being deceived by a foul sorcerer's dark magics particularly amusing), and I looked forward to the resolutions of each of their stories.

All in all, I really enjoyed reading your fic, and I wish that you would continue it, although it's been dead long enough that I don't really have much hope for that. Nevertheless, I'm adding it to the stories that I'm following, just in case you do decide to one day pick this story back up.
Sora with an S chapter 41 . 11/25/2010
This is quite easily the best fusion story I've ever read. It makes me want to play Ocarina of Time again!

Please continue this brilliant story.
Sir Thames chapter 40 . 5/16/2009
Good work here, mate. Carry on.
Azure Neko chapter 40 . 5/10/2009
Hmph. That kind of arrogance is going to get you killed, Onox.

So, how long is it going to take to get to the temple, any way? And why didn't they just warp?
Azure Neko chapter 39 . 5/9/2009
Wak! It's not finished. Hurry and finish it, pretty please? This is the best retelling of Ocarina of Time I've ever read. Seeing the Ranma characters in these circumstances is fantastic. I was surprised when you changed the Fire sage to Ryoga. I love Akane as a Sheikah. I think you need to make more of Zelda's curse. Maybe a scene where she flies in a storm and falls, or something. Something that captures being a hawk. I'll be watching for the next chapter.
Sir Thames chapter 39 . 2/20/2009
Good show, mate. Spot on.
Silver-Thirteen chapter 39 . 2/14/2009
A good story so far, I just hope you keep at it.
Dumbledork chapter 39 . 2/9/2009
darthritter86 chapter 39 . 2/7/2009
Behold! A chapter of character depth and exploration! Is it not great that the original creator, Shritistrang, wrote the beginning chapters of this most glory filled story. And is it not great that Shritistrang's constitute continued the work and has thus made the latest and most interest chapter!

Yeah, it was pretty good...though the characters seem to be bleeding together... ...

I think reactions that being used don't entirely correspond with every character. It was even described in the writing itself, "Even though Saria was a nice and gentle girl, she couldn't help but grin smugly..." It wasn't that bad, but it's something to look at.

All in all, it's a great chapter! Short, but great! Keep writing.
Sir Thames chapter 38 . 1/6/2009
Good show.
darthritter86 chapter 38 . 12/27/2008
Great chapter! I really like how Alex is taking the story!

Though, Alex, I think you need to work on the dialog a little. It was nature, but it didn't have a flow...something makes every word sound right for the situation. I know, I's like pulling teeth, but you don't seem to even try at it.

Two fighters of destiny meet each other in the ring of death, prepared to battle to the bitter end. One the warriors calls to the other:

"I'll fight you! Yeah...YOU! We'll time...probably now... ...YEAH!"

It's nature because that is how I talk, yeah, but it doesn't communicate the feeling of the moment. You must immerse the reader in the scene. I try to do it but I'm still crappy at it!

Well, try your best. No one's expecting the world from you. We might be expecting a better time table, though, GOD! I started a new fic and wrote six chapters of equal length of this one, all in the time it took to post this latest (and mean LATE!) chapter.

I'm just mad because I like this story and I want to see more. So keep writing! Thanks
Sir Thames chapter 37 . 12/3/2008
Well done. Spot on.
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