Reviews for When He Danced With Me
Divanora chapter 1 . 4/20/2009
I have really enjoyed all three of these stories; I have to admit that Cinderella was always one of my favorite fairy tales and I like the spin you put on it. (It was also cute that you put the "classic" Cinderella as the opera!) Plus the fact that you do your best to remain historically accurate ;) I don't suppose you'll ever continue on? You've left it nice and open for a sequal!
TheScryer chapter 13 . 3/18/2009
There is going to be more right?
shikigami-kun chapter 13 . 1/21/2008
Well, I finally caught up and Wow! All I can say is you better be working on the next story. I want to know what will happen next. Like is Mr. Smith truly gone? If Youji will recover completely? What this major secret about Ken will do to them? I mean, can Ran really keep it secret for long? Even if he tries, Ken might suspect something and get the wrong Idea. We don't want that to happen but he's still so unsure of his new status and surroundings he might not understand the full implications of it all.

Anyway, awesome job! Hope to see more soon. And just a quick fyi, my comp had a virus and I had to wipe the system and start over. It took a while and I only just got back on. I will see what I can do to update some things soon. Thanks again for sharing!

~shiki-kun :D
Painted Ys chapter 13 . 12/20/2007
Definitely a good story you've got going here. I love the intricate plot and the steady rhythm. Everything doesn't happen at once, and that's very nice. Will we be seeing more of Kase? I sort of enjoyed it when he drugged Ken in one of your previous stories, and I like the thought of a protective Ran stating his position as Ken's one and only lover... Yes, I'm a hopeless romantic with stars in her eyes. Anyway, keep it coming! I'm patiently waiting for an update!
Muchacha chapter 13 . 11/25/2007
No! It's the worst news, Ken as king? He hates the court, and he would'nt be with Ran. Ay, hope Crawford grows up. Crawford is a mystery...
elfgoddess00 chapter 13 . 11/19/2007
Wai wai!

Amazing! Exciting! I can't WAIT for more. As always, you're on top of it! Damn, I need to write more again...someday...*wanders off sniffling...*
Seph Lorraine chapter 13 . 11/17/2007
DO NOT END. Damn, it did anyway. u_u; No one ever listens to me.

A, what an ending! Ken and King are not to me mentioned in relation to their existence as one and the same being. Ken would be a very bad king. I love Ken, right. Adore him. Lament that he is a ficticious being, yet it is rather uneasy (shall we say "impossible"?) to picture Ken as a king. No.

I think Ran would agree. Ken is too Ken. Too country boy, bless him. I am shocked! me 8O (And it is late, so I apologise for the deterioration in my vocabulary and what have you.)

How could you end it there? Such a big note to end on! You do intend to continue with the next piece soon, right?

I was very glad Ken and Youji got out, though a bit sad about Youji's eyes there. He -will- be alright? Little Asuka running in to hug him was the sweetest thing ever. I am a sucker for good daddies with their daughters, and your Yotan is just perfect.

Sad that Ken didn't get his night of passion, though. 8O But I was much amused to hear Aya's conversation with Youji about the matter. Scandalous! I adore her. She is the modern woman in an older time.

And I am again sad to see another of your fics slip away from me into the realm of completion. You are a force to be reckoned with; writing such wonderfully detailed stories with creative and inventive plots, vivid and lively characters, and finishing every one of them! I really do admire you (whether you say you leave out scenes or not, I really, really do!). So kudos to you!

I will definitely be looking for your next piece, eh. In the meantime, I am off to reread the first and second parts of this fic, despite the work that awaits me.
hasleftthesite chapter 13 . 11/14/2007
Well, honestly I don’t know what to say. I’m for once speechless. The ending was just … well … *Gillie faints* Oh My God! Talk about a surprise! Jeez, I would never have guest that the King was so interested in Ken due to him being in line for the throne. Well, I mean I knew Ken was in line for the throne but I thought there were still lots and lots of people before him on the list. Jesus! Way to whack us upside down and to insert even more drama in the Ran/Ken pairing. What will happen next? Will Ran distance himself of Ken? Will the terrible secret Ran holds eat the redhead up from the inside? When will Ran finally snap and confess to, and here I’m guessing it will be Yohji who in the end will be the first one Ran will confide in. And what will Ken do when he learns the truth? Well, I know or have already a good idea about what Ken would do. Just as his mother gave up her title to be able to marry Ken will give up without a second thought his chance to become King if it means he has to give up Ran. But getting way off track here cause this is all for later chapters in other stories. At least I hope we’ll get more from you in time.

As predicted the boys’ homecoming created quite a storm but who can blame them? It’s not everyday a half-conscious brunet, burned and blind blond, an unknown girl and a certain girl who should have been home in bed due to a headache stumble inside. I’m sure it made a quick end to the previous enjoyable evening events. On the other hand I can’t help but feel that the family is already a bit used to things like this. Yohji and Ran created already mischief in Town in their younger days and I’m certain they didn’t escape always scratch free.

Loved Ken’s stubborn reaction towards the doctor about not wanting to be bled. It made me think of him like this small child, sitting there in the bed with his arms crossed over each other and pouting. I’m sure it made a quite adorable look for Ran to take in although I’m quite certain that at that time he was more concerned about Ken’s health than he was busy soaking in Ken’s adorable face and attitude.

So I guess Ken linked the fact that he got bled when he was young more to the fall he had back then instead of the fever that was a result of the fall and knowing how he suffered back then and the results of the bleeding I can’t blame Ken for wanting to set his foot down on this subject.

I’m sure Ken was also very glad that they didn’t have to call the doctor back for any of the suggested treatments. *Gillie shivers thinking about the glass rods*

Ahaha, even wounded Ken can’t help but think of how the evening could have turned out quite differently. But you do know what they say; sex is the best remedy for a headache although I highly doubt they are talking here about headaches due to a concussion.

And yes, I would also prefer being the one who actually falls than to be the one who has to stand by and watch helplessly how a loved one plummets down. I hate being unable to do something, being powerless. And if we didn’t know what we know now and can assume that it will have a great impact on Ken and Ran’s relationship than I’m sure Ran would have kept Ken locked up for the rest of his life so nothing could ever happen again to his lover. Well, I would have wished him good luck with that cause Ken isn’t someone who would go for that. Just being confined once again to the bedroom and having to take plenty of rest is already enough to make the young Duke once again edgy. Ken is just way too much an active type.

As for the night of passion Ran promised Ken, well I doubt it’s going to come anytime soon.

Loved how in a way Asuka saved Yohji’s (and of course also Ken’s) life. When you love someone you want to do anything to keep that person save and out of harm and Asuka did love Yohji with all of her heart. She may not be anymore around but she still keeps watch over Yohji.

Ah the heightened hearing when you can’t see. *Gillie snickers* It can be indeed damn irritating, LOL. But eventually you do learn not to focus that hard anymore on every little single sound and then everything doesn’t seem that loud anymore. You know, after I regained my eyesight I kept my heightened hearing. My hearing has gone up two notches from that of a normal seeing person and I am now able to pick out a single sound even if it isn’t at all that loud when there is a huge ruckus around me. It’s quite handy actually.

I’m sure that when Yohji has recovered and he won’t have that many burn scares he’ll be very grateful for all those ointments and water the doctor forced upon him.

And oh my God, the Fujimiya estate was in an uproar concerning Aya. Jeez, I can already imagine one of the servants coming to the Kudous, shaking like a leaf, to inform Elinore about the disappearance of her daughter and the awful suspicion they have. Poor servants. I hope next time Aya takes the servants in consideration, LOL.

What a domestic scene, Aya spoon feeding Yohji while they discussed all kinds of stuff. And I hate to say this but ever since this story I’ve been starting to lean towards a Yohji/Aya pairing. They know each other so well and the things they didn’t already know about each other just makes them appreciate the other even more. I think they would be great for each other.

Ahaha, Ken and Ran’s story really starts to make the rounds. I’m sure that once Yohji sees his cousins again, or at least talks to them, he won’t be able to hold himself back from teasing them. God, that Aya. *shakes her head in laughter* I could already see Yohji’s mouth hanging on his feet from surprise when Aya told him about having witnessed his cousins’ violent display of affection. And he must have been delighted when Aya shared it all with him. Oh the possibilities for blackmail and teasing, LOL. And yes, I can’t wait either for the next thing she’ll be up to. Aya is just such an inspiration!

And I was sure Yohji was in a foul mood when Ran visited him due to 1) his loss of eyesight. And 2) he felt guilty about what had happened to Ken. I already guessed that he would go down the way of “It’s only fair I can’t see the portrait of Asuka anymore cause I risked Ken’s life for it.” Luckily Aya was there to set him straight.

Well I was surprised to learn that Yohji didn’t have a single portrait of Asuka. I was convinced that he at least would have one, even if it was just a small one. Now, it makes his desire to have the portrait even more understandable. You know, I really feel sorry for Yohji in your story. When we first got to know him, he looked like this carefree, easy going guy and little by little we learned that there was a whole lot more to Yohji than meets the eye yet it was all kept to a bare minimum until this third story where it just kinda hits you right in the face and makes you appreciate Yohji just even more in your story.

The scene with little Asuka was adorable. I just love her and the relationship between her and Yohji. I always treasure these little scenes you work into your story.

Stupid King for denying Ran and Ken to wake up together after all the horrible events of the last days. *Gillie scowls* I’m sure both Ran and Ken were disappointed. Jeez, honestly, couldn’t he have waited a bit longer before bombarding Ran with his news. I’m sure a few days wouldn’t have mattered at all.

Had to laugh with Ken’s reaction to first his clothes or better said lack off and then to the fact that he was going to miss his sitting for Ran’s portrait. And I don’t know if I will be correct but why do I have the feeling that we in time will get a temporary break between our favourite couple and that Ken will leave the portrait behind with Ran so the redhead can sulk and feel bad while looking at Ken’s portrait, making him finally go after Ken and come clean (probably with a little spurring on from some interfering friends).

And the mystery involving Yuriko has been solved. So it was the classical story of parents being in debt and the daughters thus getting sold off. And ha, it seems even in your story Kase is a real bastard, as if we didn’t know this yet from the first story, LOL. Yet, I’m not surprised Kase somehow is also known and involved in that part of society. It’s just a role that fits him.

But I am still confused as to what it was that Ran and Ken wouldn’t have wanted published in the newspaper. They didn’t know Ken didn’t bed Yuriko so Ken could be straight. They just had Reginald’s ranting about his gay brother and his brother’s gay toy. They didn’t have real prove. Nothing that would hold up in Court in any case.

And I hope Aya and Yuriko become good friends and that Yuriko becomes even Aya’s personal companion. In any case if Yuriko can indeed write and read she’ll be already a whole lot better off.

And so we come to two major plots that lend themselves easily to at least one more story (hint, hint, hint). You’re right to leave them open as they are cause they are too big to just handle off in a few chapters.

The Clan of the Red Dragon sounds very intriguing and as we have learned already it is also very old but most of the time that is the case with these powerful secret society groups. It’s going to become a very powerful adversary, I’m sure of it. And the little bit Mr. Neu (love the name by the way, the link with Asuka anime wise is brilliant) has shown to us for now was just the tip of the iceberg. Their power seems to stretch very far and very deep and I’m afraid that even Ran doesn’t know yet how deep it just goes. Yep, Mr. Neu will be back, mark my words. Hedley not, LOL.

Speaking of the deep bounds the clan has, I may be here way off the mark but I’m afraid our dear Bradly is also involved in the Clan of the Red Dragon. He involves himself in activities Mr. Neu’s brothel was known for and he could have let someone in the exclusive apartment Yohji and Asuka habituated. If this is true, then it would be best he wouldn’t get the throne.

I don’t think Yohji will find much comfort in the knowledge Asuka didn’t commit suicide but was killed. Cause if she was killed then it was because of her involvement with Yohji and thus Yohji will still feel guilty and blame himself.

But do we want Ken as King? Hell no! As good and a warm hearted King Ken would be, I just can’t picture him as one. Nor can I see him wanting to be one and also enjoying to be one. Ken is far too free-spirited for this. He needs the outdoors and have we forgotten he hates Town? Ken would rather shoot himself in the foot than having to go and live in Town and to subject himself day in day out to the mind games they play in Town and at the Palace.

And I understand perfectly Ran’s reaction to the news. If Ken becomes King he can’t stay with Ran. He’ll have to marry and provide heirs. This really is the one thing no one counted upon that can mess up quite a bit. And poor Ran for having to carry this with him for the moment all on his own. A man would become desperate for far less bad news. And what is he going to do now? He’s at quite a loss I would think.

Haha, you know when I learned that a woman was held captive in the brothel I also thought about our sweet Sakura-chan but then I was breaking my head over what kind off connection she possible could have to Ken and Ran and finding none I dismissed her. Although for a brief moment I thought: “Well, maybe she switched places with Aya at times so that the sweet fragile girl was Sakura and the tomboy our dear Aya.” Just imagine Ran’s look if it had been, LOL.

My own temporary blindness? Well, it happened during a school field trip to a museum. There was something off there with the air conditioning system and while the rest got violently ill, nausea and vomiting and headaches, I suffered none of that but suddenly was blind. They never did figure out how it happened and believe me it isn’t very reassuring to hear “Well, we don’t know why you have this reaction but we are quite confident you’ll get your eyesight back in time.” As if you believe them when they don’t even know why it happened. *Gillie scowls* If they don’t know how or why it happened, how can they then be sure it will come back? But luckily they were right although afterwards I wasn’t allowed for a long time to go somewhere unsupervised out of fear it would return.

But your friend is right, it’s nothing like closing your eyes just for a while. It’s actually quite frightening cause there you are, not being able to see anything and if you then have no one saying anything you start to wonder whether you are really awake and have your eyes open or if you have fainted or something like that. You start to wonder if you’re still there. And that was also the most frightening thing in the museum. I lost my eyesight but I still could hear people talking so I knew I was still conscious and awake and standing but when I then said out loud and in a very calm voice that I couldn’t see anymore, everybody dropped dead silent and I just didn’t know anymore where I had it. I panicked.

*Gillie blushes as she reads how she harassed HeatherR into writing again* Jeez, now I feel bad and evil, LOL. These last weeks I have gotten notes from various writers saying also things like this concerning their story. Maybe I should change careers and become a writer’s agent who harasses her writers into writing and stalks them if they are uncooperative, LOL. Nah, I just do it for a large part for myself cause if people write, I have great and wonderful stories to read. Yes, I am selfish, LOL.

If you once again need someone to give you a kick in the butt, just call!

Thanks for another wonderful, enchanting story of one of your two series. It was great. It was fantastic. It was heavenly. *Gillie bows politely*

Hope to see more writing from you in the near future.

Kisses and hugs

RosefaerietaleRed chapter 13 . 11/13/2007
I can't wait to see Ken's reaction at the King's intentions. Great chapter!
noir raven dravenwood chapter 13 . 11/12/2007
what the hell kind of ending is that? talk about major cliff hanger. Not only is Yohji half blind but the King wants Ken to rule. You truly are and evil person. I love it. This was great and you better be planning on writing another one or i'll cry. Hay have you ever realized that most of youe stories are exactally 13 chapters. i don't know if you do that on purpose but I've just noticed that.
SoLeo chapter 13 . 11/12/2007
That's the end? NO way! You've left it off in such a way, you have to have started writing a sequel. some plot points just feel left open.

Oh, and I can image all sorts of havoc Ken would cause if he was king. He'd have to marry a woman just to have kids I don't think he'd be able to do that. Maybe he'll allow gay marriages. He's a forward thinker, our Ken. but certainly Prince Brad would want the position?... hm, maybe not.

I do have to say though, that I've enjoyed your stories so much. When I see there's a new chapter or story my whole day is just better. You're a brilliant writer, thank you for sharing your stories with us. _
noir raven dravenwood chapter 12 . 11/6/2007
I thought it was Yuriko as soon as you said it was a girl either that or Yohji's dear dead lover but then I was like but it can't be Yuriko because Ken offered to let her work at his house but then you never mentioned her again so I went back and forth. did you BLIND Yohji? I hope it's only temporary. Another great chapter as ususal. I think Aya and Yuriko would get along well so it's nice to see them together.
hasleftthesite chapter 12 . 11/6/2007
What a drama! Jeez, I was sitting on the edge of my seat!

Previously chapter I thought for a few seconds that the girl held prisoner was Yuriko but I surmised it cause I remembered Ken having send her a letter and also some money, but I can be mistaking about the money, anyway, I know he offered her a place at his estate so I thought that Yuriko was doing fine cause otherwise she would have showed up at Ken's place. Boy, was I wrong! I had totally forgotten about the fact that most likely Yuriko couldn't read and thus wouldn't know what Ken had written her unless she had found someone who could read and read it out loud for her. Ken's intentions may have been good but unfortunately he most probably didn't manage to convey them to Yuriko.

But what does Yuriko know about Ken and Ran otherwise than that Ken didn't want to sleep with her when Kase had sent her to him. Did Kenken confide in her? I know she showed up at a time the relationship between Ran and Ken was rather tumulus and they weren't yet lovers although Kenken already had made it clear he liked Ran more as just a friend so maybe Ken needed someone to talk to and trusting as he is, he could have decided to talk to Yuriko about it all. Sometimes it is easier to talk about personal stuff with strangers after all.

Loved how Aya was debating whether or not she should use the chair instead of the candlestick. I know I was rooting for the candlestick. It would have also been my favourite choice of weapon. Sadly the candlestick missed his debut as it got stuck on the top of the door frame. I know I shouldn’t have but I had to laugh imagining the scene and the expressions on everyone’s faces. I just wanted to yell “Blooper!”. Luckily Yuriko reacted so quickly, kneeing Mr. Scar face in the right place and sending him off balance, allowing the girls to get the hell out of there unscratched. I’m sure Yuriko and Aya will become great friends!

And I’m sure Ken still remembers Yuriko. He is just that type of a guy.

I was surprised to read how many girls were held prisoner there and personally I can’t blame them for wanting to take revenge and setting the whole building on fire. As Ran said: “Let it burn to the ground. It’s the only ending it deserves.” But I’m pretty sure this isn’t going to help him to get into Mr. Smith’s good books. Another enemy has been born!

And ha, Hedley is such a spineless coward. He really can’t get anything accomplished on his own. I’m sure he inwardly spewed fire when Omi remembered who he was and thus an easy get-away became out of the question.

But why does he cling so hard onto Yuriko? It can’t be that this is just because she has info he can use to blackmail Ran, is it? Does he have a thing for Yuriko or what? Did he fall for her, bought her from Mr. Smith and then felt as if Lady Luck smiled upon him cause Yuriko accidentally knew stuff about some of the men he loathed, making him then come up with his blackmailing plan? Or did Mr. Smith whisper in our dear Hedley’s ear? Somehow I can already imagine this. I really wonder whether Hedley has enough brain cells himself to come up with a blackmailing plan.

The scene where all those women entered the kitchen and Ran so politely stepped aside and even opened the door for them had me laughing again. I just had to read it a few times. Definitely my favourite scene of the chapter.

And Aya got discovered by … her brother of course. I’m sure Ran was thinking about where he and his mother had gone wrong in Aya’s education. Poor Ran, LOL. You can make a lady out of a tomboy but you can never ever really beat the tomboy out of her. And in Aya’s case I am glad for that. She at least experiences interesting things like this and learns quite a lot about the ways of the world. I’m sure once her book comes out, it will be a bestseller.

But Hedley, the spineless twerp, got away. Why do I have a feeling he will be back?

In any case it was fun to see how fast Hedley’s determination in keeping Yuriko for himself disappeared when Ran bellowed at the poor man. Really, Hedley had no interest in Aya. He just wanted Yuriko but Aya just wouldn’t let go of Yuriko. Damn those Fujimiya’s, LOL.

And let’s be glad Ran has his priorities in the right order. Spineless idiots can always be run through with your sword on a later date but getting your dear innocent little sister out of a brothel is something that needs immediate attention. I’m sure Aya felt very safe with a bodyguard as her brother leading her outside, LOL.

And yes Omi, you indeed recognized the livery, LOL.

I guess everyone already managed to guess Asuka had worked for Mr. Smith once upon a time. So was he trying to blackmail her cause he discovered a decrease of his income when Asuka quit the profession and chose Yohji? I really got the feeling that Mr. Smith thought and believed Asuka owed him and owed him big.

And here I was first thinking Mr. Smith had also been in love with Asuka but after everything he said to Yohji, I changed my mind. The way he talked about Asuka really gave you the feeling that he only saw Asuka as a possession and not a human being. He only loved Asuka for the money she could bring in. His love for her was the one that disappears like snow before the sun as soon as someone pays the right amount for this person.

But he did manage to say some rather hurtful things to Yohji. Things that hit the mark and sadly also were true. Not because Yohji wanted it so but because society was against Yohji and Asuka’s love. I just hope Yohji will be able to let it all go in the end. Asuka chose him not because she had to but because she loved him and valued that love above everything else. But letting go is of course easier said than done.

I wonder what Smith meant when he said “Did you really think I’d leave her with you?”. There’s more going on here and I want to know what! Why do I have this sickening feeling Smith is more involved in Asuka’s death then I would like?

Wasn’t surprised that Yohji didn’t want to leave Asuka’s portrait behind. It’s one of the only things still left of her in the world and although it will never be able to replace the real Asuka, for now Yohji needs it. He needs something tangible that he can look at and feel and hold (provided he gets his eyesight back that is). I think that through the portrait he can feel a bit as if Asuka is still with him. Okay enough weirdness from me.

Loved how we got to see Yohji’s wire once again in action. Sadly it didn’t bring our boys much luck. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, you have Ken falling of the second floor, luckily in that snow bank, but still having managed to bang his head pretty bad. Ken really has a thing for falling. When he was young from the roof when he was cleaning the chimney and managing to lose his memory as a result and now as he is older he falls again and bangs his head pretty good once again. I know that in the first story Caroline said they weren’t really certain why Ken had lost his memory. Was it because of the fall, his high fever after the fall, the blood letting to save Ken’s life, … but maybe this time a good thing can come out of Ken having banged his head like remembering his mother again. Makes you also wonder what fall Ken was remembering in his pretty much unconscious state when he started screaming in the coach. The fall when he was still a young boy or the one that had just happened?

Oh, and before I forget, way to go with decking that guard Kenken! I loved how Ken managed to take that big idiot by surprise.

And what to say about Yohji? Is he going to be permanently blind? I don’t think so. I think he just managed to hurt his optic nerves for the time being. The flame having been too bright (he looked right into it), making his optic nerves shut down for the time being. Some rest and his eyes should be back fine, maybe also some eye drops. But of course I’m not a doctor so … who knows.

Can understand Yohji wanting someone to say something cause it is pretty creepy when you’ve lost your eyesight and all of a sudden everything around you is quite even though you know there are quite a few people around you. It makes you wonder whether those persons are still there. And I’m speaking out of own experience here. Luckily mine was temporary and I hope Yohji will be just as lucky.

But poor Aya. Now she has really done it. I’m sure an artic wind isn’t anything compared with Ran’s frosty glare. Then again, she has Ran wrapped around her little finger so I’m pretty sure she’ll be able to weasel herself out of it. Well … maybe not when her mother learns about the little outing. Jeez, I’m sure Ran and Yohji’s parents are going to have a near heart attack when the boys show up home.

The ending of the chapter was brilliant. Omi panicking Ken would throw up with nothing in their immediate reach for Ken to use, Aya offering so nicely her hat, Ken once again reminding everyone that yes Ran’s little sister is with them, Ran’s mood darkening back over and Aya feeling the coach atmosphere becoming even more icier thanks to her brother’s attitude. Just great!

And now I wonder of course what will be next. What will be the doctor’s verdict about both patients? What will we learn from Yuriko? And will we see Hedley and Smith back in this story part? And what about the secret society the brothel housed? Will it show back up in another part of the story? In any case Smith got away and I doubt the police will be able to wrap things up nice and cleanly. I’m sure we haven’t heard the last of Smith and his society. And there is still something bugging me with the whole blackmailing affair. I don’t know why, but that first note Ran got keeps bugging me. Guess I just shall have to wait and see.

By the way, I wanted to say this already earlier but I just love how we learn all these things about how things were in that time through this story like for instance their clothes, the fire brigades, … It’s a fun way to learn some history facts. Why don’t they give History at school like this? It would be far easier to remember stuff then.

As for the scenes in which Ran, Omi and Aya kept passing each other without stumbling onto each other, I liked them just how they were and didn’t find them confusing at all. My opinion anyway for the previous chapter stuff.

I can already see you hopping from one foot to the other and waggling your arms, LOL.

Have fun at the convention! May the sinuses fear your rinsing (maybe I should give it also a try)!

Kisses and hugs

RosefaerietaleRed chapter 12 . 11/5/2007
Well, I'm glad they're all ok! That was an exciting chapter!
SoLeo chapter 12 . 11/5/2007
E! That was a fun chapter. All those poor unfortunate women locked up in the basement. What if they'd had a fire (not cause by their escape) and couldn't be reached. They could have all died. such a fire hazard.

And I had wondered what happened to Yuriko, but I thought she belonged to that bas- um Kase. Ken should have given her a bit of money to make her way to his estate silly boy, but he can't think of everything -

Now we just have to make sure Mr Pilkington and Mr whatever his name was are ruined or killed - I'm going to hope for dead, but I'll wait to be excited when you actually tell us.

Expectantly waiting,

SoLeo _
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