Reviews for A Thing for Redheads
Owl chapter 8 . 5/2/2019
The first time I read this story was shortly after it was completed. Now more than a decade later, I still stop back to reread it as well as the other two stories in the series. There's a perfect mixture of action, humor, and serious discussion without losing the joy that superhero stories inspire. Reading this always feels like coming home after being away for awhile and settling back in a favourite chair. Thank you for sharing your writing with the world.
Vi-Violence chapter 8 . 9/18/2015
Nicely done.
flikaroo chapter 8 . 9/7/2015
What a fun tale this was. You really know how to get into the characters heads and it's brilliant. I hope you'll pair up Donnie with someone and Leo with someone in a future fic.
Zelgadis55 chapter 8 . 7/23/2014
Two of my favourite fandoms all rolled into one big, awesome story. Everyone felt right to me, I could even hear the voices of many of the characters in my head as I read their lines. It's too late at night for me to start reading the sequel tonight but I will probably do so in the next couple of days. Thanks for a fun ride!
postcardsandpolaroids02 chapter 8 . 2/5/2014
AAAHHHHH! This was just the best crossover I have ever, ever, EVER read. You have the amazing talent of being able to understand characters thoroughly and are absolutely fantastic at writing. Seriously, you could write a book, I would love to read it. Keep up with the writing.

GinGaBread :D
CactusNoir chapter 2 . 11/25/2013
I like this, I like your first person view and how you describe things.
mr2099 chapter 8 . 4/22/2013
Ok that story was AWESOME! No other way to describe it. How you ended it, you BETTER make a sequel. If Marvel read this you'd have a job!
Mangahero18 chapter 1 . 2/17/2013
Hysterical. I love spidey's sense of humor. He and the TMNT make a great teamup!
Tony Stark chapter 8 . 7/27/2012
Heyyy just wanted to tell you that I loved your story and that it was really well done. I feel as if it were the solid plot and writing of a movie or comic book line. All the tie ins and crossovers were seamless.

Thanks for the amazing read,

Raphie114 chapter 2 . 3/30/2012
Gosh I'm crackin' xD

" You don't give a guy enough time to get ready for a date Juliette "

All right someone needs to remove this smile offa my face before my jaw's stuck like that!
All in the Details chapter 8 . 11/17/2011
Okay... I got to say this - this is one of the BEST crossovers I've read on this site. This is really clever, although I am somehow impressed that you fit it all in eight chapters. Given the level of action, I somehow was expecting it to take longer...

Congrats on such an awesome story!
PhunkyPhazon chapter 8 . 7/31/2011
Hello, I signed up for this website solely so I could write a review on this. You see, I normally avoid fanfiction like the plague. I mean no disrespect to anyone, but generally speaking fanfiction tends to be err...less than stellar, crossovers in particular. But once every blue moon I get the hankering to see a specific crossover and fanfiction tends to be the only place I can look.

After reading earlier on Cracked that the Ninja Turtles creators seriously intended for their origin story to be tied into Daredevil's (Yes, for real. The canister of ooze that mutates the turtles is meant to be the same one that blinds Matt Murdock), I started wondering why I've never seen a Marvel/Ninja Turtles crossover. I came here curious, deciding to read the first chapter but honestly not expecting much. Next thing I know I'm glued to the screen just like I get glued to a good book.

This...this was just plain awesome. You clearly have an understanding for the characters and source material, and I was amazed at how well you tied things together. Personally I never liked the 'spider-totem' thing from the comics, but I was willing to overlook my dislike for that particular Spidey story on account of how good this was. It was well written, funny, true to the characters, intriguing, action-packed, and the dichotomy between characters like Spidey and Mikey or Wolverine and Ralphiel was enjoyable in itself. This is a shining example of a crossover fanfic done right. I seriously can't think of any complaints. 5/5
I Love Kittens too chapter 3 . 3/4/2011
Hi Starry-oblivion: Nice crossover between the TMNT and Marvel. Be careful of the using of certain Spanish words. You put CAJONES to refer to a part of the male anatomy that's wrong. CAJONES, MEANS DRAWERS in Spanish, the word that you wanted to put to referring a part of the male anatomy is actually a slang and bad word in my country is "COJONES" means in other words the testicles.
Duq chapter 2 . 9/8/2010
Why does it matter that Morlun needs bird totems?

I mean, they were prepared to defend themselves when they thought he wanted another animal totem, but when they learned about the bird thing they left. Why?
Strgrl4eva chapter 8 . 5/11/2010
So... amazing. The story, the plot line, the twists... everything's just incredible. XD I want to ask you how you do it. When I write I can usually get the characters pretty well but the funny ones(who just so happen to be my favorites) are really iffy. Majorly iffy. So however you do it. Keep doing it! And share your secrets! And the twists! How do you come up with things like this? How do you come up with all these ideas that make your story just that much interesting?

Honestly I really didn't think it was possible to find someone else who was into Marvel Comics and TMNT... the only thing that could possibly trip me up now is that if you had some secret obsession with Naruto... and maybe possibly were about to write several new fanfics about him :) hmmmm... XD A girl can dream.


Have a nice day!
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