Reviews for Soul Destroyed
Guest chapter 15 . 10/12/2019
Dixie.f.9 chapter 1 . 3/21/2019
Well no one ever called you a caring teacher Severus.
Still you have to wonder about a school where a child’s personality so drastically changes and the people in the school and running the don’t care. It’s a poor school at best. And this school gets top marks for most uncaring staff.
PixelizedGenocide chapter 7 . 2/27/2019
Well written and increasingly alarming, does this have a sad ending?
AerynS chapter 3 . 6/8/2018
Wither- to fade or decline
Writhe- to make continual twisting motions.

I'm sorry but it's driving me crazy to see you misuse these words over and over.
mattdombast chapter 15 . 4/26/2018
Confused only because YOU had albus at his daughter slash kid house than he said he has know family
mattdombast chapter 14 . 4/26/2018
Said part is the money everyone took out should go nack plus interested i love viktor krum i hate that he sided with herimone
mattdombast chapter 12 . 4/26/2018
Sumassive dom needs a lot of work your are truly a gifted story teller
mattdombast chapter 11 . 4/26/2018
A truely old story you've grown so much compared to a lot
mattdombast chapter 5 . 4/26/2018
I think harry should have a lot more power sonce vernon rapes him as well as taking albus powee to when he rapes him
cptbludz13 chapter 17 . 7/9/2017
What happened to Remus? It doesn't mention him at all... and for obvious reasons Sirius is dead seeing as Harry inherited the Black vaults!...
gginsc chapter 9 . 7/4/2017
This was a rape. No matter what stupid explanation was given for it. The girl was drugged and raped.
Ashwini chapter 5 . 5/24/2017
I am totally disgusted with Snape in this story. After leading Voldemort to Harry, after making a potion to help Voldemort rape the teen and steal his magic, after discovering that Harry has been continually raped from the age of seven, he then tells the boy he wants him as his submissive. That is so callous, twisted, debauched and perverted, it makes me physically ill. I can't read any more.
HoneyBear84 chapter 17 . 5/7/2017
loved it
nightpurr1 chapter 12 . 12/13/2016
I normally MORE THEN LIKE your stories. I think this one isn't one of your best (so far) but I think if you ever wanted to take this story and rewrite it I believe you would put it right up to the top like most of yours are. I think what I didn't like about it was it felt rush compare to what I am use to reading from you.
Please don't take what I am about to say wrong! !
I felt the party of submissive was just too down grading for my favorite two. Sev being Dom is fine but in your writings you have always wrote him as a strong man with a mind and intelligence but not someone that uses the one he loves or care about. (Maybe a bit kinky. )
I guess even in the past if Harry had to have sex with a virgin. I could see Sev being honest with Harry and telling him that it has to be done but I could come to see him telling Harry that not only would he have no memory of it but neither would she and that she would be Givin a potion to make sure she would not become pg by him. Sorry about the negative it was just below how good you are. I wonder if I should of check when you wrote it to be fair. Sorry I will check that.
I also want to add that I am glad the true to heart Sev has come through not wanting Harry to be the yes master type..
I am being honest with you I think if you ever want to. Take the plot of this story and rewrote it with the wonderful skill you have developed over time it would be great! I can't honesty tell you how many times I have reread many of your stories.
I know if I want something good to read but just don't have the time to search I can always pull up one of yours and know I will be enjoying myself shortly.
Thanks for your time
Your biggest fan
Stasia Ravenclaw chapter 17 . 10/29/2016
Loved it ~Stasia
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