Reviews for Disillusionment
zzoeys chapter 15 . 4/23
i saw the update notification and screamed! not sure if i already reviewed, but i remember rereading this a couple of times over the years. i absolutely love ur writing style and how u portray everybody. and ur dialogue is god tier, thank u for ur work!
XxGaaraOtakuxX chapter 14 . 7/4/2018
This is amazing! Great work Author! I hope this is not a dead fic. I really enjoyed reading it! Zim and Dib make such a cute couple!
Zela Night chapter 14 . 5/27/2017
There will be accidental flirting.
Please update.
This is really good.
Lugia'sChallenger13 chapter 14 . 3/6/2017
Can't wait for the next chapter! Wonder when Zim will find out the truth about Dib. Also how old are they?
pfft chapter 14 . 12/15/2016
it's cute,
0ToxicRose0 chapter 14 . 9/2/2016
I've actually been reading this fic for years but I havnt actually made my own account till this year and I'm happy that I can now leave reviews on this great fic! I really love it and I'm really glad you've updated!
Octopusfan13 chapter 14 . 8/21/2016
Yay! I was excited to read this, I love this story and your Dib. Looking forward to the next chapter's shenanigans.
0ToxicRose0 chapter 13 . 8/12/2016
I really hope you continue this story I'm in looove with it and it's really good
Guest chapter 13 . 7/14/2016
Anon chapter 10 . 6/1/2016
Dib is evil... I love it!
Ga Hai chapter 3 . 2/3/2016
Ha ha! "Too immersed in her sad little virtual reality world to even buy food!" That's too perfect!

Why more people can't see something that is so obvious, I don't know. They insist on seeing Gaz as some kind of wonder. ROFL at them all.

I don't usually go for ZADR but I'm following just to see if there is going to be more of this!
Kangartist chapter 13 . 12/23/2015
great story
Sweetums128neo chapter 13 . 12/16/2015
IF DIB IS GOING TO DO THE THING THAT I THINK HE WILL, you should probably change the rating.

If not, I'll assume you're thinking something else and i'll just...y' over here with my perverse mind.

It's good to see you alive. o 3o I'm rather happy that this got updated again! Looking forward to seeing how long Zim continues to play nice with Dib. 3
N3onG1rSherlockndZaDrfangirl chapter 12 . 11/22/2015
Your story is amazing xD like I love the plot. How Dib is helping Zim. xD can't wait for the next chapter
Ryu Forte chapter 12 . 7/26/2015
Heeeey, this is an awesome fic! I love how it's played out so far, and I can tell it's starting to pick up speed. I think you've got a great idea going here, and not one I've ever seen before. The whole deal with the brain chip and Membrane assuming his son would be OK with 'sacrificing' himself for science threw me for a loop! I love this concept immensely. And I also appreciate how Dib and Zim's relationship is a gradual evolution and completely believable. I also liked the Mars Attacks! reference you made. Nice job! Thank you so much for deciding to write this fic and share it with us.
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