Reviews for Never Alone
M. S. Arora chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
This is beautiful, just beautiful. It really touched my heart. You were able to portray the emotions perfectly through excellent use of language and meticulous choice of vocabulary. The ending was so carefully written- it really put forth the hope, anticipation and promise. I'm lost for words.

'“He is his mother’s son,” Teague whispered. “He has followed where only she can find him.”' That line was so heartbreaking! You obviously have a natural talent in writing because, though this was written quite a long time ago, there is no way I can believe that it was your first fanfic. Brilliant work.

Do keep writing!

Arraya chapter 1 . 3/11/2008
Ah...this explains what I was wondering...I read the other fic first...I do hope you continue on with this series, please, Lizzie needs to get Barbossa if he was the cause of Jack's death. You write Teague and Elizabeth very in-character, not a flaw at all in these two short fics. Can't wait for more!Arraya
Black-Robespierre chapter 1 . 3/6/2008
Your talent really blows me away every time. But I believe that Ive saif that enough already.

You should write more Lizzy/Jack centered stories...and try at least one Ada/Leon story...I believe that the couple would very much be to your taste.
Zayz chapter 1 . 1/20/2008

That was truly amazing - hard to believe it was only your first fan fic. It was really, really, really lovely; it had a bit of a twist to it, something that was interesting to discover, and the length, while not long, kind of enhanced it, in a way. If you'd tried to make it longer, you would have killed it.

Fantastic stuff. I'm putting this in my favorites (my little List of Honor, if you will) and I do hope you continue to write - this was a damn good story. That's the only way I could think to put it. :P

Thanks for posting this!


Velirae.1245 chapter 1 . 1/15/2008
Aw. That was very sad, yet wonderfully written. Great job! I hope you write more stories.

Why did Jack have to die though? ( I've always thought of him as...invincible. xD
JustAnotherAuthorDurping chapter 1 . 12/24/2007
Wow! O_O Shocking ending- I loved it. I loved the whole story. It was beautiful yet immensley sad too.

Captain Lola Sparrow chapter 1 . 10/11/2007
This was great it actually had me in tears! You should write more...dont let that muse get away!
blackpearl.fantasy chapter 1 . 9/30/2007
*sniff* I feel so sad!

This is a great fic, I loved it!
fallen30 chapter 1 . 9/15/2007
That was really sad but good. I loved it, even though it almost made me cry. I really hope you write more, whether it's a sequel to this or another story all together. But a sequel would be awesome, especially if you bring Jack back!
BrethlessM chapter 1 . 9/14/2007
Oh, hooray for the angst! So sad and so good - I really enjoyed it. Even in such a few words, you captured the characters and the sorrow and made me want to cry! Thanks!
xv-valdez chapter 1 . 8/27/2007
that...was so sad...even though it was short and simple. I LOVED IT
EvilKath chapter 1 . 8/27/2007
Can you not write a sequel to this? Can she not find a way to find him and bring him back? Please, think about it... it left me so brokenhearted I can hardly breathe. I loved your Teague and your Lizzie, you wrote them perfectly. If it really is your first fic then I'm impressed. I loved it, I truly did. Write more soon!
savvysparrowluv chapter 1 . 8/26/2007
Beautiful, brought tears to my eyes! Please keep writing, you're very good!
Florencia7 chapter 1 . 8/26/2007
So sad & heartbreaking... Beautifully written!

I hope you'll write more stories soon:)
hmk88 chapter 1 . 8/25/2007
Oh my god.

I have tears in my eyes. :(

This story was amazing! Loved the ending.

I cant wait to read more from you! You are a gifted author! :)
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