Reviews for Etiquette
Deekie chapter 1 . 7/18/2011
hey :)

loved the fic... it was nice, and sad how it ended :P

MySite chapter 1 . 9/14/2007
Love it!
legolasrocks987 chapter 1 . 8/27/2007
You were right, you are good at writing those kinds of scenes...and you were also correct about the rushing part, but I still enjoyed reading it. It was just the last few paragraphs I thought, the ones where they were caught. Not much of a falling action kind of thing (sorry for that Literary Perspectives term, lol), but the rest of the fic was excellent.

"My fingers lighting massaged him." I don't usually point out grammar mistakes, as there's always one or two in every fic, but this just really bothered me..ahaha.

Finally, I liked how your closure. It was different from the norm, I suppose. Anyway, it's nice to read something new from you, finally. :D And it makes me want to write again..hehe.