Reviews for Tis The Season
tetyana chapter 12 . 7/18
Great story! I loved the build up between Scotty and Lilly. The crime itself was also very interesting to read.
SparklyxJarter chapter 12 . 7/20/2018
Perfect story perfect ending I'm in love One of the best fanfics about L&S
secretshames chapter 12 . 5/26/2014
No question, the best Cold Case fanfic I've ever read. I was absolutely glued to it for hours, and I'm so glad I got to it after it was completed, because I could never have waited even five minutes for another chapter.

I love how you managed to keep everyone completely in character. Both Lilly and Scotty always seemed completely true to the TV versions of themselves, but you still managed to give me everything my heart and soul needed. Well done!

L/S for ever and all eternity!
UnpoisonedApple chapter 7 . 2/26/2013
I've been absorbed in this story since yesterday and I couldn't stop reading it till I finished at 1 o'clock this morning! But ya I waited till after school to review. This story is so touching and my favorite part is definately chapter 7 were Lily finally yanks Scotty in for a kiss in that elevator! Your twist also played out very good because I didn't see the whole Helen cheating thing coming but I knew that is it was possible too so good job with that. I love how Lilly finally said yes at the end of the story :)
Guest chapter 1 . 9/20/2012
This is a GREAT story!
Thank you so much for sharing it!
lullabymoon chapter 12 . 7/7/2012
I've just spent the last day absorbed in this! Completely and utterly loved it!
Kaidi chapter 12 . 9/25/2011
Just finished your story Tis the Season.I don't normally leave reviews - I know very bad manners that - but this story stands apart. It has a sort of complicated plot you'd expect from a Cold Case, good grammar and interesting characters. Did I say that I liked the plot? Superb really. This my favourite of your stories along with Say it with Flowers and Just even more of a compliment is the fact that even the stories I don't like are good ones. That is not really to my liking, but well written nevertheless. Sorry I couldn't give a more specific critique, but sometimes a "Hey I really liked that!" is all there is to give right now. So thanks for some interesting stories.
LissyLou chapter 12 . 4/27/2011
what a alsome story i hope you write more wornderful story
starwoods chapter 12 . 11/20/2010
This is a beautiful story, I really loved reading it :)
and she knew love chapter 12 . 7/16/2010
Perfect ending. I loved your story the entire way through. Looking back, this was the perfect case to prompt Lilly to get together with Scotty because I think she wouldn't have done it without Nicholas's words. Everything about this sroty fit together to make it great. I really hope you continue to write these cases with Scotty and Lilly!
and she knew love chapter 10 . 7/15/2010
Another amazing chapter. I love how Scotty's slowly gathering his courage for the moment - THE moment. The baby bird analogy is brilliant, as is the fortune cookie idea. That one word - it just says it all about the struggle Scotty's going through. Where do you get these amazing ideas?
and she knew love chapter 9 . 7/15/2010
Ah, protective Scotty is something to see. You're such a fabulous writer. You can write in all the fluff you want to make fans squeal but you know exactly how much to balance to make the case still incredibly interesting. And it seems like this case is wrapping itself up pretty soon. Sigh. I wanted it to be Reeve, but he's just too perfect as the suspect. Oh well.
and she knew love chapter 7 . 7/15/2010
YAY! Finally! They kissed! I LOVED this chapter. As usual, I am simply amazed at how well you keep the characters in-character and still be able to write scenes that are so obviously out of their comfort zones. That kiss at the end was so perfect! I always thought it would be Scotty starting things, though, not Lilly, but it was delicious the way she just "grabbed his tie." I really got the imagery of that. :D Oh, and I hope Bill Reeve is the killer, because just like Lilly, I would just LOVE to see what happens when (if) they arrest him.
beastiessister chapter 12 . 5/22/2010
This by the end was the best thing i have ever read seriously i mean, sure the other cold case storys on fan fiction are good but yours, Yours are just AMAZING!In all the other storys on fanfiction they don't realy give a sence of emotion there just long storys with a bit wre scotty and lille kiss sur thats ok but yours is MUCH better its more truthfull and realistic. It even made me CRY and guess what what people at work call me ... The Ice Queen LOL i JUST WANT TO SAY THAT THIS IS THE BEST THING i HAVE READ AND i SERIOUSLY WANT TO KNOW IF YOU HAVE WRITTEN ANYMORE COLD CASE STORIES! cheers you biggest fan


beastiessister /Ice Queen Number 2!
ChristinaAngel chapter 12 . 9/6/2009
I loved Nicholas and the different stories about all the people he helped. The case was good as well, with me not guessing the killer really until the CC people did, with lots of different twists and turns on the way implicating different people at different times. I loved the LS especially when Lilly just gave into the mistletoe and kissed Scotty, and wow what a kiss. The end chapter where we see them finally getting involved in a relationship was really sweet.
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