Reviews for A Mother's Hope
M-is-for-Music chapter 3 . 8/4/2017
I like this story but I really don't like the "after everything I've put you through" part. What exactly is Lorelai supposed to have put Luke through? He was the one who put is life with her on hold and treated her like shit for months. I guess that's just my opinion but it feels wrong for Lorelai to feel guilty here. Otherwise, this is a great story! I like how you tied the dream into it and had Lorelai figure it out like that.
lozza929406 chapter 1 . 12/28/2013
That was an amazing story! Can't wait for the sequel haha
Boris Yeltsin chapter 18 . 9/6/2013
I'm not sure what happened during the earlier parts of the story, but it sounds very interesting. I'll check your profile to see if you'd writene anything else.
ringmybella chapter 5 . 4/23/2013
My goodness this chapter was depressing. Is it bad that I blame Lorelai? Who could say no to her? I hope this story lives up to its title. From your description of rory, I don't know if I want her to wake up...
Hazmatt chapter 26 . 4/10/2013
Amazing story! Very intense and emotional! Incredibly deep and moving! I'm glad that they were all able to overcome the obstacles and triumph! I really enjoyed it!
Guest chapter 25 . 1/5/2013
Why is this chapter blank? I want to read about the wedding!
PrttyinPink89 chapter 26 . 11/21/2012
What happened to chapter 25? It's blank. I didn't get to read about the wedding or anyone's reaction to Rory's legs. Pretty annoyed
PrttyinPink89 chapter 25 . 11/21/2012
This chapter is blank
PrttyinPink89 chapter 22 . 11/21/2012
I find it weird that April is not included in this story at all. Not even a little bit. What, did Luke just stop having contact with her after Rory's accident and getting back together with Lorelai? It's very weird.
Cerriddwen chapter 10 . 5/6/2012
So as this is my first review for your story, I feel the need to tell you some things. First of all, I have a passionate dislike for you for what you did to Rory. I am not ashamed to admit that I have been brought to near-tears several times already. But, regardless, your writing is excellent and, dare I say it, nearly perfect sometimes. You've gotten me hooked on this story even though I don't like half of it, so for that, my compliments. I will probably continue reading till I'm finished, so I seriously hope everything is going to be okay. Anyway, it's a good story so far and I'd say keep up the good work but you've already completed it so I won't have to wait around for updates. Gotta love that :)

doornumberthree chapter 9 . 1/10/2009
While I think that Maria's advice was right (to focus on the present when she gets angry), I wonder about Emily's reaction to Maria. I have always seen Emily as a very proper, rigid, and extremely private woman. I have a hard time imagining that she would let herself talk to Maria so openly, even if she wanted to. Time will tell :-)
doornumberthree chapter 8 . 1/10/2009
Hmm. Interesting. Well, first off, I'm glad Rory woke up. I do agree that love, faith, and hope can do a great deal. But I will also admit that while I think it's important to stay hopeful, science is still #1 for me. Hope that made sense, lol. Nice job.
doornumberthree chapter 7 . 1/10/2009
The love scene between Luke and Lorelai was great- it was comfort, but deeper than that. Nicely done, I'm glad there wasn't too much detail (less is more, in my opinion).
doornumberthree chapter 6 . 1/10/2009
Something from this chapter that hit me- the sound of the respirator being oddly soothing. How sad is that? Personally, I think that it's definitely something that helps you keep hope. Like Emily said- at least you know they're still alive.
doornumberthree chapter 5 . 1/10/2009
Oh man. I knew that was coming but it still doesn't make it any easier to read. I actually had to flip to a different webpage for a minute about halfway through, it was just... ah! I think it's interesting that Lorelai is the one lamenting about Rory's future, and Emily is the one worried about Lorelai. Good characterization of Richard- the formal speech to the doctor was right on.
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