Reviews for The Appropriate Response
Anonymous chapter 1 . 3/9/2019
I appreciate you as a writer. I just don’t understand how Sam can think that with finding out he killed his brother equals peace. Great, so Sam goes on with life feeling no remorse. Dean gets no thanks or appreciation, fantastic.

Again, you wrote wonderfully! Just personally dislike Sam not caring a bit about his actions.
ThysaNoir chapter 1 . 1/23/2016
My God. This is absolutely eerie, creepy, and just... wrong. So wrong. I dont care how it is to save Dean and Sam both, you made Sam kill Dean, for nightmare sake! And bloody gore too. That's just... frightening.

Great job in the horror side author!
goanago chapter 1 . 12/6/2015
it made me cry... it's so sad and... my god, poor sam
Amber Jack chapter 1 . 8/27/2012
interesting, I liked it
Hybrid-Cookie376 chapter 1 . 7/19/2012
Love, love, love thiss. So dark and disturbing and exteremly well written.

I love how you built it up and then reveal the truth

Great job
liesel v chapter 1 . 7/15/2011
OH MY GOD. I've read lots, and I mean LOTS of Supernatural fanfiction, but I've never experienced this kind of heart-freezing, suffocating horror before. When the full realisation hit Sam... god. Brilliant, masterful work!
AliceAddams13 chapter 1 . 3/22/2011 pretty!
Heartless BytchhakaHelenBach1 chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
This is what I'm talking about! More deathfic please! You do it so
RubyJelly chapter 1 . 6/6/2009
I, ah, I think I just wanted to flail after reading your fic. You know? That desperate need to share after having your heart broken and gasping through tears! I almost couldn't/ didn't want to read the flash-back segment; but glad, so glad! But there's that admonition below about "well-rounded critique" ...well, here goes.

Look, dude, I just can't get away from the emotional roller-coaster this is, especially when Sam's culpability becomes apparent. And that's the biggest hurdle to overcome as a reader: the growing fear that the accusation is true. Thank you for using "Ellen" to confirm the fact because it was needed, to counter the "still in denial" aspect! And her voice does indeed sound like that, although I didn't clue to her until she was named. Your characterisations ring true, especially Dean looking out for Sam, to the end and beyond. It is an issue in the story arc which torments me; there appears to be no "out" for Sam from Hell, regardless of what comes. For Dean either! Even death doesn't provide an escape. Your solution is creative and unique. The slant on the question of whether Sam came back, "all Sammy" or not, is interesting; he's not evil so much, as damaged and with less control. Love to see Meg again -love that girl.

Thank you for a wonderful story. Different, and clever, and smacks of a realistic take, in the "these guys are actually criminals in a world view kinda way; how is it they're never caught!"

Great work. Congratulations. R-J
sentarla chapter 1 . 1/15/2009
man, i have not read a fic like this, wow. very intese, poor sam and dean, wow. thanks!
PhoenixDragonDreamer chapter 1 . 4/20/2008


One of THE best DeathFics I have ever read - the story was gritty, raw and Dark - just the way I like it! I was caught between tears, anger, horror and wonder. Thank you, thank you thank you!
Xayian chapter 1 . 4/14/2008
Disturbingly good. Very interesting twist on things and I didn't suspect a thing until just before you revealed how things went down. I'd love to see you write how Sam gets out.

Excellent job.
GotTheShining chapter 1 . 2/11/2008
Wow. That was brutal and heartwrenching. Quite the original twist too. Bravo! And adding Meg in to degrade Dean and Bobby refusing to see Sam...harsh. When you go dark, you take no prisoners! I epecailly liked the happy ending (in a twisted way).
poisonivykiss chapter 1 . 12/29/2007
was bloody ,Insane!Sam,just .
anathemawrites chapter 1 . 12/28/2007

Uhm, I'm going to try and be as concise as I can and not come off as too inarticulate.

That was fecking AMAZING. You took the quote and dragged it through what has to be the best headfuck I've ever seen. Dean having to die as a martyr was an exceelent loophole and using Meg and the Colt to get it was effing brilliant. Insane!Sam was also a bang up job. He had a great, fskedup mind and really brought everything home.

Excellent job, mate.
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