Reviews for I loved you all along
mangamaniacgurl chapter 1 . 8/6/2008
At first, I thought that they wouldn't end up together, but I didn't mind (that's the first tme I've EVER not minded that NejiTen didn't happen) because your style was AMAZING. * gets dazzled * And then the story did become NejiTen! I'm looking forward to any new fanfictions you post!
AccountKiller2424 chapter 1 . 4/26/2008

that was adorable. -sniff-

so cute. amazing job. I can't beleive i just found this. :p

lovely story. _
Shikyo no Amatsu Shinsei chapter 1 . 11/28/2007
THE WORST WEEK OF HER LIFE TURNED INTO THE BEST! :D see, it's yin yang. It MUST b balanced...

Mysteria Pearl chapter 1 . 9/9/2007
really very cute! I love happy endings (wh doesn't!) very sweet!

Wonderful Job,

Xanie chapter 1 . 9/8/2007
Fluff! Fluffity fluff fluff! SO much fluffy sugar! So much cotton candy! My body can't take so much sugar all at once, so here I am, typing away! X3

A little spelliing check, and it's all good, but nevertheless, the plot is awesome!

Ja ne!

-Xanie XD
Haruka Kokoro chapter 1 . 9/8/2007
I love this. In all the Neji x Tenten stories I've read, none seem to have come up with the idea to have Neji make a deal with the clan so that he can have the choice of whom he wants to marry. So great job with that.

In some places, certain sentences and words just don't seem right, so I might do some fine-tuning if I were you.

Still, it's great!
Hikari Minamoto chapter 1 . 9/6/2007
Very cute. I liked the ending quite a lot. Good work. ;)
jadedXelement chapter 1 . 9/6/2007
wow. WOW. you wrote that so well tenten's feelings. i especially liked the ending P great job.
Altec Lansing chapter 1 . 9/5/2007
This is not a flame. It's just a bit of constructive criticism. Because god knows this site needs more Nejiten fics in it.

So, first off - in narration, don't use words like 'wanna' and 'gonna'. Spell them out. Secondly, run spell-check, you've got a bunch of typos and misspellings.

Third, don't abruptly insert some Japanese into the story when "yes" would do much better. In the first place, the whole fic is in English so what's the point? Secondly, the use of "hai" is meant to show respect and obedience and using it to accept a marriage proposal that is supposed to be passionate and abotu the opposite of arranged is weird.
B.Q chapter 1 . 9/5/2007
OH! I liked it! I liked it a lot! Yays for NejiTen!