Reviews for Legend of the Nephilim
cassandrah chapter 20 . 2/18/2018
please...this needs to be animated...please. kami please! all the battles and the story line. my imagination just isn't quenching enough. this needs to be animated I wish it could! omg this story was so much more than I imagined. I took a chance, so many times looking at this story and im glad I read it...literally at work reading this shit! so great!
Guest chapter 20 . 9/16/2016
Generally quite good but Sesshomaru is a bit of an ass for most of the story so unfortunately I didn't get into the story much. Also some parts were weird - at first problem with Kagome, Sessh runs off to consult with his dad? Even when his dad is with Kagome? I don't mind OOC in general but this is so OOC that it just ends up being weird. Remember, he's a grown lord wanting to prove he's not under his dad and been ruling for 100yrs already. Again, once he sees Kagome's letter, first thing he does is run to daddy, shows letter, but only when asked what he’ll do does his pride kick in and say he won’t go after her. It seemed he had no pride in running to his father both times, just strange. Rin’s also weird. She’s a spy who’s been actively trying to separate Kagome from her friends via dreams, and Sessh via lust potions and even sending Sessh dreams, then suddenly Rin feels guilty cuz K’s been so nice to her…yet she didn’t show any hesitation when using dreams/potions against everyone just like a day/two ago and seemed to love Kagura's suggestion of using dreams to turn Sessh against Kagome. I like that Rin turned good but it was just way too sudden in like a day or so that it felt like different personalities.
BlackMagicRose7 chapter 20 . 4/12/2016
I loved this story, I'm glad I got to reread it.
mtnikolle chapter 1 . 6/25/2014
I just finished reading this story over at Dokuga, and I enjoyed it a lot!
lara5170 chapter 13 . 9/23/2013
I really like this story and I've read it before but I realized something that I'm unsure if I noticed before... Sessh has called Kagome "Miko" several times and I don't understand why he would call her a miko in this story,
dancingfingers chapter 1 . 8/23/2013
WOW this feels like you yourself telling a bedtime story! Amazing!
*click next*
1Twylite chapter 20 . 8/10/2013
luv it
lara5170 chapter 20 . 8/7/2013
I liked this story but I can't help wondering what happened with the others
lara5170 chapter 10 . 8/5/2013
I just realized something, how could they have not figured out that Kagome was something more than human when she'd been spending the last 98yrs with Inu on his human night? Which reminds me, didn't it say in 1 of the earliest chapters that Kagome had only been working at the western castle for 10yrs, or was it said (or meant) in reference to Kikyo or 1 of the other servants?
Sandra-gcr chapter 20 . 3/18/2013
i start reading this story long time ago when it hasn't been finished i save it as one of my favorites...
a couple of weeks ago i came up with the fanfiction page after years and years of not being here i start looking at the stories and authors that i save as favorites back then and start planing what story should i began reading.
i was amaze when i realize must of my save favorites stories was completed!
yesterday i start reading this story from chapter 1 with the intention of reading a a couples of chapters by day...i couldn't! i read 6 chapters yesterday and today i continue and i have just finish it!
i don't know if you continue writing and updating i really hope u do.
Thanks a lot for this wonderful story! i really enjoy reading it!
Huntress of Flames 55 chapter 19 . 10/18/2012
Good. stubborn guy
Huntress of Flames 55 chapter 18 . 10/18/2012
Oh god
Huntress of Flames 55 chapter 17 . 10/18/2012
Greater...sad but very good.
Huntress of Flames 55 chapter 16 . 10/18/2012
Huntress of Flames 55 chapter 15 . 10/18/2012
Great part.
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